I sat eating !popcorn as the latest "breaker" derailed his Hive train while feeling all good about himself. (WAI) what an idiot)
I see he went to "spurt, blurt or squirt?" Whatever it is called, and is still acting like a child throwing a tantrum, name calling and feeling like he is "all that special".
W.A.I. (lol)
It did trouble me that he went right to the race card like so many weak people always do.
All my life I have seen this behavior and have never let myself be. "that guy"
What a different world it would be if there were no skin pigment and we were all identical twins.
I wonder what the weak minded would use to devide us all then..?
Lol, yeah apparently I have my own tag over on blurt where they denigrate me. Whilst they're doing so they're leaving some other fucker alone I guess though. My (pretty fucken amazing life) will go on, unimpeded. 😊
I didn't realise you saw it all actually, but yeah man, that race card always seems like a good idea, but it's not. I was born and bred in Australia, as you know, and as a brownish dude (delectable mocha actually) I was subjected to the race thing. I never pulled out the fucken race card though, that way lies...well, cuntactery.
Anyway, I have a post on trucks coming tomorrow. Dirty prime movers. Maybe you'll see it if you have time.
Have a bonza weekend.
Step it up bro...
I am.
My latest project.
Cement steps. (Fuck'n termites gonna break a tooth on these) lol