My mind is SO hyper, I've got loads of interests, hobbies, passions, plans, goals - a pretty lot of a lot of things and being nowhere near of how I dream myself to be,
I think I spend most of my time just daydreaming of possibilities and things to pursue rather than actually pursuing them. I wouldn't say I take steps back ever, I still make steps forward, just at such an incredibly slow pace at times. The problem of having so many interests and hobbies is never knowing which one to really explore sometimes, and the result is exploring none of them at all,
The reply from @vincentnijman also completely sums it up:
I remember listening to a podcast where a guy interviewed creatives, years ago and either the host or the interviewee said not having a routine was his kind of routine.
That's precisely how I feel. The lack of routine is what makes me feel alive. Having things to do and just picking at certain things that feel right for that moment just feels so much better than trying to force myself into them all with little moments in the day; telling myself I'll do 1 hour of this, then an hour of that. My mind just doesn't work that way. I devote my full attention to something on one day, and the next I feel like devoting it elsewhere. I feel this is why I am best when I am doing and constantly moving. My mind can't be so active, and it's already enjoying the things I'm doing. There's no moments of being idle in which I can ask: what should I do now? What should I do tomorrow?
Ultimately I feel best when that time comes and instead I ask: what do I want to do now?