If you were interested in learning the Yi, please check this channel out
Harman is very good with the Yi. He especially specialises in the Zhou dynasty method of divination using the Yi, rather than the post Han-Dynasty Confucian influenced style that saw the bronze age text as a book of wisdom (originally it was compiled by age old Diviners for Royal use, and the original bronze age text is very Machiavellian).
I like the Zhou era form of divination, as it does not rely on man-made languages to consult the oracle nor interpret. Rather, most of our ancient ancestors thought in image-speak, they were very attuned to the signs and omens of the 10,000 things. That's why they were so connected with the spirit realm and higher realms. Nowadays because of language, our minds have closed off from The Source...too in our heads...
Thanks for this as well.
Loving the conversation that has taken place between you and @perceptualflaws, both of you sharing your wisdom on here xxx