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RE: Cruising thru Market Friday

in Market Friday3 years ago

It is an experience, which is fun for me, especially when I want to go away for a short time, but, don't want to do a bunch of planning. Of course, planning is half the fun, isn't it, but sometimes, I am okay with letting them do it. I just want to eat and have fun. LOL

Getting stuck up there didn't freak me out either but, one lady truly will never, ever do it again. Trust me. They never did go out over the ocean with the arm for the rest of the trip. Because dropping on the deck would feel much better! LOL

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Lulu likes to plan
Me for vacations I prefer the go with the flow planning for me goes as far as deciding where to go and then I wing it from there

Haha! No wonder she is in charge. Women like to know how it is going to go down. We had kids. We know how it can all go south without a plan.

I actually like it both ways. Plan and no plan. Both work, unless there is a monkey wrench and then best-laid plans don't work either.

In the past we have semi compromised a bit of planning but sometimes throwing the plans out the window and we go where our hearts take us

And that's a plus with no planning never a monkey wrench thrown in lol