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RE: Peaking in Lavender by Market Friday

in Market Friday2 years ago

Wow! The bees were so mellow that you could actually reach down and pet them! That is awesome! I knew that Lavender has a calming effect, but I didn't know that it even had that kind of effect on bees! I find that very interesting. Also, the fact that it repels the wasps! I have definitely learned something today! Thank you for sharing that information!

So, now you are starting to get ready for the sunflowers! Sounds exciting!

You can find my post for this week here.


I found that fascinating myself! Petting them was shown to me by my youngest daughter. At first, I was reluctant to touch them, but, then once I did, I was kind of hooked on touching them. 😀 They were so mellow, they didn't seem to mind.

I also woke a few up from their naps and instead of being aggressive, they slowly woke up and bumbled around, collecting more pollen. I called it drunk with lavender. It seemed so.

The wasps and hornets (and actually other insects!) surprised me, but, I really didn't see any around, so I believe it. This is after going there for a month... not one!

Sunflowers will be here soon!

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!

#MarketFriay loves you!

This is really amazing! So, thanks to your daughter, I am also learning something. I can imagine it must have been a wonderful experience... And even being so mellow while they are waking up... Awesome!

Even the wasps and hornets... I didn't know that either. I have really learned a lot, thank you!

I do love the little things we learn from reading posts.

I even find out some things from researching a post for myself. There is no end to what you can learn and I hope I continue it for the rest of my life.

Thanks! I hope you are having a great weekend!

That is so true what you say! That is why I find it so fulfilling to be active here. Reading posts and like you say, even doing research for your own posts, opens up so many opportunities to learn new things!

I sometimes find it hard to be as active as I want with family, work, gardens and 9 brothers and sisters that actively seek attention from me! LOL.

But, I still manage some time. :)

Okay, I don't have 9 brothers and sisters...but the rest sound quite familiar...LOL!

I know, right? Life is busy!! :) But, I wouldn't change a thing!