When booking I normally phone ahead to find out from someone who lives in the area, receptionists are a great source of information. Zimbabwe the receptionist advised to work with three currencies ZIM $, USD $, ZAR to make the most on what was on offer, worked like a charm.
Live, learn and share! Have a wonderful day Denise.
When I lived in Europe, I traveled with a shoebox of envelopes with different currencies. Pre-Euro
It absolutely made a huge difference! You are right. Good idea on calling the receptionist! Thanks!
Coins in all the currencies in small envelopes was what we did as well, on return I stuck a couple in our photo album so still have a few from the late 70's when things were not so complicated.
I almost kissed the guy at reception after realizing how massive his advice had been, without it we would have battled do much at all.