i just erased a long ass comment before this LOL. Do not worry much arc, remember we're all in the same boat aka earth, i could say I have been in the same position over and over, and as long as we live these points in our life will always exist, there will always be struggles, hardships and pain.
To me they are teachers of life to create a better self, maybe you're just bored, maybe you're just missing out something that you need to become or maybe im wrong. "rest if you may, but don't quit"
I hope you get over your troubles, And never forget the you're not alone on this, annddd therapist are expensive, go with friends first, they're free and very much open to listen. live, laugh, love that is the best remedy.
Stoic says "Comparison is the thief of all joy"
and if I compare my life to yours, i think your situation is 210% better than mine, so your good! smile! Eat some !PIZZA show some !LUV and pass it around. 😀
PS my comment is still long af smh 🤦🏽

Let's help build each other!
Di mo sure, Mebu. Chariz! Thank you for those thoughtful words~ Doesn't matter if it's a long ass comment or not. I appreciate chu. uwu
Sending some !PIZZA back!