That is an awesome tip to write here and exactly what I like to do. I did that to the Soviet Bloc countries that I visited too. Any place that had limited availability.
Clothing is available, but, there is the little thing called money. They are proud people and like to barter, it always amazes me how they manage to make it all work out. I need to take a page out of their book for myself.
I feel like I am the winner on these visits. I learn so much about the country and about myself along the way.
Thanks always, Joan. You are such a great support of the challenge!
#MarketFriday loves you!
When booking I normally phone ahead to find out from someone who lives in the area, receptionists are a great source of information. Zimbabwe the receptionist advised to work with three currencies ZIM $, USD $, ZAR to make the most on what was on offer, worked like a charm.
Live, learn and share! Have a wonderful day Denise.
When I lived in Europe, I traveled with a shoebox of envelopes with different currencies. Pre-Euro
It absolutely made a huge difference! You are right. Good idea on calling the receptionist! Thanks!
Coins in all the currencies in small envelopes was what we did as well, on return I stuck a couple in our photo album so still have a few from the late 70's when things were not so complicated.
I almost kissed the guy at reception after realizing how massive his advice had been, without it we would have battled do much at all.