
Thanks a lot, I appreciate your kind words, some photos were difficult because there were many people so some were a bit blurry... but still I could take some of those nice delights (I like them), I wonder how is that in Hong Kong, I'm curious 😊 happy Friday!

Last yearI made lot of posts introducing about HK, I will go outside take some new pics after my business trip in the U.K. after 3 June, will let you know whenever i update, thanks for your interest in my city

Ok good to know... I follow you and I hope in the future to know more, I'm curious about our world so why not to know more about other places like yours? Maybe someday I can go there... hope so! Thanks to you, you are very kind.🤗 Have a nice trip in June!

That’s the true value of Hive. It’s more than blockchain blog trying to earn token but meet all crypto lovers all over the world

Exactly! 😉👍