The day ends and I try to remember where all the hours went, and what I did with them. It was not one thing, but the sum of many little ones, strung together to make it complete. I wouldn't have it any other way. For all practical purposes, this is my life and I love it. It is that time of year, when flowers and plants take their place in the garden, to bud and bloom, unfolding the seasonal bliss that comes with it. Are you ready to plant more? Who can resist?
I generally go to several different places for flowers and all things gardening and today is no different. There are three different locations, a family-owned business, and the one we will be going to today is at 8132 Lee Hwy, Falls Church, VA 22042.
Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.
It is easy to see why it is one of my favorite places. They are extremely creative in their arranging and have an eye for all those little details that make a difference. I look at how they put their baskets together. The large basket that they put together (the one on the right) is $39.00, which is too much for me to want to spend, even if I like it. I can see that they put 10 different plants in there, so the value is there. But I am sure that we can find something more affordable.
A lovely hibiscus. It has just finished raining, then it burst out in a fit of sunshine. Everything looks fresh, looking just perfect. I don't resist. I take the pink hibiscus home with me. It is not a deal, but, she is a beauty, I came exactly looking for this bush for the garden in my front yard. It will flower all summer and right until the frost come to visit. So that won't be until at least November. Because I am not in a tropical climate that hey hibiscus prefer, I will dig it out and bring it inside for the winter. If I fertilize it, it will even bloom throughout the winter. Oh, the hibiscus! She is a giver!
I like these little silly stones. I have one for my garden that says Worm Farm. Do you have signs or stones - making a little garden humor? I didn't buy one, but, if I did, they were priced from $8.95 to $10.99. Not too bad for the smiles they get. You just can't put a price on a happy face, yes?
They set up little spaces to relax and take notes on merchandise that can be yours if you find comfort in your sit. They purposely design these areas so people will not be rushed or stressed about time. I literally take hours every time I go there. There is just no getting around it. I look at that Adirondack Chair for $157.00 and think to myself. I think that is something I could have done, without too much of a problem. I don't know. Do you think this would be hard to make? Maybe not easy, but, perhaps it is possible. But, I have already seen it for sale at L.L.Bean for $299.00 Hello? For that much, I would try to make it myself! But, admit it, it is kind of nice looking and I like the color.
This is on the inside, close to where you walk in the front door. They have these spaces set up as individual rooms and this particular one they have usually set up as a kitchen space. Not so much this time, but, you can see the checkerboard floor, the telltale sign of a kitchen. Perhaps even a retro kitchen. It has little pieces, pieces of art, framed pictures and lamps... baskets, and pillows for the couch. Whatever you see is for sale. Everything is priced and if you take one away, they reimagine it once again.
I look at this picture and marvel at their ability to put these plants together and make them look so lovely. My imagination doesn't stretch that far, also keeping in mind that the plants will grow bigger and they still have to fit into the scene. They usually do. I can come back in three weeks and they will have grown, seemingly melding into one another. Darn it, if they don't look stunning. My question is always, how do they do it? Every. Single. Time. They are that good.
It is a meander through the pots and trees here. The pink petunias sit on top of a blue bird bath, they use every object they can to achieve the look. The pots have a wide range in price. The smallest pot that they have is about $6.95 for a 5-inch and the largest is $159.00 - but, I couldn't tell how big it was, but, it was huge! They were all ceramic. The rule of thumb is a 12” plant needs a pot that is usually 4 or 5 gallons. I usually get one that is bigger than the plant and let it grow into it. Nowadays, I don't really buy too many pots, I have a collection of them at home that have been passed down to me or given as gifts. I can remember the days when I had none and had to buy one every time I bought a plant. That ship has sailed. Now it is me passing on the pots as I have too many. How about you? Do you have more pots than you know what to do with? Or are you still buying every time you get something new?

This nursery also runs a landscaping business, designing gardens, building patios and anything you could possibly use on one. This is another area that they place for people to relax, have a snack or coffee, something to drink, and enjoy the fire they build on cold days or perhaps when they are having a BBQ with hot dogs. You get to enjoy one. On either side is a place to put the wood. Wouldn't that be nice to have that in your own backyard? This one has been there for years and is a little over-abused, but, I still love it.
They built basic three or four-tiered wooden shelves to just set the plants on in the annual house. That is where the plants live. They last one season and then go to seed. I find them more colorful and unique than the perennials that come back every year. Annuals are cheaper nd offer a spot of color in places that have none.
Yikes! And what did I see? I think he will be a black swallowtail, but not sure. Does anyone want to venture to guess? He comes free with this plant! :) Or we could just go to the Garden Critter class they are having next week.
You too can learn all about garden critters! They have even hired a Wildlife specialist to host it! I have been to a fair amount of their seminars and I have to say that they are pretty good. Plus, they serve snacks! In case that helps.
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤
And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!
Flowers. Always. To color my day. #alwaysaflower Let the sun shine in your life and let the joy touch your soul. Let this day be yours. Don't let anyone take your sunshine away Beleive it or not, I didn't finish telling you about it, so there will be a continuation later this week! Fair warning!
Hive Thrifted Community Store that opened recently, and it is just waiting to be discovered by the Hive Community! If you've not heard about HIVE THRIFTED this is your opportunity to declutter, put unneeded items up for sale, and earn HIVE or HBD! Check out the intro post here If you like the idea of extra income the easy way, read up on it in the intro post, you won't be sorry! Any Questions? Ask away! If you reblog the current post from Hive Thrifted, which you can find here we can start filling up the Hive Thrifted store,A big shout out to @lizelle and the

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I need something other than 50 pictures of the market.
- Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post, it is too difficult to guess on some
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
- Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
- You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

Looking at all these plants and flowers that are very familiar to me I understand how similar the climate in Bucharest is to the one in Washington DC. I think it is the only similarity!
Any visit to such a greenhouse store is extremely pleasant but also very painful on the wallet. Very hard not to buy something... sometimes so ephemeral or fragile.
I'm sure you have a wonderful time in this shop, first, and then in your garden. Or in your garden first... and then in this shop, you know better.
Springtime life is beautiful!
The best thing that can happen in life!
Happy gardening, Denise!
The climate is more and more alike each season, isn't it? I cannot get over how both of us no longer have a real winter, just teasers every now and then. This was such a painful year for the wallet. I thought last year was, so I was definitely surprised again this year! The short duration is sometimes hard to justify for me.
I did have a wonderful time, you are right, I had to do a weeding and cleaning, moving things around before I dared add anything more to the garden. I have gone to the nursery first at times and that is almost always a fail because I don't know what I really need and only get what I want. That is not the right way, but, I loved what I got. LOL Life is so beautiful at this time of year.
Honestly, every season has its merits.
Life is good, and I appreciate it every day. Thank you so much for your thoughts and words, Dan! @bluemoon
I hope you did well at your appointment this week. I've been thinking about you.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Don’t jinx us! …….. 6 months later……. Record setting blizzards and it’s only December 🤯🥶
Haha! I haven't seen a blizzard since 2017! :)
True for me too, @dswigle! I felt like this year was going to be really bad for me and my family and so far it has come true. Thankfully, some problems are starting to resolve or are not as bad as they seemed.
That's what I do every spring. I clean, I amend, I complete. I'm lucky that my yard is very small and so the effort is smaller... but my strength is smaller too. What's really nice is that it ends up nice and nice around the house.
I did a comment a few days ago where I wrote about how the doctor's appointments went. You didn't see it, rightly so, you are so busy and get hundreds of messages. If you want, you can read it Here.
I did see the comment, but not read it yet as I was catching up. I can't believe I didn't pass it again. I was up until 2;45AM last night catching up. I thought I did, but, I missed you. I will go read it as I would have commented if I read it. Thanks for dropping it again for me, Dan!
Smaller is better! I had 32/33 Hectares or 80 acres at one time, it was for the kids to run free, but glad I no longer have it! I find 1 hectare is plenty! Too much sometimes! :)
Whatk a lovely nursery that is, perfect time to get planting.
I just love that outdoor built-in BBQ, just the thing we need here with cooler weather!
Thank you so very much for the shout-out for Hive Thrifted, I really appreciate it.
I say snap to your opening lines @dswigle, life is good! My contribution this week is [Netherwood farm Kids Clothing] (
Oh, snap! That is actually my favorite nursery around here. I have to agree with the outdoor BBq grill or really fireplace. I guess it can double for both!
I hope you don't mind, although I should have asked. I rewrote what you wrote in your post for the shout-out last week on the #MarketFriday post ad this week, at 2 am, I ran out of time and used the same one. I am sorry I cannot do more at this time, but, I will not stop trying.
Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Such beautiful garden shops, alas I think our garden is going to go unlooked after again this year, maybe next year I can give it some love
but that said I do love those stones with the message son them, maybe I can look for an add a couple of those somewhere at least :)
her eis my post for this week
I have had years like that myself. Trying to care for my parents/work and do the needful. Hey! I can understand why you don't. I also understand why you shouldn't.
The stones are fun. I have the one here and a couple at the shore. I use them as stepping stones over there. :)
I hope you are having a great day, JJ! @tattodjay
#MarketFriday loves you!
Maybe I should get some stones to hide the bald spot sin our Lawn LOL
Ha! That is not a bad idea~! :)
I want that fireplace/stove in my backyard! Fantastic! I am actually contemplating building a small brick oven in the back to do pizzas and coffee. If I can find enough free pallets I'd like to build a covered bench in which to drink the coffee, too. Even when it rains.
Especially when it rains.
And yes, I have more pots than I know what to do with. I use everything for planting, in fact; old computer cases (photos to come), and old rusted portable fire pit, and plastic cat litter tubs (with holes drilled in them for drainage, they make good pots for potatoes and tomatoes).
My back yard is very eclectic.
I know! I love it too, and I really, really would love to have it gracing my landscape. I like the idea of a pizza oven! I have a pizza stone and it is a great way to satisfy the no-pizza oven problem. Well, it doesn't solve it, but it makes pretty good pizza. So I have stopped looking for ways I can fit a pizza oven in my kitchen that already had double ovens. Just one more oven!!! One more!
Hmmmm. I am trying to envision your covered bench with the free pallets. I don't quite have it yet... But, I am working on the vision.
LOL, I meant paid-for-ceramic pots because you just can't toss them or give them away! Plastic little ones? Yellow? Square not round? I think we decided we have the same cat litter with those kick-butt containers that I use for everything!
Eclectic is cool, never had the chance to get boreing. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your always-welcome words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Oh yes, absolutely, the ceramic pots. I mean, I have a gazillion of the plastic ones, too, but I also still have all the ceramic pots that my children have decorated over the years.
Ha! Yea, me too! How can anyone dispose of or give those away? And who wants to?
I'll be back for sure later..thanks and hello DeniseHere's my link for now,
Hello! Hello, Paul! @mrnightmare89 Thank you for dropping the link and I will see you later! Have a great night ahead!
#MarketFriday loves you!
"I tried but it died 🌿" Hmmmmm
I saw one that said there are no secrets in the garden: potatoes have eyes and corn has ears
Haha! I like that one and no matter how many times I hear it, I always forget that I did!
Maybe that is why I laugh at it every single time!
Hello, hello!! XOXO
#MarketFriday loves you!
that looks indeed like a black swallowtail
or atleast that is what they do look like over here
I thought it might, but, there are so many that look almost alike, I hesitated to name it. Good morning from here, Mick! @stresskiller He was perched on the leaves of a beautiful plant, so whoever buys it will be getting a bonus!
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
it's a nice bonus indeed Denise , have a great weekend !
Another beautiful, colorful post! And yes, they are creative indeed! And putting all those flowers together...? I think that only comes from years of experience...and passion.
And that fireplace...over-abused or not, I love it!
Thank you for sharing, @dswigle! And enjoy bringing new colors to your garden!
You'll find my post for this week here.
Well, I love it too, but, being it is not in perfect condition, I didn't want to sing its praises too high. :) I want one though!! I sometimes go there in the cooler fall nights and they have a fire going to warm you up. So nice!!
It is hard to see all that creativity and then come home and try to mimic it. LOL It never looks quite like it unless you possess that gene!
Thanks so much for being part of the challenge!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It makes sense what you are saying. Yet, I can also imagine how nice it must be to spend some time in its heat during those cooler fall nights!
Hahaha...I hear you!
LOL It is so true! :)
Beautiful flowers! I love visiting nurseries because everywhere I look, there will be something eye-catching. Some of the plants you shared look suitable for even small spaces or homes with just a balcony like mine.
Here's my entry for this week's challenge:
I have a big porch, comparable to a balcony also, so I get to select smaller ones to put on there. It looks quite pretty with some color. The gardens have things that come up every year, so I add a few things here and there.
Yes! The small spaces are fun to do.
Thank you fro dropping your link.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful shots! This looks like a really cool place. I really do the garden centers like this. I don't visit them too much, but they have a definite charm over the big box stores. I still haven't done much with my garden. It has been so cold at night lately, I am afraid to touch it. I have some new grass that needs watering, but I don't want my hose freezing up!
The smaller garden centers have more freedom to create and move it around, their profit margin is higher so they aren't trying to get it out the door like big box stores. They are more interested in making you happy, making it work for you. Most would forgo a sale if it isn't right for you. They play the long game of satisfaction.
It really was a touchy spring, making me wait much longer than usual to plant. As a matter of fact, my cherry trees budded and started blooming and we had out first freeze of the season in February after going all winter without, so we lost buds again this year, same as last with the late freezes. Maybe our growing season will change, who knows?
Better to be safe than sorry!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!
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Yeah, you are right on all accounts! That would be interesting if the growing season did change.
Have an awesome weekend!
Finally, I managed to finish posting for today's market.
Today I Was Downtown Again!
Thank you so much, Dan! @bluemoon I appreciate it! Have a wonderful rest of your day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
My pleasure. May the end of the week be pleasant and relaxing for you!
:) I think it might be. :) Thanks so much!
You know, always with pleasure!
Oh, flowers and plants, they can always visit us, or we visit them :))
Nobody can resist 🌼
Happy blooming MarketFriday, @dswigle 😇
It would be so hard to resist! Wait! We don't have to! We can visit them at will. I know I do. I don't even have to buy them, I like to go through and visit from time to time.
It is a delightful pastime. Hello! Hello! Good morning from here! I hope you are having a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Good news then, visiting these places just for feeling our eyes and half sound with flower vibes :D
Hello and good morning to you too, though for the weekend already 😜☀️🎶🎶
Wonderful, I love the garden shops too, but really have to stay away :-) because at some point, there is not enough garden or terrace left for all the little colorful beauties and decorations I could not resist :-)
my market story this week:
I have to agree!!! I have run out of space and so now, when I split flowers when they get big, I must give them away as there is no more extra room to spread out.
I must need another house.
Thank you for dropping your link!
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Wow..lots of beautiful garden stuff to see..I probably want to build my own garden using these items...and they even design gardens and patios? That's amazing.. One-stop-shop it is..
spring isn't end yet, I can see it in your those flowers..
Btw, I found interesting items in a cultural store. You can check it here 😊
It is a one-stop shop! Do build your own garden! It is so much fun and you can design it differently every season. I would let them design the basic garden if I was feeling like spending lots of money! :) They are expensive, but, definitely worth it!
I love Hong Kong! I am so glad you post from there!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words, then dropping your post.
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Hi dear Denise, looks like we’ve all visited a place dedicated to flowers those last days !
What a beautiful tour you had :) There’s a real diversity there, it must be a pleasure for the senses !
Have a good weekend and take good care 🍒
Here is my link
They are such a pleasure, being surrounded on all sides by flowers such as those that were there. I cannot imagine a more pleasurable day for this time of year. It does seem as if flowers are in the air on this day!
My weekend is upon me! I hope yours is quite wonderful! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your link!
#MrkertFriday loves you!
Yes, everything is quite perfect, I joined my brother in Ardèche after an epic journey full of twists and turns 😂
The nature is so beautiful and wild here, I think you'll like this region if you don't already know it :)
Always welcome 😇😘
-Wow all are beautiful flowers and and places you visit! You always have a lovely article for us thanks a lot! Very colorful flowers that I can only see in pictures! Thank you for always appreciating my post. Is that a caterpillar? Well this is going to be a beautiful butterfly after some days!. Have a blessed day Ma'am @dswigle!🙏
It is a caterpillar. I had identified it as a black swallowtail in the post. They are indeed very beautiful when they make the change. Nature at its best.
Thank you for your words and I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead.
#MarketFriday loves you!
-A true wonder of nature! Have a blessed day!🙏
Love the popping colors! it's soo vibrant and makes me wanna go to the flower market.
Alsoo this is my link for this week
The colors do pop, don't they? When I see them somewhere else, it sure doesn't make me go to the flower market!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your link!
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Indeed! I am now planning to find the nearest flower market hehe :D
:) I look forward to it!
The have created an amazingly beautiful place, haven't they. Love to relax in the Adirondack chair or maybe a nice glass of wine on that deck. My good. Such a place. It's magic really:)
Yes! It is magic indeed! I love going to this place and could easily live here. :) The chairs are comfortable and remind me of my childhood, lined up by the seaside. Oh, those lazy days at the shore.
The wine I have, what kind are we talking?
It is always good to see you here. Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Spring is perfect for white or a dry rosé:)
Greetings from Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines! That's a lovely garden and it's bustling with great beautiful blooms! Reminds me of Ladybird Johnson Wildflower garden I saw on Facebook. By the way, here is my video presentation with regards to our buying spree at the public market in our town:
The Ladybird Johnson Wildflower garden is beautiful! I lived in Texas, actually, San Antonio and Austin were only an hour away. I am glad you got to check it out - it is a beautiful place.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words
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Wow! That's great! How I wish I can visit the place... Since I saw their page on Facebook, I became curious of wildflowers I saw here in my place and I uploaded a lot to a plant identification group. 🤗
Hello :) I liked the market this week, that shop full of beautiful flowers looks very nice. Those stones with logos also look funny, surely they make more than one laugh. Who wouldn't want to have a patio decorated this beautiful, would want to be outside all the time. Thanks for sharing your visit :)
Here I leave my link for this week:
Truth~! I like those stones too! I would love a patio like that one! Who wouldn't - they would be crazy, yes?
Thank you for dropping your link! I appreciate it!
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I love the silly stones and i am already imagining them as one bracelet with different kinds of encouraging words engraved within for us to carry on our chest to ease our stress.
Its adds more life to the garden I must say.
This is such a beautiful place anyone will want to be here.
For me I went to a Soup store where we learnt why it is important for us to to eat natural spices and soup ingredients.
I used to gave a religious one as a young girl. It has the ten commandments written on each piece, I imagine it just like that. It was a piece that brought me much peace. I agree with the thought of doing the bracelet from it. :)
It does add a lot to the garden, making it fun as well. I have stepping stones in the vegetable/fruit garden. I don't think I have ever been to a soup store! I am looking forward to going there with you. Natural is the way to go. Everything is so much better for you and your body.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Exactly, I hope that we eat healthy and stay healthy
Hmmm, such beauties I see.
Yes, I think as well, it's worth that much because they added different plants. Actually, I didn't realize there were 10 of flowers. But I must admit, I love how they decorated the baskets.
By they way, Hibiscus? I thought it was a gumamela here in the Philippines. The flower is the same, maybe that's how you called it back there.
What is the difference between hibiscus and gumamela?
Gumamela is also known as Hibiscus. In the Philippines, gumamela is cultivated as an ornamental plant. The gumamela flower comes in many colors: red, yellow, orange, white, purple, pink and other color combinations. Hibiscus, also known as rose mallow, is a plant that belongs to the mallow family.
I think they do a great job decorating too. I wish I was that artistic! Thank you for stopping by and for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Such a lovely place! If we have it here, it will one of my favorite place, too. I like viewing the differents shades of nature, and as well as flowers and terrains.
At home, we are also planting flowers to beautify the place. We are using plastic bottles or tires, recycling it and painting it, then turn them to beautiful pots of flowers. On a mission to save mother earth! 🤗🌸🌻
That sounds lovely. It is a lovely place and I am glad you got to check it out. It is absolutely the time to plant!
Thank you! #MarketFriday loves you!
What a nice garden shop! I wish we have something like it in our area. I like the colorful caterpillar 😁
I visited our city weekly market as always abut after a while with my daughter. I wonder I can do some other shopping next week. Here is the link to my post:
Thank you for organizing Market Friday, @dwigle!
Hello! Of course, you can do any market you want! We love them all. Flower markets and movies are also entertainment markets! :) Museums.. literally anything can be a market.
Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by and leaving your words. I hope you have an incredible day! Thank you for dropping the link!
#MarketFridayloves you!
Hi @dswigle My contribution to #MarketFriday.
Thank you so much for dropping your post for the challenge!
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This is what we call garden creativity. I have posted an article with the title "garden creativity" and co incidentally I have used stones for creativity.
What did you use stones for? I love creativity. :)
Thanks for dropping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
My post of the week. Thank you, happy weekend.
Thank you for dropping your post. A great weekend to you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
As for the caterpillar, most likely you are right!

Beautiful flowers!
Here is my good buy
Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping your link! Much appreciated!
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Hi! A little ahead you with my post)
Alas, I don't know about insects.😕
As always, your post is full of colors. Thank you!
Yes! Just a tad bit.
We live in color, for sure!
Thank you for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!!!!
The way the weather is going today, it's a season within which these plants and flowers tend to grow very well. I also have to take care of my garden a lot. If I don't, the plants that are there get damaged and then they have to be replanted and it takes a lot of work, so I water them on time etc. Thanks for sharing Friday market will us.
Yes, the garden is a job, not for anyone who doesn't want to keep up with its growth. I am sure your garden is lovely.
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words.
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Most welcome.
Awesome colorfuly flowers paradise, here my post for this week:
Thank you so much! Flowers do may life so much sweeter!
#MarketFriday loves you!
My entry for the support the community #MarketFriday sponsored @dswigle
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These are very beautiful garden shops and arrangements of flowers are great.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words.
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I love how they arranged the hanging baskets with flowers. I got an idea of what to do with the little corner of my garden and what plants to get.
Sounds perfect. I am glad it could be some help to you!
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#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful pictures you have there, I love the Hibiscus especially the Purple Hibiscus, it's fascinating how they blossom after every rain, I saw some close to where I stay and they are so nice to look at
Thank you! They really are! I hope you are having a great week!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You are welcome.
Yes I am having a great week, thank you and hope you are as well
Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer ! Much appreciated!
#MarketFriday loves you!
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @dswigle tipped @pixresteemer
I like to go to garden shops with my mom, too
I'm sure that is nice and you have a great time.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Such a beautiful and refreshing place this is. I just love plants. they are a source of free happiness. if you are sad, go to place like this, you sadness will go away.
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All the flowers are beautiful, maybe it smells good around there. Purple flowers are my daughter and my mom's favorite. So cute silly stones. Have a Lovely Day!
Here's my participation on Market Friday challenge. Thank you!