So when I was younger I thought going grey meant that your hairs sort of faded, and you literally had greyish hairs, rather than a mixture of darker and white hairs. Or maybe some people do have fading hair...hmmm...I need to stare at people's hair more often. I am getting white hairs sneaking in around my temples, and it seems to me that in fifteen years I will have pure white hair just like Mrs. Claus, except mine is straight. A straight-haired Mrs. Claus. I think I can make it work.
Men look good in grey, you've really got no troubles.
It's 2022 so I think Mrs. Claus is allowed to have straight hair if that's what she wants. If Hollywood hasn't made a movie yet about the evil patriarchal repression of curly-haired Mrs. Clauses who've always dreamed of going straight, then they should.
This is encouraging, thanks. Also, my dad always used to say he didn't care what color his hair turned so long as it didn't fall out. It never did so he died happy and I suppose it will be the same for me.
Nine years ago I worked for a sleezy old attorney. Him and his yacht club buddies, oh just thinking of them makes me laugh. They were all single and in their 70s and looking for love...from women at least thirty years younger than them. Most of them had given up on American women and were conversing with women in Russia, Ukraine, and the Philippines. My boss was severely technologically handicapped (among many other more repulsive personality handicaps), and periodically asked me to send an email to one of his foreign lady friend prospects, which always turned out to be a repulsively intriguing experience. Anyway, a bunch of these men dyed their hair. My boss looked particularly humorous with his old man rounded shoulders and beer belly, his wrinkled fat face and his bulky 1980's eyeglasses, and bam - hair the color of a seven-year-old with freckles in Ireland. Then his crony would walk in with hair blacker than I'm sure it ever could have been in his youth, like somehow he had taken a sharpie to it. Hilarious.
Anyway, long story short, your dad's philosophy is wise. Any natural color is fine.
I trust Mrs. Claus will be so progressive in 15 years that she will have divorced the big guy and will be photographed snowboarding somewhere in Colorado.
It seems like most tactics people use to escape old age just end up making them look worse. Dying hair, facelifts, botox, etc are all kind of terrifying. Personally I'm shooting for the grizzled old mountain man look. And I will draw the line at women 25 years younger than me. 30 years younger, that's just creepy.
Grizzled Old Mountain Man sounds good. I think I'm going for Ruffled Old Palmetto Crone.
Nice. Yeah it's important to have goals in life.