These days, with undeniable defeat, I’ve been spending an enormous amount of time in the sleep-land than any normal human should and with this not-so ideal style of living comes the utter destruction of any possible productive opportunity. The situation got to the point where the total hours of daylight that this stupid sleepy self of mine could see came down to three. Without any prior warning, I have officially become a full-fledged pro night owl.
With the increased level of sleep, the possibilities of experiencing more dreams/nightmares have also rapidly increased. Now, I really can’t tell if this should be considered a good or bad thing. For starters, dreams in my case usually provide more complex plot writing materials, but on the other hand, sometimes it just becomes the hellish chase down to the boiling larva. So deciding whether I should be grateful for the numerous supplies of such an unpredictable experience is a tricky task to do.
But sometimes, the dream itself decides whether it should fall into the being grateful or utterly disgusting category.
Take today for example, It was right after the whole breakfast thing and I was trying to come up with something to make my lazy ass more productive for the day. Initially the plan was to do some coding, start working on some projects that I’ve been procrastinating for months. But then, the foggy heaviness of sleep and cold weather came to play its trick, before I knew it, the mind slipped back to the dreamland without much resistance.
Unlike the previous nights dream, which involved chasing around with Zombies, this time the dream took me to an unknown house which upon entering turned out to be my own. Inside the familiar settings reside an unknown woman who was a lot older than me. Now, I exactly don’t remember what happened next, but something about that woman behavior triggered the aggressive part of my mind which led to a full five minutes session of me slapping the hell out of her.
Now, slapping an elderly woman is considered taboo in here and personally, I would mostly avoid such encounters, but in the dreamland no such rules existed, so when that shit finally took place, the whole comedic set-up ended up making me laugh out of sleep (which is a rare thing to experience XD). And even after that I couldn’t forget the utterly shocked face of that woman.
As I mentioned previously, the whole Zombie thing in dreams is really getting quite annoying just like the reference around Zombies in the gaming world. I mean I get it, chasing by the mindless, brain eating, human shaped monsters are scary enough but only for a while. The repetition of the same tactics to trigger the stressed part of the brain becomes dull with time. But I gotta give it to my annoying mind, it did manage to create the version of the Zombies more strongly than the real world. Those fucking creatures could easily take part in the world Olympics and win every single time, so getting a chase by them never led to the impossible win.
At some point I was like, fuck it, enough with being human. Time to lead the Zombie life. And the moment I thought that, those fuckers just simply decided to leave me alone, as if chasing around with me was not worth it anymore. They would tear apart other existing humans in that world, but intentionally avoid my very presence.
So, now wherever Zombies appear, if I deliberately approach them and ask to be turned, they would just simply ignore the hell out of me and search for others.
This took rejection to a whole new level.
It’s good but difficult to have lots of sleep periods of life. Makes for challenging schedules! Not sure if you’re not feeling well but a crucial piece of life is to try to establish a good and consistent sleep schedule so that you can adjust your body. Having random sleep hours and inconsistent sleep is actually pretty bad for our health!