What happens if you don't pay? Can you preempt that and although funds are draining if they are enough to pay then the loans are less concerning and you only have 1 problem left. I don't know the situation obviously but work seems like something you will have to get, it might also help to not only bring in income but provide focus on the projects etc you are involved in by prioritizing for long-term growth.
Obviously still dabble in many many things as for waiting for something to be perfect, nothing will ever get built if we wait for perfection. I find myself never starting anything and use that exact excuse "critical of myself" but I personally don't really care I just don't like to fail publicly. Best way to not fail is to never do I guess.
In my time on Hive I still have "standards" for my main account for the most part but even though I tend to write as I like I know very well what image I have projected, so I have other accounts for other things. Obviously nothing is harder than changing your own expectations of yourself so a little more carefree is good, think of it like, how in the past you maybe felt this exact anxiety you are feeling now, the pressure and how if you now think of that time it can almost seem comical that you had that reaction.
I think for me a big part of interaction and self-expectation is to be aware of how much relevance I give things emotionally and when I look at what may come then it can help to not be pressured and become anxious. With some objective observation, many things can seem rather silly actually. Obviously, you do have real problems and I hope you solve them in a way that provides some balance.
I don't know what happens if I don't pay on time as I initially wanted to pay it the soonest I could. The loans are from a friend and not from a banking institution so maybe I'm not in much of a crazy situation after all.
But anyhow, yes, it is what it is! Gotta keep moving and eventually find that balance I'd love to have. Thank you for stopping by, Pen!
Bat parang nakakarelate ako dito? baka naman pwede pag usapan. If loan yan, pay them the interest lang muna if the main amount isn't feasible.
'Di pa ko nagtatanong kasi shy girl aku unu