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RE: I am a Doctor of Natural Sciences now ! - This is my PhD Thesis

in StemSocial4 years ago
"Its high polarity also inhibits the solubility of unpolar compounds, such as lipids. Consequently this enables the formation of rather unpolar membranes, which are made of unpolar components. These are crucial for the evolution of cell compartments and thus for all higher life on earth that is large enough to be detected with the eye." Simpler and more direct from here I make it difficult. On the other hand, what you talk about microsolvation I did not know, so it is a very interesting contribution that you present.
I cannot imagine how hard it has been to lose a large part of your family in less than half a year, it is without a doubt something overwhelming and terrible. From here I send you my condolences, and I also say the following: Death is not the end. Although they were not physically there with you, without a doubt they must have been by your side when you obtained this great achievement. Perhaps what I am expressing to you here is something difficult to accept, especially for a scientist, or perhaps not, I was raised by a scientist and an intellectual, who were atheists; and I am now a person with deep spiritual beliefs. As Max Planck, the father of Quantum Physics, said: “Between God and Science we never find a contradiction. They are not mutually exclusive, as some think today, they complement and condition each other. ” Greetings and blessings.

" Su alta polaridad también inhibe la solubilidad de compuestos no polares, como los lípidos. En consecuencia, esto permite la formación de membranas bastante no polares, que están hechas de componentes no polares. Estos son cruciales para la evolución de los compartimentos celulares y, por lo tanto, para toda la vida superior en la tierra que sea lo suficientemente grande como para ser detectada a simple vista." Más simple y directo de aquí lo dificulto. Por otra parte lo que hablas de la microsolvatación no lo conocía, por lo que es un aporte muy interesante el que presentas.Este post está excelente @adalger, no había pensado en la importancia de la polaridad del agua para la formación de vida. Sí sabía de su importancia fundamental, ya que sin agua difícilmente hay vida, porque no se puede realizar la formación de moléculas, pero me ha sorprendido gratamente el cómo explicas de forma tan sencilla:

No imagino cuán duro ha sido el perder a gran parte de tu familia en menos de medio año, es sin duda algo abrumador y terrible. Desde aquí te envío mis condolencias, y también te digo lo siguiente: La muerte no es el fin. Si bien ellos no estuvieron físicamente allí contigo, sin duda alguna han de haber estado a tu lado cuando obtenías este gran logro. Quizás lo que te expreso aquí sea algo complicado de aceptar, especialmente para un científico, o quizás no, yo fui criada por un científico y una intelectual, quienes eran ateos; y soy ahora una persona con profundas creencias espirituales. Como dijo Max Planck, el padre de la Física Cuántica: “Entre Dios y la Ciencia no encontramos jamás una contradicción. No se excluyen, como algunos piensan hoy, se complementan y se condicionan mutuamente.” Saludos y bendiciones.

This post is excellent @adalger, I had not thought about the importance of the polarity of water for the formation of life. I did know of its fundamental importance, since without water there is hardly any life, because the formation of molecules cannot be carried out, but I was pleasantly surprised by how you explain so simply:

First of all, thank you very much for your kind words. They mean a lot to me, more than I can express in just words 🤗 .. I am also glad that you took your time to read through all this text. I know that this must be a lot to digest but it is great that you found them interesting and that I succeded in transporting the information in a simple and understandable way 😉 .. I also applied to many universities already for a position as student laboratory supervisor, but unfortunately I am overqualified with a phd and they all rejected me because of this. In fact, gettin such a job in scientific education would have been a dream job for me 😁 .. Thank you @tarot911 🤗

Without a doubt you would be an extraordinary teacher, what a pity that for simply bureaucratic reasons you cannot work on it. For decades, science education has been an area that has lost strength, perhaps due to an excess of academicism or because of the prejudices of the population; which is unfortunate because Science is precious and valuable. I wish the best in the world for you and your family. A big hug.

Sin duda alguna serías un extraordinario profesor, que lástima que por cuestiones simplemente burocráticas no puedas trabajar en ello. Desde hace décadas la educación científica es un área que ha perdido fuerza, quizás por un exceso de academicismo o por prejucios de la población; lo cual es lamentable porque la Ciencia es preciosa y valiosa. Te deseo lo mejor del mundo para tí y tu familia. Un gran abrazo.

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