Great comment @jin-out - there appear to have been times that we have walked similar paths. I have had lots of experience with the supernatural - and came away from it all with an understanding that is shared by yourself - that some things are best left alone. Likewise, there are methodologies and tricks (sleights of mind) that I have picked up along the way that I would never tell another living soul. I often discern the presence of intrusive entities and have no hesitation in agreeing that the demonic is very real.
The only thing I practice now is aligning my heart, intent, and action with the divine providence of the great spirit. What I can say is that there are nefarious entities and individuals who are awaiting a time of absolute chaos. With that in mind, one gift I do have is the ability to read the essence of a person - from that perspective, I see you have a good heart. I note you are in Birmingham - if by chance the shit does properly hit the fan in the coming years and you need to escape the big smoke, I'm out in the sticks in the southwest. I am no fan of technology (hence often not that communicative lol) so you won't find me on any messenger apps - but if I'm still in the country and you message - I will be checking in and out of here at the right time, providing the electricity is still flowing lol. Catch you later dude.
I find the scene in Tolkien's RETURN OF THE KING, where Aragorn is lookin into the Palantir (the scene is much more intense in the books)...he makes himself known by The Enemy and The Enemy in turn has a connection with him. That's how it is with the supernatural.
I often tell people to stop toying with gems and stones, as spirits love hiding in those. Whenever i go into hippy type shops i get a massive headache, one because of the concentration of unfocused energies radiating off these fcked up Feng shui set ups, and two cuz them spirits in those gems are living it up. In the recent years i have seen freedom fighters that i've personally known market themselves as healers....true healers do not make themselves known especially in a dark time like this....they work silently, helping any and all out of sight, out of mind.
I call these prophets for profit.
I know you do not like any messenger apps, but i would wholesomely recommend you and @trucklife-family look into SimpleX chat. A very secure messenger app that requires no kyc at all. No email, no phone number. If you do decide to make an account, please send me a email via [email protected] with your userlink. I am more inclined in talkin about my plans for extricating the system, which i have been working on for the last few years, over there rather in open public.
But thanks for reaching out. I do miss the South. I have not visited the south in a while. That's where true England is. I am lookin to do some wild camping this year, so may let you know whats happening.
Cause and effect is the thing to align with, and if we can live on goodwill as my friend @valued-customer always reminds me, then where is the cause of fear? If it's our time to go, it's our time to go. If it is true that we not survive this dark tide, so be it. I submit myself to karma, knowing that i can track the progress of my karmatic trajectory with the arts of Bazi and Yijing, yet knowing full well that the path laid out to me must be traversed.
Ain't goin out like a punk never!
Yes, Tolkien knew his shit - in their entirety, the Lord of the Rings series is filled with occultic and Saturnian symbolism and imagery. Also interesting how the concept/word Palantir has found its way into the military-industrial complex and the networks surrounding Trump - as I wrote a few years back.
I couldn't agree more - I apply an analogy with natural medicine - many of which offer some amazing health benefits. Likewise, certain medicines can cause negative interactions when they're taken together - hence if you don't know your shit, you can make yourself ill. In terms of healing etc etc I tend to think that if you need to tell me what you are - then you probably aren't. I will have a look into SimpleX - just as time goes on I'm retreating into a more simple back to basics way of life - and slowly leaving technology behind. But I can certainly get where you're coming from.
I'm often camped out under the stars on Dartmoor - so yeah maybe give us a shout sometime. I'm planning a long distance hike (camping and staying in remote bothies) at some point this year - so looking forward to that.
"A reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall" - Indeed, to a certain degree you have to bend with the storm - but not to such much that you get bent out of shape. Likewise, I am in control and take responsibility for my emotions - and will not allow them to be manipulated by malevolent external influences. Every day is a gift - and I refuse to live one minute in fear - maybe the odd fleeting seconds lol. What will be will be - none of us are perfect, but as you allude to - it's the intent that matters. Catch you later dude.