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RE: You Do You: Is Modern Dating Cringy or What?

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

I read this post and trust me friend, I've not read anything so agreeable in a long time. There's so much wrong in the dating/relationship system of today, we'd talk for days if we have to get to the crux of it. And we still may not at the end of the day.

Where I come from, you can't even tell a guy how you're doing when he asks because said guy sees it as a plot to "bill him"(ask for money) which is not all their fault since there's a lot of things like this rampant now.

But then again, guys are being taught to be selfish. They are taught that if she's not your sister or your mom, I see no reason why you should spend a dime on her. But you supposedly "love" this person.

There's a lot of manipulation also. Guys that try to guilt trip you and manipulate into doing things and being who you're not cause they are attaching some sorry story of their traumatic childhood. The world is crazed I tell you. It makes no sense at all.