Half day trip was all I needed, just a little bit of time on the water. Half day cost $65.00 and everything is included. Lunch, endless drinks (no alcohol allowed) fishing license, bait and tackle, rod and reel,parking and they also included squid and sardines for bait. I'm ready to go! I got a nice position, a front row stern postition which has an add on price of $10.00 I took it. It was awesome!
It was a pretty nice day, not too choppy and lots of young kids and parents on board. It was a good mix and everyone was congenial to one another, making for a nice trip. I got three nice (smaller) catch and release fish. There was no need to keep them when I was only visiting and was in a hotel. It was very sporting of me, yes? I will make up for it by having seafood tonight for dinner.
So there was no camera involved on the boat, I was not going to try to fish and take pictures, so you will have to trust me that there was a huge smile on my face the entire time. We all disembarked and the fishing poles were gathered up and hosed down. Everything get salt on it and if there are any metal parts, they rust. Everything right on the ocean has a tendancy to disinigrate. Cars used to be horrendous, even after a year, until they started making them out of plastic, because that makes me feel safer. Right? Houses have to be painted every year. As wonderful as all that salt and sand is, there is a price to pay.
Everyone lines up, sort of, gathers round is more like it... to pick up their fish. The deck hands will gladly gut and scale the fish for you, even taking the head off if you are not inclined to make soup with it. Waste not, want not, you know what they say?

There were little sharks for some, and only this guy in the green and black shorts seemed okay with touching fish. Everyone else tried really hard to not get too close to it. I didn't have touch anything fishy smelling. Except my own hands.
Rules of the Road
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
- Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
- Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
- Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
- You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
- Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.
I wish I had gotten a better shot. He was coming to hand off this girls fish to her. Does she look like she wants to carry it to her car? I think not. I think the expressions of the people were funnier and a better time than the fishing and I thoroughly enjoyed that.
This was another whole set of entertainment. This guys job was to descale, gut and dehead if needed the fish for people. The pelicans knew their job in life. This young one knew it was rough in the water, so he took his position near the guy. The guy rewarded him with some scraps. They are all waiting!
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤
What a rough crowd! He fed the crowd to keep them busy, then he fed the young one. I had them flapping all around me, they have wings of iron. Don't get hit with one of those. You can see below, the young one got his prize. I think they have the coolest looking pouch! It is called the gular pouch. I can see that he has food in it.
And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!
As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower I want to thank you for joining me on #MarketFriday. I hope you had a good time! It definitely was not a great shot, but, I couldn't believe his mouth got that big! Squint! It might not look so blurry!
Orlando Princess & Canaveral Star II Deep Sea Fishing, Cape Canaveral, Florida (800) 481-3474 (FISH)
What should I bring on my fishing trip?
Camera, sun block, hat, hand towel, comfortable shoes, cooler (but leave it in your car), cash for tipping the hard working guys/gals on board that work hard for you all day long. You are welcome to bring your own fishing rod; however, you can only fish with 1 at a time. Most people just use the fishing gear we supply. source

Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Don't ever forget what an amazing world we live in, people. Some days, it is not so easy to see, how truly wonderful it really is. Always remember,kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

What a great post, @dswigle. I have gone deep sea fishing and it is great fun, especially if you don’t have a problem with motion sickness. My sister and I did really well, but her husband was hanging his head off the side most of the time, poor guy.
Wow, look at those happy pelicans! And that one you took of the pelican with his bill up in the air and a fish in his gullet (or whatever you call it) is incredible!
I finally just got my Friday post done! Here it is: https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@jayna/market-friday-a-restaurant-outing-on-a-snowy-day
Thanks as always for hosting Market Friday!
You are such a wonderfully fun person! Thank you and your sisters' poor husband. I feel sorry for him! I have never been seasick, but, it looks pretty miserable!
A day fishing on the ocean. I think about how it was with lust but also with fear, I love fishing but I pity both the bait and the fish. That's what happens until the first fish I catch, then I forget.
You described as visually as possible this adventure on boat and ocean, sorry you didn't fish too. I, if I had been just a witness, would have photographed everything but better that you didn't. When you photograph, strange, but you miss the moment even if you then have it all put into photos.
I don't know if the choice you made to talk about fish on the last day of the year is accidental or has a reason. In our world so far away, it's a tradition for the end-of-year meal to include fish.
Happy New Year, Denise! Wishing for you and your family a better new year, everlasting wish, but I hope this time it actually happens!
I know exactly what you mean!
There is just no getting around it, especially if you love seafood, and you know we both do! I might have written it a little confusing. I did get to fish, but, that was one of the reasons I didn't bring a camera/phone on board. I have nowhere safe to put it and if it is choppy out on the water, I don't need to be worrying about where to put it, so I usually never bring one. I don't even bring it kayaking on the river. I don't usually have any pockets to put a phone in, so I just skip it. I would rather have the time in my memory than struggle with that.
It is true when you photograph, you always lose the moment, and can only truly relive it to some degree in the photos themselves. I did fish, but, I caught them and released them back into the ocean. I had no place to put them as I was in a hotel, but, it was still fun to go. One less fish ate that night. :)
I purposely talked about fish on the last day of the Year. My mother is French, and the most traditional of French New Year's food at le Reveillon, includes foie gras, oysters, and plenty of wine or champagne. My father is German and so we have sauerkraut and fish (he used to have carp as a child, but, we just have fish) My godparents are Italian and so we follow their tradition of seafood on New Year's Eve. Funny, you are the only one who blinked an eye on the reason for fish. Rather than have me come out and say it. It wasn't a coincidence, but, it wasn't in the plan at first, but, migrated that way later in the day. Just trying to fit it in the right way. At first, I was going to the Aquarium. :)
Thanks again, Dan! @bluemoon Happy New Year to you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Now I understand, you go fishing and kayaking, but for objective reasons, you don't immortalize these moments. You make me think of a great Romanian conductor, Celibidache, whom I like very much, who didn't agree that his concerts should be recorded. All the joy should remain in the moment and not later.
French mother, German father, Italian godparents! Your family made the European Union before anyone else. I think it's fabulous this mix of nationalities, each with distinct customs and characteristics.
Happy New Year to all!
I can truly appreciate that sentiment. I know we all like memorializing moments of joy, but, sometimes, just being in the moment serves me better. As for the kayak and anywhere near the water, I take a few but, hardly any. I have seen cameras and phones go in the water or get ruined from taking the pictures so close to the sea spray with salt! It ruins the camera over time.
Haha. Yes, they did make the Union ahead of schedule, Dan! @bluemoon It is a great mix and everybody likes their own customs but, of course, they have mixed over time!
Happy, Healthy, New Year and one of Prosperity too! Yes to 2022~
Thank you, Denise! We are already in 2022. I don't know if you want to know this, but I'll tell you anyway. A long time ago I wrote a post titled "When I'm Sixty Four" after the Beatles song and on the occasion of turning 64. Tomorrow I turn 68!
Not sad to say I live by the water, but sad to say I have not been deep sea fishing yet, maybe one day I will but for now I am happy taking photos of the boats that go out fishing
but from this post it does seem such fun so maybe I will give it a go sooner rather than later
here is my post for this week, not on the water but by the water
Well, you live there so, there will not be any shortage of finding one, should you ever feel like it. It sounds like a son-in-law or grandson bonding moment to me. :) I have one brother who has never gone deep sea fishing and probably never will. It is not his thing, but, he loves doing it off the pier. He doesn't even feel like he is missing out, so that makes me happier.
It can be fun, but, someone up above mentioned being seasick and I forgot all about that malady until he said it. Thanks, now, I will be thinking of that next time. Actually, I have never been seasick, but, I know it can be miserable.
A post by the water sounds perfect to me! Happy New Year 2021~
#MarketFriday loves you!
I haven’t got seasick before but then again o haven’t been on a fishing boat so I really don’t know
I did used to get carsick when I was younger and still feel it if I am the passenger in the back of a car for a long trip
But I think I will give it a go sometime
Carsick in the back if the car? I think many people feel yucky in the back of cars. Can't tell if it is from lack of fresh air, where the air doesn't have much movement or the motion. I can get to feeling off in the back of a car on a ling trip, but, I am always driving or passenger up front.
Yeah I tend to not be in the back much if at all these days
So haven’t had that problem for a long while
I grew up far from the sea and rivers, so I am completely indifferent to fishing. But my husband grew up near mountain rivers and he often went fishing with his father. Therefore, my husband loves fishing. you had a fun day! this young pelican is a smart guy! ))))
That makes a huge difference. If you didn't grow up near the water, you never miss it. I did have a fun day, but, don't fish nearly as much as I did growing up with six brothers that loved to fish! :) They even put my bait on the hook for me.
The young pelican was smart! Survival of the fittest! Thank you for dropping your link!
Happy New Year 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
My whole country is surrounded by water but I can say I live close to the sea.
I made my last #marketfriday of the year. https://hive.blog/hive-105017/@ace108/marketfriday-new-toilet-seat-for-the-new-year-or-by-ace108
You do live close to the sea! :) Oh, my! The last EMarketFriday of the year! Be still my heart! It is over~!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your link, Ace! @ace108
Happy New Year 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Love a good fishing trip! Went deep sea once in Fla, a couple decades ago. Was not long after hurricane season, and current was so strong it just tangled everyone's lines. No one caught fish that day, but the ride and experience was still enjoyable.
This was in Florida too. I was there for a few days and hopped on one of their charters in the Cape Canaveral area. When the current is strong like that, many times they will cancel the trip, but, sometimes it kicks up after you get going. I have had my lines crossed on occasion, but, not many times.
It is a little bit annoying. :) But, you just can beat the fish stories after. OMG. Worse than hunting ones. Maybe. Glad you went, I think they can be fun, especially with a mixed bunch onboard.
Happy New Year 2022! I hope all is well in Vermont!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I think if I were to go again, I'd opt for a smaller private or semi-private charter. But I'm not one for the larger mixed bunch of strangers, prefer a smaller group. It's harder for me to relax in the larger group, my radar is always up, as well as over-protective mode watching for someone to fall off (and of course have to jump in to rescue) I'm a little strange that way...
No, not at all. It's your training. :) You never shut off, that would be the kiss of death.
If I go, it is usually a smaller one because that is what my cousins own. Seems people in the DC area like private gatherings too. Falling off would be a nightmare, wouldn't it? You would HAVE to jump in, what kind of heel wouldn't? Maybe if you didn't swim, but, then you darned well have a life jacket on then.
Not strange at all. I hope that doesn't bother you that you aren't. :)
lol, too funny Kisofdth is my video game Nic.
Doesn't bother me, but I've probably understated my anxiety and stress just a bit... I've had lots of therapy though which does bring me closer to normal levels. Still off the scale for risk and hypersensitivity/vigilance, but have much better coping skills. :)
Well, I say it's good you can talk about it and that you have learned the coping skills.
Off the charts, maybe, but, a work in progress.
Thank you so much for your generous support and compassion.
Happy New Year 2022!
Thank you for your awesome participation! You always send me the most awesome blogs! Thank you!
Thank you for your words and for dropping the link! Happy New Year 2022!!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Nice fish story with photography. Here is my link : https://hive.blog/gems/@kamrunnahar/market-friday-goes-to-new-nabarupa-textile-shop
Thank you so much for stopping by today and dropping the link to your #MarketFriday post! Much appreciated! Happy New Year 20222!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You guys had such a wonderful adventure, lovely sea photos.
Here is my entry for the week
Have a blessed new year ahead.
It was a pretty great time! Thank you for stopping by and reading the post, leaving your link behind!
Happy, healthy New Year to you! 2022~
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yea that was obvious from the pictures, you're welcome, and thanks for the well wishes, I wish you the very best as well.
Probably true. I think I had a good time because it was a mix of kids, adults, men, and women. There was a lot of banter back and forth and for some, it was their first fishing experience, so it was fun to watch the young ones, and surprisingly, they caught just as many as the older, more experienced people.
This is more like an adventure to me. I can only imagine everyone with their fishing line waiting for those fish to come and eat the bait. Quite unfortunate they didn't allow cameras on boat.
I like this weird looking bird lol.
Thanks for sharing this adventure
on this linkMy #MarketFriday post is
They actually did allow cameras/phones, but, I chose not to take one as I didn't have pockets and I don't like taking one on the saltwater. It can be so damaging and I have lost a phone to her, long ago and far away, but, I still remember it well.
The weird bird is a pelican and they are a bit unusual looking, but, I also find them fascinating too. I try to pick up beach trash if I see any as they may try to give it a try, especially plastic bags.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your link! Happy New Year 2022~
#MarketFriday loves you!
Ok. I understand more now. There's a proverb in my area that "whoever experience a snakebite fears anything rope like", that phone lost and salt water has instilled phobia and cautiousness.
I give you a salute for this:
That's so thoughtful and caring of you. You're really awesome. Stay strong and have a great year ahead.
Hey! I was in such a market in Jaffa. It was cool.https://ecency.com/hive-196308/@maestroali/feast-of-holidays
Ha! That is awesome! I hope you had a good time. Thanks for stopping by and dropping your link. It is appreciated!
Happy New Year 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You could not have done a better job. Did you realize how much I adore fish? Perhaps it is because I do not consume meat. I'm delighted to see you share a post on these fish stories today. Thank you, and best wishes for the new year, @dswigle.
Haha! Thanks, Sam! @mcsamm I knew you liked fish, but, I actually did not know you didn't eat meat. I love seafood and growing up on the water, of course, seafood is your main meal. We call it free food, no seafood. LOL
Thanks so much for participating and for dropping your link! Happy New Year to you and yours 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Be good as always dear. Thanks amd happy new year.
You too!
OMG, fishing hobby is not only dominated by men,but also all ages and women, the price is quite cheap to rent a boat. The scenery is so beautiful,the wearher is also good. Fishing is also to practice patience, like your post,thank you.
Well, the price is for a seat on the boat for 1/2 day, not the boat itself. That would surely be cheap!
Here in the US, it is mostly men that do the fishing, but, it can be enjoyed by many for sport. The men dominate in the commercial aspect of it still. It truly is a practice of patience, isn't it? But, when you are doing it for sport, I don't think you mind it as much. Now, for dinner, I am not quite as patient. :) Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words! If you get a chance, please drop your link here.
Have a wonderful New Year 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Right in addition to fishing also for sport, thanks for the explanation, greetings,
Jakarta to Washington flight (Dulles International Air port) flight time is about 21 hours. My dream is to go to the superpower United States of America, thank you.
I love fishing but I only hunt on the river. Have a closer look at the sea. If I want to go to sea again, I have to travel 18 hours۔ I bought a river fish today, the pictures of which I have shared in my post. ۔ Hunting fish is a lot of fun if you are a hunter
I have lived on the water most of my life, so it feels normal for me to have our family fish, especially if we want fresh seafood. I would probably hunt on the river if I lived 18 hours away from the ocean too. :)
That makes sense.
I wish you a Happy New Year 2022~
#MarketFriday loves you!
I also like fishing, but a bit different kind of fishing which I learned in El Salvador and that is by throwing this net, (it takes practice to learn the technique). I also enjoy regular fishing, but I really love fishing with the net, because I can catch much fish and sometimes crabs and even shrimps with one throw.Wow. I learned something new about you @dswigle. You love fishing. That's very cool.
Happy New Year 2022Great pictures and thank you for creating the amazing #MarketFriday.
I am familiar with the net! There is an area near here where they use nets on the Chesapeake Bay! I have watched those old-timers doing it and it is not something that even looks easy! When I see the amazing prized they pull up, well, it is something worth learning! Not many of the young people are patient enough to learn how, although I have seen some.
Good for you! They try to catch the blue crabs here that way, although, I just throw in a cage and a chicken neck. They come running for it. :)
I enjoy regular fishing off a pier also, but, life is so busy lately, I haven't been in a while. Happy New Year 2022!!!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow wow wow 😲😲😲
Nice pictures.
Well this the Link to my post 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Thank you. I am glad you liked the post. Do you like fishing also?
Thank you for dropping the link to your post. Glad to see you back! :) Happy New Year 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I joined a night boat catching squids before and it's really fun too except someone got seasick.
I love the pic of the pelican waiting for the guy, he is so smart and cool.
And the pic of the pelican swallowing the fish under the sunshine is awsome!
Thank you for stopping by and reading the #MarketFriday post @dodovietnam !! Life has been too busy and I miss seeing your wonderful post about such a beautiful country,
It was a fun day and I forgot that there are people that get seasick. I have never gotten sick, but, I have seen people and it is never pretty. I love pelicans, they are such odd birds, but, very cool with those pouches.
Thanks again and Happy New Year 2022 to you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I've never been fishing on anything bigger than a pontoon. I'd love to give it a go sometime. Perhaps I should just start with a charter on one of the Great Lakes first! I have some friends that have done that and they said it was awesome.
Great shots and a fantastic post to end the year on!
The Great Lakes tours are GREAT!!!! I have been as I always spent the summers with the kids in the Upper Peninsula, otherwise, I would never have thought about it. The Great Lakes is so big that you think you ARE out on the ocean, at least to me. Give it a whirl! You may just love it!
Thank you and Happy New Year to you and MrsBozz! 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks! You too! The only big boat I have been on in the lakes was the ferry to Beaver Island and the pictured rocks boat tour.
I loved Pictured Rocks!!!
Hello @dswgle https://hive.blog/hive-196308/@afridany1/to-fresh-fish-market
Thank you for stopping by to read the post and drop your link! A Happy New Year to you 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Here is my link @dswigle https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@tobywalter/my-market-friday-at-oja-oba-marketthe-kings-palace-market-buying-some-item-before-the-end-of-the-year-2021
Thank you very much for dropping your link, @tobywalter Much appreciated. Happy New Year 2021!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks so much for the love @dswigle
Your welcome. It is a pleasure.
Fishing is the thing, I have not done before but it Seems I like skiing and fishing as I am planning on doing same someday.
#marketfriday the best☺️
Waterskiing or snow skiing? Both are fun! Fishing is a good time as well as a free meal, yes? There is something very cool about providing a meal from the ocean, at no cost to you.
Thank you! I am glad you like Market Friday!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow! This is so true and I am happy too that you are getting in touch, working on my #marketfriday entry for the week, Thank you too.
I look forward to the link!
Here is my entry:
This is so wonderful
Thank you so much and thank you for dropping the link to your post. Happy New Year 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
The first part was good.
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)@dswigle, I sent you an on behalf of @ehizgabriel
Haha! Thank you!
Happy New Year Denise! X
Happy New Year, Julie!!! Thank you for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you for dropping the link! Happy New Year!
#MarketFriday loves you!
She doesn't look like one who's gonna touch a smelling fish.
Happy new year ma'am
How are you doing today?
https://ecency.com/hive-196308/@ddn688/market-friday-or-new-year is my Market Friday post's link
Haha@ Right? There are some things you just don't need the words for! :) Thanks for dropping your link! Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yeah, that's right.
Okay ma'am. Have a great day
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(1/10)@dswigle! to your account on behalf of @ddn688.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Thank you!
That was a superb salty post!
Here is my contribution to your lovely challenge :)
And a happy new year to all!
Thank you so much!! LOL Salty post!
Happy New Year to you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Happy New Year :)
Good afternoon Denise, I am posting the link to my #marketFriday post on your link. I just had some fun writing about my extraordinary celebratory day on Mt Tambourine a few days ago. It is a popular little rural scenic touristy spot on the world globe.😎 I think that writing about the pleasures of the day enhances the senses so much more.
I am glad that I do not have to fend for my meals like the pelicans as I am sure I would miss out more often than not! Great photo shots of the feeding frenzy.
Happy marketing from me, sending happiness as always 💝
Thank you so much for the pleasant #MarketFriday post! I agree about the writing!
Happy New Year!
#MarketFriday loves you!
What an adventure!
Even your #marketfriday posts are #thoughtfuldailypost ones!
I wanna get somewhere tropical and watery again already.
Ha! Well, I put a lot of thought into what I was putting up this week. I suppose that counts for something. I know! I know! I need tropical and water already too. Let's do a Hive Meetup in Bonaire! Then we can go scuba diving there. They have the coolest beach walk-offs!
Or anywhere in between Canada and South America. Thanks for stopping in and leaving your words!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Oh I love Market Friday too. I HAVE to take some time to shoot the quaint small town markets here more. Maybe shoot some shots and tell some stories when I head to the square today for a beer meeting to close out the year.
I'd love that! You know, as you can tell from most of the posts here, we are very creative in what we call markets. They don't have to be typical shopping although we do welcome that. But, we have been through hard times with markets so have loosened up a little. :)
Happy New Year 2022!
Of course, #MarketFriday still loves you!
Did I make my post a #thoughtfuldailypost? I didn't mean to! Let me fix it.
Happy New Year to you and family hope you all had a great New Year @dswigle and let's hope this one gets better 🙂
Happy New Year to you! We need a good year! Yes!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Going fishing is an adventure.
Though I have been hearing about sea fishing but I haven't been able to experience the adventure of sea fishing but hoping perhaps 2022 will help me out on this
It is fun, but, rivers can be fun too. I just happen to be lucky enough to live close to the ocean or visit where they have these adventures.
Perhaps 2022 is the year you get to go! Good luck to you and Happy New Year 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
good catch @dswigle
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your kind comment! I hope you have a remarkable 2022!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I love nature and natural things created by our creator... tnx for sharing Jr experience n pic with us... Happy new year In advance
Thank you for taking a peek at it. It was fun and I love nature too! Happy New Year to you also!
#MarketFriday loves you!
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Thanks for the notification!
Nice pictures have a nice beautiful day
Thanks so much!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks for ths post boss and am looking forward to seeing you in 2022 #Marketfriday
Thanks so much for the support, Mick! @stresskiller
best wishes for 2022 :) , andd if i'm around on hive i always try to share some friends posts
Yes!! You always share mine and realized I never get to thank you! Happy New Year 2022, Mick! Health, Happiness and Prosperity!! @stresskiller
I was fascinated by the post!
I'm happy to hear that!
Good day ma,I just found about this wonderful community and I would like to ask if we could post on days which aren't Fridays?
If your event is not on Friday,, I usually like you to wait until then to post is so that I don't miss your post. Always drop the link in the comment section of my #MarketFriday post, which I post evvery Friday. I hope this answers your question.
Lovely story and one day, I'm going to take you up on the Market Challenge! For now, I shall enjoy your stories. I felt like I was there...I looooove being near the sea, and IN it on a boat, too! I remember you @dswigle from my previous life on Steemit and am so happy to see you're still here and doing what you love successfully 💜
I look forward to seeing you. If you do post in the challenge, don't forget to drop the link for your post in the comments section of my #MarketFriday post. I post every Friday.
I am not sure I remember you, but, glad you came over from Steemit!
(2/10) gave you LUV.
Thanks for the LUV!
Thanks for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!
Yes! This is in Florida too when I was down there for a couple of days. Actually, it was in Cape Canaveral, or more specifically, Port Canaveral. It is fun, isn't it? Bali would be a great place to do it from. The islands are pretty nice or scarce of anything much except game fish, and few and far between. :) This is good for young kids as there is plenty of small fish they can take home and cook themselves.
Last market post. Le sigh. Everybody is saying that! :) Thank YOU for supporting the challenge and I hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Dan! Thanks for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!