
Wao that cool 😎 @dswigle

Dear friend @dswigle here in Nigeria government always declared holidays for the celebration especially for Christians, and also in churches there are teachings about the crucifixion of Jesus and resurrection also families do have special delicacy cooked and served in their homes to celebrate 🎉 that day some families will even get the children new cloths just like xmas 🎄

is the big holiday/event for Christians. No Holiday is more important on the calendar. We usually have a big family gathering with special foods cooked that day, the family goes to church and we have a large family celebration following that. Some places have Easter Parades and other festivities, but ours is more family. Easter ALWAYS brought new outfits, including an Easter Hat. :) Most don't do those anymore, but, they were always the one time of year that all girls got a new hat!It is much the same here, @tobywalter I went to a Catholic School growing up, so they had a very big deal during Lent. Easter

Sounds just like here!