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RE: Study Says COVID Shots Cause More Heart Damage Than COVID Does + My COVID Posts Get Accepted As Correct Months After I Share Them.

in COVID-193 years ago

Yes, that definitely happened in some areas. Now we know that the PCR tests for COVID19 are catching flu a lot of the time. This was obvious to a child with an average IQ. lol. Though I'm not sure what this has to do with 5G.


What is the injection for? We both know convid is a nothing burger. So why are they injecting everyoneand everything?
Why did they start calling the flu and common cold convid?
Why did they block all conventional treatment for convid?

My point is the math tells us the agenda, the plan, and with time the result.

Only those who accept what they are told, think otherwise.

When you finish the book The Invisible Rainbow then ask me what this all has to do with 5G.
But I actually believe this is all about ID 2020 The 2010 Rockefeller report.
But mostly Zionism. Religious nuts who believe in fairy tales are behind this all. This is just one plank of a multi faceted battle against the 70 nations.

It is not especially challenging, with modern tech, to take something like influenza and adjust it to create something different enough to be called new and that does legitimately have some 'gain of function'. I have no reason to think that this isn't what has been done. Mixing up the case stats with the cases of 'old' flu just helps amplify the panic.

There are hundreds of possible theories and agendas that can seem to make sense without having absolute proof - some might be true, but many aren't. Therefore, I stay open until the evidence mounts. Every day I get sent evidence and claims that are partially or completely false - which take me only minutes to show. In such a situation there is no choice but to have a high standard for evidence.