Ooh engineering is a good one. There are lots of concepts to dive into there. @jarvie was mentioning about having Hive be a repository of useful information that people would turn to for high quality sources. You could teach us what you learn. I'm thinking of a title like "The first law of thermodynamics, a student's perspective" or something along those lines. Engineering is a really interesting field.
Thanks for the topcomment nomination!
Yeah i would love to see Hive become a place where people share the things they became an expert in... and if you're not a huge expert in a thing... think about using deep ai research to really dive into a subject and think about how to teach us something in a new sophisticated way.
More or less think about making articles that would be loved and adored by entire large communities outside of Hive... where you could post that thing somewhere else online and they'd come running to hive?
Have we posted enough stuff on Hive that the new ai systems of the future are going to care to look at Hive as a valuable source of content to reference??
Thanks man, I think I really need this. I will do my best to try this one.