Market Friday Part II Bar Harbor

in Market Friday3 years ago (edited)

I was going to move on from Maine this week, and the thought kept running through my head. I never brought you out to lunch, with all of those little fun places that were to be found, not even one did I do. What kind of host am I? Even the beauty of the forest. Here, I give you the forest, along with my favorite little birch tree. Maybe three. Go ahead a look, I promise it is free. I did not give the address nor the fee as it is a complicated because of the passes and all the different entrances. I would have to say that it will be between you and Google.

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We are back at Bar Harbor, it's true. The state of Maine, in the Northeast corner of the United States, hugging the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Could it be any prettier? I think not. Now, I promised you lunch or something like that. There are all different kinds of places, and I thought Route 66 would be a fun little spot.

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.

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This is what granite looks like when it is found in nature. One of the ways, anyway. Sometimes it takes a bit of excavating, however sometimes it can be found just like this. Slabs of it all around in the Acadia National Park, among other sites here in Maine. There are countless structures and monuments in the Washington, DC area and many other places in the United States that used slightly rare pink granite.

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The pink granite is often used as a decorative stone, with its striking good looks. Granite usually comes in different variations of pink, white, grey, and black. It is amazing to hike along, granite at your feet, knowing bridges, monuments, mausoleums and buildings are made from it. And yet, there it is, right under your these feet of yours.

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Right this way! There were signs everywhere! There was no chance that you were going to get lost or turn the wrong way. There was also no chance that they wouldn't have something that you wanted. They had everything, and they did it all so well. Don't be shy! Step right up to the front of the line!

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They have a menu outside so that you can get an idea what they offer. I also like to see if it is affordable before I step inside and have to excuse myself after seeing I will have to cash in a piece of property to afford it. I am kidding, but, you just never know. Having established affordability, we step in. Okay, jog on down and they will let you in! I have always loved the car on top of the roof. On both sides of the road there, are two other restaurants with outside seating available. They are nice too, but, I have my heart set on this one. Are you ready? Let's see what we can see.

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Route 6 Restaurant, 21 Cottage St, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
You can find the menu here.


It's nostalgic, as is evidenced the minute you step through the door. Party of one or ten, they can easily accommodate you - with a smile. The waiters and waitress lean into the casual makeup of the restaurant.

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The retro atmosphere is so fun unless you hate themed restaurants or 50's to 60's themes. There was a Lionel trainset that ran, and if you were tired of lobster at this point, there were always other options! Plenty of them. So, it was a good choice for us!


Old platters and the tin wall panels. The absolute coolest. When I saw that, I knew I needed to do my kitchen that way on the Victorian House I am rehabbing. I think it would look amazing. Little touches. This is where ideas are born. These kinds of places.

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If there was any doubt about the stained glass and it being a church, this removes all doubt, yes?


Their lobster roll on a toasted bun with just enough butter to make it delicious was absolutely amazingt! Last time I was here, I had seafood alfredo pasta that had lobster, shrimp, and scallops in it...Divine! The price for the alfredo was $27.00 at dinner, less at lunch and I easily split it with another person, as it was too large for one person. The lobster was a fair price for that day, but, lobster has a daily price, so it means little to give it.


Another from the group had the most delicious fish'n chips made on this side of the Atlantic - with haddock. Delicious haddock. Original Fish n' Chips. Fresh Haddock, breaded and fried, served with homemade tarter sauce. Now, we are talking yumminess. I didn't get a picture of it, but, the ice cream Sunday came in what looked like a 50's car with ice cream, banana and syrup in it. Did I mention the cherry on top? That is the part I love best.


Bar Harbor is known for its stunning coastal beauty, its many yachts and lobster boats, and its view of islands and ocean in settings that can range from glistening sunlight to thick fog and mist. It slows our lives down so we may appreciate nature and the relationships with those in our lives whom we love even more. This is a community where people live in harmony with the land in which they live. Bar Harbor is a lifestyle, an aspiration, and a very special place. It is the center of activity for many island visitors seeking a variety of shops, restaurants, taverns, hotels, or bed and breakfasts as well as easy access to the forests and shores of Acadia National Park.

There is a picturesque and historic Shore Path you should walk on at least one morning during your visit or anytime during the day. The path, originally created about 1880, begins near the town pier and Agamont Park, and continues for about 1/2 a mile along the eastern shore of town. Off shore to the east are the four Porcupine Islands which are especially beautiful at sunrise. Be sure to select the link on this page to view the pictures taken from this Shore Path. Directly north of the town pier is Bar Island. This island is accessible by foot at low tide and provides a spectacular view of the town of Bar Harbor with the mountains behind it. Be sure to plan ahead and allow enough time so that you do not get stranded or wet! See this fireworks picture for a view from there. source


Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤

And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!


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Seems like such a fun spot to spend some time. That food looked delish!
I finally got my little Market Friday post done.

It is nice, a different kind of nice, but, I really do love a lot of the National Parks. They have so many different interesting things to offer. Things I never discover until I get there.

Thank you for putting together a Market post and for dropping the link. Have a great weekend!

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I’ll have the steak and ribs please 😋


Where’s the
No Shirt
No Shoes
No Dice sign? 😂

Whhhhhat? No lobsta?

People don't walk around without a shirt and shoes! :) It's Maine, not Florida. (Or New York) Keep your dice. LOL

Actually, for a place that carries everything and does everything, I am amazed that the food is still good!

Hope you are having a great weekend!

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Thank you so much, my lovely! I'm always so happy to see you!

Thanks for dropping the link!

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My pleasure Denise. 🙂❤

Aww, Bar Harbor, Acadia... Sweet memories from Maine :) Happy Market Friday!

@tipu curate

Thank you. I thought I could get one more #MarketFriday out of it! :) Thanks so much for stopping by and for the hive love!

Appreciate the tipu! Hope you are having a great time, settling in and enjoying another adventure in life.

#MarketFriday loves you!

The antic shop looks amazing. It's warm again, time to go beach. We are also planning to go Manhattan Beach in coming weeks. Here is our entry for #MarketFriday:

That sounds wonderful!!! I hope you take pictures of your toddler in the sand and water! I know she will have fun!!! Thank you for dropping your link here!

Have a wonderful weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Yes, indeed. she loves to play on the beach sand to make sandcastles and shell shapes.
Thank you for organizing such a wonderful contest.

Thanks for taking us for lunch . That looks yummy. Do you know that here ( in almost 3 years) I have eaten the most french fries i had already done 40 years before? 😂😂. I try to avoid them when I eat out, but I cant. They are so good . Those sandwiches look great . Gosh! Fish! Yummy! Have I told you that I love seafood ? So, i would enjoy those sandwiches a lot.

Nice restaurant; however, I would have spent lot of time standing/ sitting on that spot where you can see the waves breaking the rocks. I can just imagine the smell there. Thanks.

My post for this week. Thanks for this community.

I was there for days and most of them are on the water. I think we both love the ocean so much. The smell of salt is always so strong on the Atlantic. I have a vivid imagination and can sometimes smell it, even all these miles away!

I don't eat many french fries, although they are good, I eat very few fried foods. The sandwiches were delicious and seafood is my favorite! Thank you for taking the time to read the post, then dropping your link!

I hope you have a beautiful weekend!

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Ohh I want to visit there in general but that restaurant for sure it has such an awesome style and feel to it both inside and out

Here is my post for this week

Doesn't that look like a fun sort of place? It looks like it was originally a church with sll the stained glass! A lionel yrain thar chugs along... and a the retro fun. I think that you would have a fun time there and I hope that someday you do get the time and the chance to make a trip. With Acadia National Park there oh, I think that you would have an amazing time. Thanks so much for stopping by and dropping your link.

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It does sound such fun, I have been to a restaurant somewhere before with a train running around part of it, I was fascinated by it

I know I would love it there and one day will :)

Have a great day

There is a place in Prague that has a model train deliver food and even the bill! I wonder if it is still there?

There was a place in Illinois called the Choo Choo Cafe that had your food delivered by train. It was pretty cool, although the building was nondescript, it was owned by my BIL neighbor. Anyway, she passed away in 2020 (I think that was the year ) and I am not sure her family has opened it back up, covid and no experience. It was pretty fun, and unique, so I hope they do!

It is a real shocker the first time you are served by a train, but pretty cool that they even blow the horn for you! :)

Have a great weekend!

Ohh yes I had forgotten that and and I have been to that one in Prague years ago it was amazing now I am wondering if its still there

Would be great if they open that Choo Choo Cafe again sometime

I'm going to check with someone that I know lives there. I'm curious too!

do let me know if you find out anything I m curious now

PS I went into the General store I shared in My Market Friday post this morning it was pretty cool to see

What absolutely stunning photography Denise of this is a beautiful Harbour. The stained glass window is really gorgeous, and that food looks sooo good!

My mall pales in comparison, but here it is Caravanning in the Mall.

Never!! Nothing compares to you. :)

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post... ❤️ Isn't that stained glass window spectacular? It has stained panes all over! Next time you are here in the States, we must go!

Appreciate you dropping your link!

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That looks like a really awesome place to eat. I am going to have to put it on my list for when we make our way out there. When I was a kid we camped, so I think we ate all of our meals at the camper. I can't remember actually venturing into town. We were mostly in the campground or Acadia National Park.

It was !! I loved the lobster roll and the fish 'n chips were so yummy!

When we were kids, there were nine kids, so I can assure you that going out to eat was not something we did. :) Especially in a tourist town! But, Acadia was awesome and we never wanted to leave it anyway!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have an amazing day!

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Oh wow, yeah, that sounds like it would have been quite the expedition to all go out!

It still is with a Meetup!

Thank you for taking the time to read and drop your link here. I hope you take a few moments and check out some other posts in the community @cindynancy! You can find their links here! One of the best ways to get to know the community you are posing in!

Have a fabulous day!

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Thank you for dropping your link!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read the post and drop the link! I don't know if you get a chance to read other #MarketFriday posts, but it is the best way to get to know others in the community and learn a little bit more about our different cultures!

Have a great day!

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I love this place especially the restaurant.
The fries and hamburger is calling me already.

Here is my entry

Thank you, it was a fun place to go to and the entire area is nature at its best! I had the lobster roll! It was delicious!

Thanks for dropping your entry!

It is so cool to see the car decor right in front. It is a good idea to put the menu in front of the shop. The food looks yummy.
This is my entry for this week,

Thank you! I love the car on the roof. It makes me laugh every time I get to Bar Harbor. I think the menus are beginning to gain popularity, especially where there are tourists. It makes it all so much easier, in my opinion. The food was delicious and I wish I were going there this weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by and reading - then dropping your link! I hope you are having a great day!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!

Thank you so much for this opportunity moga next Friday We meet again

You and me both!!!! Thanks for participating, Shaun! @shaunf

#MarketFriday loves you!

I technically live on Route 6!
Well a “Route 6 “ me ur not “The Route 6”

Ha!! It is 66 - did I write6? ::runs back to check::

And on another note, thank you always for your support!

Somebody who replied wrote Route 6 😂


Well I agree 66 is much more fun

I get my kicks on Route 66!

Shaun is Canadian, so he gets a pass! 🤣

On another note, Route 66 East to West is a fabulous ride!!

Last week I got the chance to learn more Bar Harbor and another interesting things I have also discovered today about this lovely place. You don't need to tell me you had a great time there, I can see it all ☺️☺️. Thanks for sharing your experience @dswigle I did a quick market survey today for marketfriday:

I did show Bar Harbor last week too! There is so much to these places, you hate to overload with pictures and make it too long, then nobody pays attention to it.So, I decided to break it up into two posts, so that we could learn more and not have it so long.

Thanks for stopping by and for dropping your link.

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I love ben and bill's ice cream and I always get the lobster icecream, so buttery and with real lobster in, I wonder if they still do it, it's been a few years since we've been back to Bar Harbor , so thanks for taking me now @dswigle

Yes!!!! Ben & Bill's Chocolate Emporium is still alive and kicking (and still on Main Street) although I don't think any of the businesses move once they secure their spot.

I honestly don't think Bar Harbor has changed at all in all the years I have gone there. :) Maybe that is why it feels so homey. LOL Always there for me.

Thank so much for coming along!

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Nature is more lovely than we have always perceived. Thank you for making this day possible for us. It is a day to celebrate diverse cultures from throughout the globe. Dear @dswigle, have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you so much, Sam! @mcsamm I love celebrating the diverse cultures that we celebrate here! I have already started my weekend early! Thanks! I appreciate you dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Looks like this place has all kinds of food to offer, which is great.

The food looks so delicious. What a great place to visit, right by the water.

Here is my entry:

Have a lovely weekend @dswigle

It has everything! Seafood, Hamburgers, Rigs, and steak. I think there might be a little bit of something for everyone. Except for ethnic food. They lack that! It is right next to the water, the very best place, yes?

Thank you for dropping the link! I hope your weekend is going great!

#MarketFriday loves you!

What a wonderful little place, the car on the roof is pretty awesome 😎
And all the decorations on the walls. Beautiful it adds so much character.
Your lunch looks delicious. Thanks for sharing 😁
Have a lovely Friday today!

Thank you, it is such a fun place and well, if we cannot have fun in life...
It is a real kitschy place, with so much retro hanging around. My mom and dad used to like coming here. I think that it reminded them of when they were growing up. Things around the house had a lot more character than they do now. It said "Happy" when you took it out of a drawer. :))

Lunch was pretty awesome. The food is usually pretty good, but, at times, I think it goes up and down with the chefs. Still, mine was good! :)) Have an amazing day!

#MarketFriday loves you~!!

It so shows it is a fun place, I love all things retro. 🥰
So especially liked looking at your photographs.

Yes, back in the days (not that I’m that old with my 43) we had different things around the house.
I still do as they are cool, like those metal signage/ signs from years ago. With brands on them. Have a few.

Great to hear your was good. Most restaurants have ups and downs especially if they change chefs.
Thank you so much and you too, have an amazing day 👋🏻☀️💃🏻

Bar Harbor has been on my bucket list for years and I have yet to get there. It looks like a very fun place and the natural beauty of Maine is like no other place. Great post! Our weather has been hot, sunny, and delightful and I am finally planting some of my plants into the gardens. Have a great weekend.

You would love it, because of your love for nature and all things beautiful, it is exactly your type of place! The weather up there in NY has been from one side of the thermometer to the other. I think we all have finally stabilized, well

I am glad you are getting to plant! How fun! I can hardly wait to see your pictures !! Have an amazing weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

It sure has been a wild ride weatherwise. We have 3 days of rain coming so I am going to get the last of my annuals in today. I only have 24 more peppers to do and a few herbs and then I will be done finally. It has been a long, back-breaking week, lol. I hope you have a lot of great weather this weekend to enjoy as well. love and hugs.

Gardening has been especially hard this year, for some reason. I must be getting old! All that mulch at the end? OMG.

Now I can relax and watch it grow. :)

Wow! You are moving already! That’s fast move!
Here’s my link to this week’s post.

Have a wonderful weekend.

No! I meant moving along... changing locations for #MarketFriday. Thank you for dropping your link here! Have a wonderful weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Lunch? of course I was out to lunch.
No chance of Maine lobster roll for me.
It was kung fu on site.

Well I don't know that you like Maine Lobster rolls. Of course you went to lunch! A man needs to eat. Kung Fu on site? What does that mean? Thanks so much for stopping by and dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Thank you so much!! I hope you are having a great weekend!

Thank you for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

@dswigle , all the photos you take are all good, from the camera used the light also support. Thank you.

Thank you for the kind words. I hope you are having a great week!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Thank you are welcome, sama-sama.

Thanks so much for dropping the link! I see you are taking me to Galena!! Yay!!

I hope you are having a great weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Thank you for dropping the link for this week's #MarketFriday! I hope you have a great weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

And you too

Definitely love all things retro. Perhaps it used to be a church? Not sure too.... Fish and chips, my favourite. My husband and I love to try different fish and chips for different restaurants. So far, mostly weren't recommended because they used not nice fish such as dory fish. But what to do, dory fish is the cheapest here. Only two restaurants manage to pull it off the original way. Absolutely in love with the pink granite because I love love love pink. Nature is so beautiful.

Yes!! Those stained glass windows really gave it away, didn't it?

I have to admit, I am with you! I love fish 'n chips and try them out at different restaurants. I always ask what fish they use, because haddock is the fish that most chefs prefer for fish and chips. The texture isn't as flaky or tender as cod (which is what many use) but the meat has more flavor. Haddock has a slight sweetness that pairs well with the buttery flavor of the batter. Haddock is the one I prefer, but, on occasion, I will eat the codfish. So, when they serve fish that really doesn't belong, I order something else. Perhaps I should try one anyway, but, I have been disappointed before.

I love the pink granite too!!! It can be in varying shades of pink, but, I always think: PINK!! Thanks so much for stopping by for the lovely comment! I hope you had a great week!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I am so in love with this your image, Good to goThis is quiet amazing going through your #marketfriday journey, thanks so much for sharing.



Thank you so much. I rather like it myself.

I appreciate you reading the post and dropping the link here. I don't know if you get a chance to read other #MarketFriday posts, but it is the best way to get to know others in the community and learn a little bit more about our different cultures!

Have a great day!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Beautiful pictures and I love the way you detailed each moment spent at the harbor. It's quite educating. Oh! I wish I could have a taste of the food

Thank you so much for your thoughtful, comment. I appreciate you dropping your link.

Have a great weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

You're welcome. I have dropped my link in the comment section

Thank you. That is what I was thanking you for! I appreciate it.

It's one of my favorites!!!

That's a nice touch of a two way road leading to the cafe.
My, lots of stuff!!!
I love that stained glass of St. Joseph's workshop!
You seldom see those... just in pictures.
A lobster roll... yummy!This is a link to my post for #marketfriday!

Thank you so much for dropping the link! I appreciate it. Plus, it gives you or post a little bit more airtime.

Route 66 is one of my favorites places up there for a casual type dining. They have absolutely everything except for ethnic foods of course, but everything else that is made in America oh, I think they have.

It's the only stained glass peace that I have seen in person of Saint Joseph in his Workshop. I am trying to think back but I believe this is the only one. They have many other pieces because this what's a church, I believe. Anyway thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post. I hope you are having a most wonderful weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I have seen one other of St Joseph's workshop.
But it is a very private Oratory of a friend.
You're an All-American girl!!!

I can only imagine!!! A private Oratory! How special that is.

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!giphy all american girl

:)) Have a super Sunday!

I love the view of the granite, it's beautiful and the food looks amazing.

Here's my entry to the post.

You and me both!! I love granite, and the things they do with it. My favorite kind of food: Seafood!

Thanks for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Thank you for dropping the link! It makes finding you a little bit easier! Have a great weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

wow!!! what an amazing restaurant! this is really retro! I also like when there is a menu outside. it is very comfortable! the narrow street and the car on top of the restaurant look amazing. but I would not want to go there when there are a lot of people))) very beautiful places!

You can always find an empty space that is private at the restaurant. The town is not crowded and I never go into crowded stores.

But, I understand what you mean.

Thanks so much for reading the post, commenting, and dropping your link!

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Surprisingly, the city is not crowded. Is it because of the pandemic? there in the town is very nice and there should be a lot of tourists

It is off-season at the time, and it is starting to open up more. The tourists are much less since the pandemic, but, I am pretty sure it will be better this year. Even though there are a lot of tourists, it is not usually so crowded that I cannot find some personal space.

Food to relish with paths along shoreline to enjoy it sounds simply amazing.

Coastal town like this with a bonanza of seafood dishes!


I think I could live there, but, the winter is too long and too cold. I think I have become too soft, or perhaps, I like the good life. :)

The seafood is what I loved best about where I grew up. That and it was home, sweet home. ❤️

Thank you, always, Joan! @joanstewart

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Exceptionally pretty places with snow normally a lot cooler, !LOLZ nice to visit not so sure about living permanently.

We often hanker to live in such a place, keeping in mind we do not know exactly what conditions are like 😅

Happy new week!

Bruce Lee was fast.
But not as fast as his brother Sudden Lee.

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(2/8)@dswigle, I sent you an on behalf of @joanstewart

Hello @awuahbenjamin ! Thank you for dropping the link!

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Feel like having a lick of my sweat // marketfriday here I come🤭🤭🤭

Thanks for dropping your link... now the sweat, you can keep! :)

#MarketFriday loves you!

Just love to see those granite stone and its varieties, restaurant and other was so much exciting look and food always awesome.

I am really in love with the granite they have there. You can see huge pieces of it and I can only imagine how beautiful to have it polished up!

Thanks for dropping your link! I don't know if you get a chance to read other #MarketFriday posts, but it is the best way to get to know others in the community and learn a little bit more about our different cultures!

Have a great day!

#MarketFriday loves you!

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Thank you so much @bhattg and @indiaunited!

!giphy welcome


Thank you for the pizza!

Thank you for dropping your link! Much appreciated!

#MarketFriday loves you!

muy bonitas fotos y muy bonito recorrido muy bonito todo felicitaciones

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