Thanks for keeping up with me dude.
Whut??? Not a bit of it Mister, 'thanks' be the least necessary commodity of all. I tried unconsuming your content but I had a strange sensation akin to 'caffeine withdrawal', it even made me chakra itch, so grudgingly, I crawled back on all 8's (oh crap, forgot to update you, I'm now a cephalopod... long story... weird surgery... satisfying selfies).
I remember a weird 'resonance' reading my first Double D post, then I went through an odd withdrawal when I believed you had left the blockchain for good, kinda like puberty but with teeth! Thankfully, I later realised my compatriots were trying to add your distinctiveness to our British collective (kinda like the borg).
Very happy you made it back, very happy you are pretty much ever-present these days despite 'life-stuff'. When it co0mes to meeting some rare, awesome global peopelz the blockchain frikkin' rocks!
Yup, Christmas stuff be all consuming, I work 23rd to the morning of the 27th this year lol, so rota sucks but my family categorically doesn't, so things been a little hectic earlier this year in order to finish up before going back to work. I am sure we will have an awesome time in-between shifts either way.
Gonna start 2022 getting my health in check, in order to add a few years beyond 50 to my wingspan lifespan and learn some serious writing skills in order to quit the world of work which has become unconducive to my health.
Twas supposed to be a 1 or 2 sentence reply but, ya know!
That was a bloody pompous, British way of sayin' I'm thankful for you dude, you add spice, colour and humour to life... Long may it continue Brother 😃👍
Oh yeah? Toe-to-toe eh?! How many times I gotta tell you your character count don't scare me CHAP!
I knew it! I can spot a cute cuttlefishes from great distances like spotting parents who take so many photos of their kids they've adapted to being on film so well they're comfortable sending genitalia shots by age 12. "Say cheeeeeeesse!" :twinkle:
You humbled me so British-like just now. Honored. I think highly of you too, I'm glad we met and it's my pleasure to put good thoughts in your head about me. Thank you. I'm really glad you think so and everything else you want me to say right here cuz thank you never cuts the check. We're scheduled to be back there April'ish, I got you in my sights.
Do you find yourself daily doing things like questioning why those who share your dna aren't remotely close to being as compassionate, welcoming, hospitable, etcetera as your virtual friends? Neither do I.
I've had a couple people talk to me about that break. What a strange time that was. It felt necessary to remove myself. That was a long break, 7 months. 7 months locked up over there without a vehicle, yata yata, staring at the same walls every day all fucking day. I wasn't my normal self, we were doing weird shit like watching Netflix specials when neither of us (to this day) own TV's. I couldn't go to the gym for 7 months. Not like you don't live there or anything and know first hand what it was like.. The few times I tried to write some words it was dark and angry and argumentative even more than now. Had to remove myself.
That's the explanation in case I haven't told you yet. Plus it gives me the opportunity to say:
Thank you for your patience Steve. 👊🏼
No not patience... Enjoying the slow-burn anticipation 😉👍
Yeah, I often think about that time, it really is just like house-arrest in a foreign land. I can imagine your description of it being mentally difficult maybe not even doing the reality of the situation justice!
Boris's evil henchman and the """scientists""" almost had us in lockdown again but a few oh his own cabinet with traditional views rebelled and put him on notice. Between you and me, *(fairly certain no-one else is listening) I think his days are numbered anyway, there is a slow release of scandals being released... drip...drip...drip... Strange timing indeed.
Wai, say what? A politician involved in a scandal?
Yeah ok whatever dude, wink wink funny guy.
Check me out. Back to back on the same comment.
I accidentally clicked reply on that last one but it was at 325 characters already anyway and the only way I can compete with the chains gangster character count typer is not simply by typing run on sentences but just doing what we do not once but twice—ka'pow!
Did I understand that correctly? You're off right now and scheduled to return right in the middle of Christmas week? What the hell kinda scheduling does that?
You know how weird I am about exercise right? Hey dude if you need any tips or tricks, help suggestions, whatever it is you're working shoot me a line. I love that stuff, I might already figured out a few things to save you time. There's things to consider. Strength training and conditioning is easy to learn. Good for you dude, congratulations. Try not to forget all that other shit needs exercise, too; lungs, heart, kidneys, veins. Bla bla bla all that stuff. I got you. 👍🏿 dandays#6299. Any time.
550 something characters across not one but two replies to the same comment in case you lost track cuz you're StevenMuthaFuckinWood and it's the least I can do that's why.
I believe our cousins across the pond (of which I believe you must be designated one) describe it as cruel and unusual punishment! It is a 24 hour plant, so there is always 1 of 4 shifts present and yup we got the shift pattern from hell this year. There was a sweepstakes kind of deal whereby we each put our name in to a random number generator to "win" days off over the festive period.
Alas, my conscience wouldn't allow me to take part as there are so many people with small kids that I could not see myself gain the time off over Christmas ahead of them.
There are times when I would respond to such a kind offer with a thanks but never actually ask for help, believing it to be a well meaning gesture with no real intent behind it, on this occasion I believe the offer to be so sincere and generously offered that I may well ask for those tips in the new year. At the risk of sounding like a wet, soggy leaf of lettuce, I am so utterly grateful and really quite touched by that, man. 🙂
How many characters can the blockchain actually take, by the way?
There's only one to find out, right? 😏
Yeah of course. I'm serious, so you would have to be too. Get in a routine, a rhythm, things like that with patterns and goals. Then shoot me a line. It's just like any other addiction. I don't need to elaborate on that.
Weeellllll..... Dude that's different. They call those 'rolling 40's' here or 4-10's here depending on the hours. Yeah that sucks you got the shitty days for Christmas this year but I didn't understand the plant.