This is more like an adventure to me. I can only imagine everyone with their fishing line waiting for those fish to come and eat the bait. Quite unfortunate they didn't allow cameras on boat.
I like this weird looking bird lol.
Thanks for sharing this adventure
on this linkMy #MarketFriday post is
They actually did allow cameras/phones, but, I chose not to take one as I didn't have pockets and I don't like taking one on the saltwater. It can be so damaging and I have lost a phone to her, long ago and far away, but, I still remember it well.
The weird bird is a pelican and they are a bit unusual looking, but, I also find them fascinating too. I try to pick up beach trash if I see any as they may try to give it a try, especially plastic bags.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your link! Happy New Year 2022~
#MarketFriday loves you!
Ok. I understand more now. There's a proverb in my area that "whoever experience a snakebite fears anything rope like", that phone lost and salt water has instilled phobia and cautiousness.
I give you a salute for this:
That's so thoughtful and caring of you. You're really awesome. Stay strong and have a great year ahead.