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RE: Cat Mom Diary #04 |An unexpected trip to the Vet Clinic. Osiris is in pain!

in Hive Pets2 years ago

So glad that you took him to the vet so quickly as male cats can die pretty fast from urinary blockages.

My old darling boy Chad was in that same situation, but it didn't cost $38, it costs literally hundreds of dollars to see the vets here- and then there's the cost of the medication on top of that...

And all animals hide their pain from their owners. Its actually instinctive for them as in the wild all animals are prey for the larger animals, so they can't show weakness.

Did the vet do any blood tests or take urine and faecal samples too?

Did the vet take xrays?

I hope that there is nothing more serious wrong and that the vet did everything to find the root cause.

Love to Osiris for me and Indy and we hope that he gets better asap and stays well!

Don't hesitate to search on the internet for any concerns, that's how I have now learnt how to be a bird mum...I've only ever had cats and dogs and a couple of chickens too, but Parrots are totally different...(extraordinarily loud and sooo incredibly messy..)



male cats can die pretty fast from urinary blockages.

😭 I did read this on the internet and I panicked! So far, the doctor didn't do any xray, fecal and urine tests, and bloodwork. He mentioned that we are only going to do that if Osiris still finds it hard to pee after our first visit. And glad we haven't gone for our second visit yet because its pretty much expensive! and the medications make it a lot more costly! but anything for our pets, right? 😊

It's my first time having a cat as a pet so its nerve-wracking! However, having a pet parrot is whole different thing too! Indy looks so cozy in your sweater! I do enjoy watching videos of parrots being pretty much bossy but so funny! Is he like that too?

Osiris is doing better but I'm always observing if anything changes in his behavior!

Sorry for the delayed response sweets!

How is our gorgeous little man now?

Indy is in bird boarding for till the end of the month as I am at home for my dad's 87th birthday.I miss her so much..

This is her first time out of home and her first time ever of meeting other birds IRL.

She has seen other birds before, but through the windows and now she's in such a contrasting environment!

When she's with me, she's got a very colourful, open space to be in and a huge cage- which she is only in when I'm at work, otherwise she just hangs out on my shoulder (sometimes I feel a bit like a pirate with my parrot on my

And we go to bed late and get up late (due to my jobs), she has music all day and night and leads a pretty human kind of life really...

And now she's in a bland room with no windows and unnatural lighting, with the lights turning on early and going off at 4pm and certainly no cuddles....she's going to be so bored...

I feel soooo bad for her, but it had to be done I'm afraid. 😪

No worries my love! It's all good. For the past days, I've been trying to take a break from social media too - being in touch with the nature, swimming every day, grounding at the beach, reading some books.

sometimes I feel a bit like a pirate with my parrot on my

I bet Indy feels like an amazing first mate too! She is well pampered and definitely has been enjoying so much love coming from you! I'm sure she misses you too!

Well, August is coming to an end. Just a few more days! If they could talk, I bet she has a lot of things to tell you, or perhaps complain about. 😂

Me and Osiris had a stressful week! but I'll probably write about it later or tomorrow. Thought August was a bit chill for me but the universe has other plans!

Cheers to your dad!

Oooh that sounds like a few days that I need to have for the rest of my life...🤣..

Yes I'm a bit worried about what Indy will have to say to me when I get back and more so about what she will continue to say when we actually get home because like I said, she staying next to a very handsome male IRN by the name of Blue who says I love you all the time...

I hope that your little man is ok!!!