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RE: 100% South Australian

in Market Friday3 years ago

WOW! This is my kind of market! Both from a farmer's point of view and a market point of view. What beautiful photos you take @galenkp! Some of those flowers look indigenous to SA. Our area is called the Garden Route - not because of botanical gardens but all the indigenous moutains covered with those pin cushions, proteas and delicate heather. It's a show. But back to your farmers market. Yes to supporting local and those "little folks". Kind of gagging on the alpaca meat - too cute and cuddly for me - but lavender everything? YUM


We have loads of protea's here too, I wrote a post about it not so long ago actually. Australia and South Africa are quite similar in many ways...Different too of course.

Alpaca is an odd thing for me to eat, I'll admit, but it's funny how a person will eat a cow and think nothing of it and baulk at eating some other animal. I figured I'd give it a try and it was good. I'll not make much of a habit of it I guess though.

Thanks for your comment, and here's to lavender everything. 😉

As I was writing the comment I actually thought. Why would we abhor that cute and cuddly alpaca BUT eat lamb and beef? I've raised more than my fair share of both (Lamb and calf) And eaten them (full grown of course) and they are really cute and cuddly to begin. And often later too.

I didn't know proteas grew in Aus would they have been taken over there or is it a different species peculiar to the area? I have Aussie friends who are back there. We always chuckle about the many similarities. Avo. Marmite. Pronounciations

I often find it curious that one culture will look at another and what they eat with distaste when they probably eat stuff that's just as weird.

Proteas grow here, all over the place actually but yes, they have been brought here. I dug up that post I mentioned in my comment above if you're interested. The link is below.

Also...Marmite is heinous...It's all about Vegemite here. It's the best.