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RE: Market Friday Part II Bar Harbor

in Market Friday3 years ago

Yes!! Those stained glass windows really gave it away, didn't it?

I have to admit, I am with you! I love fish 'n chips and try them out at different restaurants. I always ask what fish they use, because haddock is the fish that most chefs prefer for fish and chips. The texture isn't as flaky or tender as cod (which is what many use) but the meat has more flavor. Haddock has a slight sweetness that pairs well with the buttery flavor of the batter. Haddock is the one I prefer, but, on occasion, I will eat the codfish. So, when they serve fish that really doesn't belong, I order something else. Perhaps I should try one anyway, but, I have been disappointed before.

I love the pink granite too!!! It can be in varying shades of pink, but, I always think: PINK!! Thanks so much for stopping by for the lovely comment! I hope you had a great week!

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