Hello pet lovers! Today I introduce you to Lola, a little dog that even though she is not mine, she is like my adopted dog daughter. Lola is a Beagle breed, she is 5 years old and very naughty. I usually take care of her at my house when her owners go on a trip or when she comes to visit to play with my dog Bolty.
Hola amantes de la mascotas! Hoy te presento a Lola una perrita que a pesar de no ser mía es como mi hija perruna adoptiva. Lola es de raza Beagle tiene 5 años y es muy traviesa. Suelo cuidarla en mi casa cuando sus dueños se van de viaje o cuando viene de visita a jugar con mi perro Bolty.
I met Lola when I attended a dog meeting with my dog Bolty in a city park some years ago, Lola was about 6 months old and Bolty was one year old. They instantly got along very well and from that day on they became inseparable friends, so much so that in the dog parks there used to be more than 20 dogs and in spite of that they always decided to play together.
Conocí a Lola cuando asistí a un encuentro canino con mi perro Bolty realizado en un parque de la ciudad hace algunos años atrás, Lola tenía unos 6 meses de edad y Bolty tenía un año. Al instante se llevaron muy bien y desde ese día se convirtieron en amigos inseparables, tanto así que en los parques caninos solían haber más de 20 perros y a pesar de eso ellos siempre decidían jugar juntos.
Lola is the perfect example of what a Beagle's personality is like, she is super energetic, stubborn, and loving. Her owners always shared with me anecdotes of her antics and among the most curious is that she learned to open the fridge with her paw and one day when no one was home she opened it and ate bologna, cheese, ham and everything that was within her reach, you can imagine the scolding that Lola got for her mischief. Of course, after that, they had to put a special lock on the fridge to avoid future surprises.
Lola es el perfecto ejemplo de cómo es la personalidad de un Beagle es super energética, testaruda y amorosa. Sus dueños siempre me compartían anécdotas de sus travesuras y entre la más curiosa es que aprendió a abrir la nevera con la pata y un día que no había nadie en casa la abrió se comió mortadela, queso, jamón y todo lo que estaba a su alcance, ya se podrán imaginar el regaño que se llevó Lola por su travesura. Por supuesto luego de eso tuvieron que ponerle un seguro especial a la nevera para evitar futuras sorpresas.
When Lola's family was planning to go on vacation I offered to take care of her at my house while they were out of town, that time she stayed for a week, that experience helped me to learn the great responsibility you must have to take care of another dog since the family trusts you to leave their pet in your care. That first time, not being used to be away from her family, she showed separation anxiety, the first 2 days she barked a lot, however, on the third day she was much more comfortable and playing happily with Bolty. They liked to sleep together on the furniture and go for walks.
Cuando la familia de Lola estaba planeando irse de vacaciones me ofrecí a cuidarla en mi casa mientras ellos estaban fuera de la ciudad, esa vez se quedó durante una semana, esa experiencia me sirvió para aprender la gran responsabilidad que se debe tener para cuidar de otro perro ya que la familia deposita en ti su confianza para dejar a su mascota a tu cargo. Esa primera vez al no estar acostumbrada a estar lejos de su familia mostro ansiedad por separación, los primeros 2 días ladro bastante, sin embargo, ya el día tercer día estaba mucho más cómoda y jugando contenta con Bolty. Les gustaba dormir juntos en el mueble y salir a pasear.
Obviously, Lola was not going to stop making mischief that week she was still a puppy, as a result of her first stay I ended up without flip flops, with the plug of the stereo bitten and 2 stuffed animals that required urgent surgery, at that time I understood her owners when they said she was tremendous. But well, as adorable as dogs are, we can't be mad at them for long.
Obviamente Lola no iba a dejar de hacer travesuras esa semana todavía era una cachorra, como resultado de su primera estadía terminé sin chancletas, con el enchufe del equipo de sonido mordido y 2 peluches que requerían cirugía urgente, en ese momento comprendí a sus dueños cuando decían que era tremenda. Pero bueno con lo adorable que son los perros no podemos enojarnos mucho tiempo con ellos.
With the passing of the years and some training, Lola overcame her separation anxiety and totally enjoyed her stays at my house, so much so that when the owners said goodbye to her she didn't even look at them because she was focused on playing and when it was her turn to go back home she was sad as was Bolty for having to be separated, personally I really enjoy having her company at home, although having 2 dogs is a challenge it is a fun experience.
Con el paso de los años y algo de entrenamiento Lola supero su ansiedad por separación y disfrutaba totalmente sus estadías en mi casa, tanto así que cuando los dueños se despedían de ella ni los miraba pues estaba concentrada jugando y cuando le tocaba volver a su hogar se quedaba triste al igual Bolty por tener que separarse, personalmente disfruto mucho tener su compañía en casa, aunque tener 2 perros sea todo un reto es una experiencia divertida.
Such a cute pupper! Separation anxiety is an issue that many pet owners are dealing with now especially with corona and the stay-home orders. Now that people are going back to work, their animals are trying to deal with them leaving, so they have to be retrained. Or worse if they got the pet during the work at home time.
Hey, Thank you! Oh yes our pets were happy with us staying at home and now it's difficult for them but we can use a lot of methods to do the process less traumatic for them. Usually, I let a lot of toys around my dog with I left my home.
Thank you, Jaime!