I am a Doctor of Natural Sciences now ! - This is my PhD Thesis

in StemSocial4 years ago (edited)

Hello lovely Hiveans !

I finally obtained my doctorate after 5 years of intense studies and now I am officially a Doctor of Natural Science .. Yeah ^^ .. In my post today I would like to talk a bit about my biggest project that I was worked on during this time. I was concerned about the polarity of interstellar water ice and the investigation on which exact effects are contributing the most and to which degree to the polarity of water, micro- or macrosolvation. I know that explaining this to a broad audience with just a little to nearly no background in physics or chemistry is a difficult task, but I will try my best to make it as simple and understandable as possible ^^ I will also focus on the probably more interesting introduction. I will also only show my main result here. Everything will be presented more qualitative than quantitative ^^


Water and its Importance for the Evolution of Life

To understand the chemistry and physics that are responsible for the evolution of all solar systems, it is necessary to understand solar system ices. These ices are formed from protoplanetary nebulae, after the former star just freshly exploded, and the main building blocks from which subsequently all planets and their moons are aggregating. Therefor studying the properties of solar system ices can give important insights into all the various solar system processes on a larger scale 😱

The most abundant interstellar ice of all, and the one that my work was focused on, is H2O, which was detected on all planets and moons in our solar system, except on Venus ^^ In addition it must be said, that a liquid medium, which enables molecules to come in close contact to conduct chemical reactions, is another indispensable factor for the evolution of life. Besides, it protects all evolutionary processes from heavy bombardments and surface impacts at the beginning of solar system formations and constant cosmic irradiation during their evolution.

A comparison of several liquid media, such as H2O, NH3 and CH4, clearly shows that water is the most suitable one for the evolution of live, for several important reasons ...

  • As already said, H2O ices dominate most icy objects and can be found nearly everywhere in the solar system. It is just everywhere ^^
  • It has the largest polarity and thus features the widest range between its melting and boiling point. Thus it has the widest range in-between it can maintain its liquid state.
  • Its high polarity also inhibits the solubility of unpolar compounds, such as lipids. Consequently this enables the formation of rather unpolar membranes, which are made of unpolar components. These are crucial for the evolution of cell compartments and thus for all higher life on earth that is large enough to be detected with the eye.
  • H2O features another crucial property, its density anomaly. Water exhibits its greatest density at 4 °C. Thus H2O ice has a lower density than liquid water. This gives rise to a crucial aspect for the evolution of life as H2O freezes from the top and swims on the liquid phase. Liquid water also can maintain its liquid state even under enormous pressure and temperatures, as present in the deep seas. This enables life to evolve even during ice ages and snowball phases, such as archaebacteria and paramecium during the Precambrian era. This is also crucial when thinking about ice moons, such as Jupiter’s Galileans Europa and Ganymede, where the Voyager spacecraft indicated an ocean of liquid water beneath their ice crusts.

Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light

The most important source of light and natural renewable energy of each solar system is its central star. This solar radiation has a huge influence on all living matter and the physical properties of the whole solar system. Thereby the emitted light covers the whole range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It can be broken down and classified according to the radiation wavelength.

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The electromagnetic spectrum of light broken down by the radiation wavelength

  • Radio radiation (100 km – 10 cm)
  • Microwave radiation (10 cm – 1 mm)
  • Infrared radiation (1 mm – 700 nm)
  • Visible light radiation (700 nm – 400 nm)
  • Ultraviolet radiation (400 nm - 10 nm)
  • X-ray radiation (10 - 0.01 nm)
  • Gamma radiation (< 0.01 nm)

Thereby, 99 % of the energy of the solar radiation is contained in the wavelength from 15 nm to 4000 nm, which comprises the near-ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions of the spectrum, with a maximum at 500 nm.

As the radiation emitted from stars peaks in the UV/Vis range, biological organisms adapted to this specific range. For example, the human eye is only capable to detect UV/Vis from 700 nm – 400 nm. Within this range light occurs red (650 nm), orange (590 nm), yellow (570 nm), green (510 nm), blue (475 nm), and violet (445 nm). Solar radiation in the ultraviolet region is also essential for the photosynthesis of plants.

In addition, for us humans large and hot Type-O stars appear to be blue, while smaller and colder Type-M stars appear to be red. These colors of the stars mark the range of our visible range too✨.

Polarity of Solvents

The character of each solvent-solute interaction force depends on the strength of their dipole moments. Almost all molecules possess an dipole moment due to an unsymmetrical charge distribution in their structure.

The term polarity describes the sum of all predominant solvent-solute interaction forces between all molecules of solvent and solute. Thereby the various intermolecular forces are roughly sorted into two classes: Those interactive forces that are acting specific and directional, such as hydrogen-bonding (HB), and those, which are unspecific, such as induction (dipole - dipole) and dispersion (induced dipole - induced dipole).

Interaction Forces.jpg
Classification of Solvents by their polarity, showing a strong directional interaction (hydrogen bonding) and weak unspecific interactions (only between dipoles - induced dipoles, lacking specific ad directional ones).

The nature of the acting forces is highly dependent on the respective solvent. H2O is capable of forming out strong specific and directional hydrogen bonds and features a large charge distribution in its structure which makes it a highly polar solvent. Contrary to this solvent like CHCl3 (chloroform) feature no direct interaction and nearly no charge separation. Thus, they are highly unpolar.

Classification of Solvents by their Polarity and contribution as HB-donors.

Solvatochromism and my Solvatochromic Dye

The term solvatochromism describes the phenomenon that can be seen when a solute features a different color upon being dissolved in solvents with a different polarity 🎨

As different solvents also feature different intermolecular interactions, based on their polarity, the acting forces between the solute and solvent are different. As a consequence, the dipole moments of the ground-state and the excited state of the solute are also altered. Polar solvents stabilize the polar ground-state far better the unpolar solvents. This different stabilization due to the different polarity of the solvent then leads to a difference in the corresponding excitation energy.

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Polar solvents stabilize the polar ground-state far better the unpolar solvents. This different stabilization due to the different polarity of the solvent then leads to a difference in the corresponding excitation energy

The beauty of the dye that was used is, that the range of the absorption in polar H2O and unpolar CHCl3 cover the whole visible range of the light. So depending on the solvent this dye features all colors that can be imagined 🤩😍

UV RT OrgSolv.jpg
Solvents of different polarity result in different excitation energies of the used dye and thus in different colors observed

Microsolvation and Macrosolvarion

Did you all manage to come the whole way down the text to this point here? .. Congratulations, we successfully completed the introduction 😁 .. I really hope that I explained it in an easy and understandable way without using too many dry scientific but rather interesting details 🤔

The term microsolvarion refers to the interaction of the solute with just a few defined number of solvent molecules, while the term macrosolvation refers to interactions of the solute with the whole bulk of the solvent and includes all solvent molecules. To investigate microsolvation, the dye was isolated in a large excess of 1:1000 in an inert noble gas matrix, which features no remarkable interaction at all. The nobel gas itself is doped with a small amound of only 1% H2O. At temperatures of only 3 Kelvin the matrix that was produces is rigid and stiff. Annealing the temperature to 25 Kelvin allows the diffusion of H2O molecules through the inert noble gas and thus the formation of defined complexes with just a few molecules of water. Thus we can investigate microsolvation. For macrosolvation we isolate the dye directly in a 100% H2O matrix.

Solid noble gas matrix at 3 Kelvin, where it is stiff and rigid and annealed to 25 K, where it softenes up and allows diffusion and aggregation of embedded molecules).

0 Kelvin is defined as the lowest temperature that is theoretical possible, where all matter is completely frozen. It is equal to -273°C 😱❄️ The comparison of micro- and macro experiments was done by comparing the corresponding polarity that were measured by the solvatochromic dye that was used as the solute. Thereby the concentration ranged from 0% (only noble gas) up to 100% H2O concentration (only H2O).

All UV 0 to 100.jpg
Interactions in microsolvation fashion only has little impact on the polarity, while macrosolvation gradually increases the polarity, due to more and more agglomerated water shells around the dye.

This tells us that direct and directional interaction, such as hydrogen bonding, which are considered to be far stronger than any other effects, only have a really small contribution to the overall polarity. The gradual aggregation of more and more solvent shells around the dye has a far bigger impact on the polarity. This can be explained as the increasing induction of all the solvent molecules upon each other are increasing with each new solvent shell.


Or, My Whole work in Simple Words ^^

One person, even if big and strong, can not push a huge bus from the street alone .. But 100 far weaker people, that work together as a team and are constantly cheering at each other and motivating and helping themselves, will do the trick .. But if now the strong guy is amongst them and directly in front of the bus, the cheering team members behind him also increase his potential to a large degree 😁

and by the way, hehe..


Thank you!


I really hope that you enjoyed this post here ^^

I actually spend a lot if time into this project and it was far bigger than what I am showing you here, but I think that this write-up is already big enough and it will also get too complicated if I go into more detail 😅 .. I had an really great time during these last years and the opportunity for some adventures all around the world too ^^ Especially my time at NASA and Americas National Parks were just sooooo amazing 😍 .. I also married and became a father of sun, who is 4 year old now 😁 .. But I also lost my parents and grandparents too during this time, shortly after his birth, which was quite hard and nearly broke me. All this deaths happened just within half a year, leaving me alone as the head of my own family 😭💔 .. I had to take a whole year off to sort myself and get back on line. This was the time when I started my journey in Hive, as a therapy, an where I met all of you here, became a nature blogger and found many many new friends ❤️ .. There was also Corona throughout my whole last year and still is 🙄 .. Wow, for me this PhD was an intense ride through life with the highest highs and the lowest lows .. It transformed me from a naive childish youngster into a life experienced adult .. I would have never imagined that before ^^

I dedicate this post to the family that I lost and never could witness the moment that I finally finish my academia, but who were the reason, due to their constant support, trust and motivation that I managed to get so far .. May you all rest in peace ❤️

All pictures were created by myself, ©@adalger, on the basis of the result of my PhD thesis.



If you want to know more about me, just look up my Introduceyourself post or follow my blog ^^

Learn more about @adalger here !

Best wishes,

"Its high polarity also inhibits the solubility of unpolar compounds, such as lipids. Consequently this enables the formation of rather unpolar membranes, which are made of unpolar components. These are crucial for the evolution of cell compartments and thus for all higher life on earth that is large enough to be detected with the eye." Simpler and more direct from here I make it difficult. On the other hand, what you talk about microsolvation I did not know, so it is a very interesting contribution that you present.
I cannot imagine how hard it has been to lose a large part of your family in less than half a year, it is without a doubt something overwhelming and terrible. From here I send you my condolences, and I also say the following: Death is not the end. Although they were not physically there with you, without a doubt they must have been by your side when you obtained this great achievement. Perhaps what I am expressing to you here is something difficult to accept, especially for a scientist, or perhaps not, I was raised by a scientist and an intellectual, who were atheists; and I am now a person with deep spiritual beliefs. As Max Planck, the father of Quantum Physics, said: “Between God and Science we never find a contradiction. They are not mutually exclusive, as some think today, they complement and condition each other. ” Greetings and blessings.

" Su alta polaridad también inhibe la solubilidad de compuestos no polares, como los lípidos. En consecuencia, esto permite la formación de membranas bastante no polares, que están hechas de componentes no polares. Estos son cruciales para la evolución de los compartimentos celulares y, por lo tanto, para toda la vida superior en la tierra que sea lo suficientemente grande como para ser detectada a simple vista." Más simple y directo de aquí lo dificulto. Por otra parte lo que hablas de la microsolvatación no lo conocía, por lo que es un aporte muy interesante el que presentas.Este post está excelente @adalger, no había pensado en la importancia de la polaridad del agua para la formación de vida. Sí sabía de su importancia fundamental, ya que sin agua difícilmente hay vida, porque no se puede realizar la formación de moléculas, pero me ha sorprendido gratamente el cómo explicas de forma tan sencilla:

No imagino cuán duro ha sido el perder a gran parte de tu familia en menos de medio año, es sin duda algo abrumador y terrible. Desde aquí te envío mis condolencias, y también te digo lo siguiente: La muerte no es el fin. Si bien ellos no estuvieron físicamente allí contigo, sin duda alguna han de haber estado a tu lado cuando obtenías este gran logro. Quizás lo que te expreso aquí sea algo complicado de aceptar, especialmente para un científico, o quizás no, yo fui criada por un científico y una intelectual, quienes eran ateos; y soy ahora una persona con profundas creencias espirituales. Como dijo Max Planck, el padre de la Física Cuántica: “Entre Dios y la Ciencia no encontramos jamás una contradicción. No se excluyen, como algunos piensan hoy, se complementan y se condicionan mutuamente.” Saludos y bendiciones.

This post is excellent @adalger, I had not thought about the importance of the polarity of water for the formation of life. I did know of its fundamental importance, since without water there is hardly any life, because the formation of molecules cannot be carried out, but I was pleasantly surprised by how you explain so simply:

First of all, thank you very much for your kind words. They mean a lot to me, more than I can express in just words 🤗 .. I am also glad that you took your time to read through all this text. I know that this must be a lot to digest but it is great that you found them interesting and that I succeded in transporting the information in a simple and understandable way 😉 .. I also applied to many universities already for a position as student laboratory supervisor, but unfortunately I am overqualified with a phd and they all rejected me because of this. In fact, gettin such a job in scientific education would have been a dream job for me 😁 .. Thank you @tarot911 🤗

Without a doubt you would be an extraordinary teacher, what a pity that for simply bureaucratic reasons you cannot work on it. For decades, science education has been an area that has lost strength, perhaps due to an excess of academicism or because of the prejudices of the population; which is unfortunate because Science is precious and valuable. I wish the best in the world for you and your family. A big hug.

Sin duda alguna serías un extraordinario profesor, que lástima que por cuestiones simplemente burocráticas no puedas trabajar en ello. Desde hace décadas la educación científica es un área que ha perdido fuerza, quizás por un exceso de academicismo o por prejucios de la población; lo cual es lamentable porque la Ciencia es preciosa y valiosa. Te deseo lo mejor del mundo para tí y tu familia. Un gran abrazo.

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I actually spend a lot if time into this project and it was far bigger than what I am showing you here, but I think that this write-up is already big enough and it will also get too complicated if I go into more detail 😅 .. I had an really great time during these last years and the opportunity for some adventures all around the world too ^^ Especially my time at NASA and Americas National Parks were just sooooo amazing 😍 .. I also married and became a father of sun, who is 4 year old now 😁 .. But I also lost my parents and grandparents too during this time, shortly after his birth, which was quite hard and nearly broke me. All this deaths happened just within half a year, leaving me alone as the head of my own family 😭💔 .. I had to take a whole year off to sort myself and get back on line. This was the time when I started my journey in Hive, as a therapy, an where I met all of you here, became a nature blogger and found many many new friends ❤️ .. There was also Corona throughout my whole last year and still is 🙄 .. Wow, for me this PhD was an intense ride through life with the highest highs and the lowest lows .. It transformed me from a naive childish youngster into a life experienced adult .. I would have never imagined that before ^^

I dedicate this post to the family that I lost and never could witness the moment that I finally finish my academia, but who were the reason, due to their constant support, trust and motivation that I managed to get so far .. May you all rest in peace ❤️

Dear friend, the thesis is amazing i had to read it slowly because its difficult for the Dutch blond, but i get a bit of it.
I am proud, you done it and in the times where life was difficult! I know that there are still difficulties and that there are still hurdels to take. I wish you a giant opportunity of a job and glad that you decided to become a blogger.
I still hope we can meet up and speak in person. But this covid monster needs to be away first.

So congrats this is a milestone and the angels above were there to witness it so,
All good to you and you family,
You know i am a fan and whenever you need me,
I am that addicted ghost
Love `Britt

I cant help it @brittandjosie 💖 .. Whenever I read one of your comments I am left with a deep feeling of happiness and satisfaction 😘 .. Thank you so much for finding and supporting me from my very first day .. I can't express how thankfull I am for what you and the Terminal all did to support me all the long way .. I wish you a great mothers day 💐🌹💖🌺🌸🏵️🌷🌼🌻 ^^

Congratulations are definitely in order for your wonderful accomplishment. I’m sure your parents and grandparents are smiling with encouragement and know about your success.

Thanks for breaking it down into “My Whole work in Simple Words” for many of us less scientific to relate. :)

Have a !BEER and relax now you have your Doctor of Natural Sciences @adalger.

Again Congrats!👍 🌺

Thank you very much @redheadpei ^^ .. It was really a long road through many highs and deeps and so much happened in all these years ;) .. I really thought a long time how to write up my thesis without loosing too much information while still keeping it simple. Even after this I found that a "simple words" paragraph would be a great idea too, hehe .. Thanks for stopping by 🤗 .. And thanks for the beer 🍻

Most welcome dear @adalger.

Have a great day!🌺

Congratulation. This is great accomplishment👍 👏

Thank you very much @oladunmoye 😊 .. I aam aalso ssuper pproud oof it, hehe 😁

Firstly congratulations on your Doctorate in Natural Science.

With a young child in the home is distracting knowing you need to split your time. Losing so many family members in a short space of time is heart-breaking.

A tough road over the last couple of years with highs and lows, great to know you and appreciate what you do for everyone @adalger


Congratulations! You deserve praise. I remember how hard my husband worked on his dissertation many years ago. Now the baby he held while proofreading that dissertation is 32 and a father of 4! Wishing you mmuch joy as you pursue your passion! !BEER

😄 .. Thank you for for the congrats and for stopping by ^^ .. 32 years are quite a while ^^ .. I wish that in this time I can also look proudly on so many little grandchildren ^^

I admire your perseverance. And I'm sure this is not your last research :-)
Congratulations on your success.

I nearly missed you comment here ^^ .. thank you very much @bucipuci 😊 .. I really hope that its not my last research as I love research in general .. let's see where the future takes me to 😆

Nice Adalger! Congratulations and thank you to share your thesi. I wish you the best tomorrow. !BEER !WINE !LUV 1

Thank you @davidesimoncini ^^ .. I am glad that you visited it .. Also its quite a "dry" post maybe 😉

Sorry for your loss.
RegardsCongratulations @adalger on completing your doctoral studies. Interesting your work, I understood some concepts that I did not know as Microsolvation and Macrosolvarion, it was very didactic your publication and I imagine that it is only a small excerpt of everything you did.

Thank you @popurri ^^ .. I am glad that you liked the didactic touch of the post and are happy that you could get some new knowledge out of it 😁 .. Apart from the other things that I wrote, like water and its importance and spectra of light f.e, microsolvation and macrosolvarion is kind of really specialized topic already ;)

Wow! This is definitely one of the posts that taught me so much. Congratulations for earning your PhD degree, the world has gained another curious and passionate scientist to learn about how nature works, that 5-year journey was totally worth it. 🙏🏻

I'd probably re-read this post with the chemistry stuff I'm not familiar with. I enjoyed reading this one, noting the fact that it tells a simple but great story (the one that summarizes your work at the end). I remembered my research adviser that time I was struggling with how I'll communicate my research. He keeps telling me that my work should have a story that people could easily relate to.

Again, congratulations on your hard work! 🤓✨

Its so nice to read that you could get some knowledge from this posts ^^ .. I actually figured out that writing about science is something I really enjoy .. And great story telling is fitting to Hive too, as it is not compulsory to write it up in a rather "dry" fashion here 😁 .. Thank you for your nice comment 🙏

Wow! Great news! Congrats!

You survived the intense five years!!! Well done!! Ya, with all the messy coronavirus events around everywhere. Hope you could look after yourself for a change! Sleep well, eat well and so on!

Life is very challenging at the moment for most people.

Stay strong and healthy!

Thanks for stopping by @kaminchan .. Yes, these are very challenging times .. I am really happy that I finally could end this big pillar of my life, even through corona timrs ^^ .. How are you doing by the way? .. Glad to see thar you are still hiving on :) .. My private account was not so super active for very long time, but I hope I can browse through the Hiveasphere far more often now 👋

Yeah! Still trying survive in a very strange and difficult world at the moment. Well, I have to count my blessings! Things could have been worse without blogging on blockchain.

You’ll need some time to get used to not bring under huge pressure like before!! Hahaha.

Have a wonderful time.

Many congrats on your achievement! I would definitely watch your Youtube channel, I love all things science, chemistry, astronomy and physics (both classical and quantum).

Hopefully you won't be plagued by too many crazies and conspiracy theorists! Anyway, looking forward to seeing more from you.


Thanks for stopping by ^^ .. I really enjoyed this rarher scietific writing here at Hive. Your comment motivated me to try some more in the future ;) .. I believethat I could do some realky nice posts here with some really interesting topics .. Thank you for your motivating comment @cryptogee 🤗

 4 years ago  

Congratulations to you Doc. Getting a PhD is not a small feat, I've been stuck on mine for a while now, although that's largely due to finances. Mine is in biological sciences and I hope to take a significant step towards it come next year. Hoping to raise funds this year, I believe.

My condolence about the demise of your parents and congratulations on your wedding and your boy. They make life more meaningful beyond academics... 😅

Especially in natural sciences a phd can be time consuming, complicating and annoying some days, especially during corina times 😉 .. Here in germany we are so lucky that there are no real study fees as in many other countries of the world. I can imagine how complicated it becomes if you need to watch over financials too .. But it is such an satisfying feeling when you finally have it .. Biological science is also something that requires many lab working times and intense and focused work .. I really wish you the very best for yours and hope you can make some good progress 🙏 .. One day we can read yours here too 📖😁

My friend @adalger Every effort has its reward, and yours will be very great. I wish you every success in your professional career!😁👏 Congratulations!

Thanks @juanbg 🙏 .. I still do not know where my careerwill lead me to, but I am sure it will be sciencerelated too .. Preferablysomething in the field of sustainability or nature preserve 🤔

Congratulations on your achievement. Being and doing what you like is the best thing that can happen to you. From my heart my sincere congratulations @adalger.

Thank you @isabelpena 🤗 .. Now I hope that I will be so lucky with my potential future job too 😁

So it will be, do not hesitate Dr. Adalger.

Sorry to hear of the lose of your parents and grandparents, that had to be so draining for you emotionally. But life will go on, I am sure you are so grateful for your wife and son. They are your world now, as well as of course your amazing work.
Good luck in your journey.Congratulations on this huge accomplishment! Dr, @adagler. You must be pumped. Good for you.

Thank you very much for the congratulations. I appreciate them highly 😊 ..... Thats the way life is working ^^ .. Nature always turns in circles and we humans are no exception 🙄 .. This is a lesson I knew for long in theory, but now I experieced it in real life too, also it is a hard one .. I am sad for the loss, but super greatfull for the gain too 😊


I admire people like you who with great effort and sacrifice get what they want in life.
Excellent post, very professional, I appreciate that you think of us who understand nothing about chemistry, I loved the end, very emotional.
have a beautiful night, happy dreamsCongratulations dear friend @adalger on your PhD.

Thank you very much @jlufer ^^ .. Your words are really nice and I appreciate them highly 🤗 .. I am glad you liked it .. I really tried my best to make it a bit simpler and concentrated more on some interesting aspects in the introduction that people may find more interesting and far less complicated .. The whole time was not easy at all indeed, but know that I managed to get it all behind me, I am super proud .. life is something no one can ignore and its consequences will always appear

Regards to your family!Congrats Doctor! I"m glad you achieve the highest degree in academic. You can now work as an authority in your field of study. @adalger ! This calls for celebration.

Thank you ^^ .. Irs a reallystranfe feeling somehow .. On one hand I fell awesomeas I manadgeiit, bbut in the other hand its like nothing changed .. I just hope that in the futureI can use all this gained knowledge for some tasjs that are deserving it and aim to do something to make the world a little bit better 🌍

wow! Herr Doctor -

cool. a good news to drink a glass of red wine for it.


I see a little typo her e- perhaps 'like' instead of 'live' ?.. I totally can same the same about me. as I am Aquarius, water, the world ocean (and sun shine) for me is everything!

Hehe, thanks for this .. I went through it again and found two more of them ^^ .. water is just magical .. but the real deep seas would frighten me. I believe I would be super afraid to dive down there, even with modern equipment 😜

BEERHey @adalger, here is a little bit of from @redheadpei for you. Enjoy it!

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Hi @adalger, you were just shared some LUV thanks to @davidesimoncini. Holding 10 LUV in your wallet enables you to give up to 3 LUV per day, for free. See the LUV in your wallet at https://hive-engine.com or learn about LUV at https://peakd.com/@luvshares https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUptF5k64xBvsQ9B6MjZo1dc2JwvXTWjWJAnyMCtWZxqM

BEERHey @adalger, here is a little bit of from @davidesimoncini for you. Enjoy it!

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BEERHey @adalger, here is a little bit of from @fiberfrau for you. Enjoy it!

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You have been through a lot trough these years, but you have achieved so much.
You are now Doctor of Natural Science, this is something you should be very proud of for the hard work you put.Congratulations @adalger!

Thank you @nelinoeva .. I reallyappreciate your comment ^^ I still can't believe that I finally managed 🤣

Congratulations @adalger, congratulations you have obtained your Doctor of Natural Sciences degree. I will save your post to read it calmly and comment it appropriately, since it is VERY GOOD, but I need to read it calmly. By the way, you look really handsome in that picture. Greetings and many blessing.

🤗 .. Glad you like it 😁 .. In case you find someymthing especially interesting leave me a comment. I could always try to make a post that is more indepth in specific topics .. Thanks for the compliment 🥰

Congratulations on becoming a father and earning your PhD! This is fabulous news! Thank you for sharing your triumphs! 💜

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks CommunityYou have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Thank you very much @thekittygirl ^^ I actually got really interested in the inner blocks community due to your visit and joined it now with a very first post ;)

You are welcome! InnerBlocks is focused on personal stories that discuss the "inner blocks" of which we're built that make us unique individuals. You included enough of a personal story here of #lifehappening to qualify, and I was happy to curate your post. 🙂

Congratulations for gaining the Phd, fabulous effort. I just need to take time to process your information and so will re-blog.. Regards Angie

Hey there @angiemitchell .. Thank you very much for stopping by .. If you have any detailed questions you are highly welcome to ask me any time ;)

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Llegue a tu post súper interesante, ante todo felicitaciones por tu gran logro @adalger. Lamento la perdida familiar, de verdad es difícil ponerte en tus zapatos, no poder compartir esta alegría con los ausentes, pero personalmente creo que ellos estuvieron allí viéndote. Muchas veces en la mañana antes de tomar de mi jarra de agua la bendigo, no sabía de la importancia, hasta que leí algunos de estos temas de la mano de la amiga @tarot911. La verdad todos los días se aprende y a veces actuamos instintivamente. Cosas que pasan. Muchos inventos y descubrimientos se han logrado así.

Get to your super interesting post, first of all congratulations on your great achievement @adalger. I am sorry for the family loss, it is really difficult to put yourself in your shoes, not being able to share this joy with the absent, but personally I think they were there watching you. Many times in the morning before drinking from my jug of water I bless it, I did not know the importance, until I read some of these topics from the hand of my friend @tarot911. The truth is learned every day and sometimes we act instinctively. Things that happen. Many inventions and discoveries have been made like this.

Wow very profitable, have actually learnt something from this post, very impacting thanks for sharing your ideas.....

Wow, I am glad that I could educate a little bit 😁 .. It was a lot of fun to write it all down and I was actuallyaafraid that I put it still to scientific in many passages 🤔 .. Thank you for stopping by and leavingthis motivating comment 🙏

😂 😂 😂 😂 your welcome bro

Wow, Congratulation Sir.
The journey wasn't easy, but you made it.💓 i love you work and your determination. I hope my journey will be nice to me, as i work towards getting my Masters.

Congratulation once again Dr.Adalger 💓

Thank you @ubani1 ^^ .. I wish you the very best for you Master 😃 .. I really hop that once you finish it you create a nice blog about it too .. It is always so nice to read the work that people did, especially as final thesis's always are made from much effort and dedication and contain a bit of the sou of each researcher ;)

Wow and where was I that I didn't read this. Congratulations now you are on the list of people I admire. These things happen in a doctorate, but the satisfaction remains. You are one of those hive Doctors who do not manifest arrogance..... Bravo for that! Total success

Haha, I also only read your comment right now, so I assume I am not better in that regard as I am 😆 .. thank you very much for this really encouraging words and compliment 😊 .. Reading them is very motivating ^^ .. You too are on of those researchers that are to be admired. I know all your publications in the Insect community and love them a lot .. Science is always the best if everyone can learn and benefit from it, regardless of its profession, and sharing knowledge can be so satisfying 😌 .. I wish you the very best 🙏