William at 7:00 a.m: This is my Cat every single Morning... [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Petslast year


I would like to tell you that I have a cute, cuddly, tame kitten who fits into the canon of kittens who purrs and sleeps peacefully while being fed and adored by his caregivers and family. William is a rebellious soul like no other. He came to my home as a puppy. My girlfriend gave him to me as a present for our anniversary. And I can tell you, that from day one I knew this cat would be indomitable.... More than a year later, I have not only confirmed it a thousand times, but I have resigned myself to his nature and character.

Now, today, like every day in the morning, I decided to take him out to do his business. Surely, you think he should have litter to do his business, but the answer is that I have tried more times than I can remember and to this day, all William has done is systematically ignore the litter box. Everything that works for all the other cats in the world, with my little indomitable friend, is simply impossible.

Me gustaría decirles que tengo un gatito tierno, adorable, manso y que entra dentro del canon de aquellos gatitos que ronronean y duermen plácidamente mientras son alimentados y adorados por sus cuidadores y familias. William, es un alma rebelde sin igual. Llegó a mi casa, desde cachorrito. Mi novia me lo obsequió como regalo en nuestro aniversario. Y les puedo decir, que desde el primer día supe que este gato sería indomable... Más de un año después, no sólo lo he confirmado mil veces, sino que me he resignado con su naturaleza y carácter.

Ahora bien, hoy, como todos los días durante la mañana, decidí sacarlo para que hiciera sus necesidades. Seguramente, pensarán que debería tener arena para hacer sus necesidades; pero la respuesta es que lo intenté más veces de las que tengo memoria y hasta el Sol de hoy, lo único que William ha hecho es ignorar al arenero sistemáticamente. Todo lo que funciona para los demás gatos del mundo, con mi pequeño e indomable amigo, es sencillamente imposible.


I'll go back to what I was saying in the previous paragraph... I was outside with Will, waiting for him to relieve himself in the garden of my house, and the lighting was spectacular and unbeatable and I decided to take some photographs of him to preserve the moment. To tell the truth, I don't have many of him. In fact, the period of our lives that I have photographed my pet the most was when he was "sick" for more than two months. Because he had a collar, which immobilised him from turning his head and he was "slower" and "tamer".

While I was deciding which angles would benefit the composition of the image, I remembered that the only thing my kitten needs to do is to express with his "voice" what he wants. He doesn't do his business in the litter box, he loves to take showers, he loves bananas too much (it's one of his favourite foods) and he always, always brings a prey that he hunts somewhere. And yes, in case there's any doubt, my cat is extremely well fed: he eats three times a day...

Retomo, porque perdí el hilo de lo que relataba en el párrafo anterior... Estaba afuera con Will, esperando que hiciera sus necesidades en el jardín de mi casa, y la iluminación era espectacular e inmejorable y decidí tomarle algunas fotografías para preservar el momento. La verdad, muchas sobre él no poseo. De hecho, el período de nuestras vidas que más he fotografiado a mi mascota, fue cuando estuvo "enfermo" por más de dos meses ¿Por qué? Porque tenía un collarín, que le inmovilazaba girar la cabeza y era más "lento" y "domable.

Mientras decidía cuáles ángulos beneficiaban más la composición de la imagen, recordé que a mi gatito lo único que le hace falta es expresar con su "voz" lo que desea. No hace sus necesidades en el arenero, ama tomar duchas, le gusta demasiado el plátano (es de sus comidas preferidas) y siempre, pero siempre trae una presa que caza en algún lugar. Y sí, por si queda alguna duda, mi gato está extremadamente bien alimentado: come tres veces al día...



Cats are generally crazy about any food such as meat or chicken; William is not. He prefers beef liver as a source of protein and although he does like the meats I have already mentioned, he does not fit the typical definition where all other felines fit perfectly. My pet is someone I have had a hard time taming. In a way, I am grateful that this is the case. Because it is precisely the nature of his behaviour that makes me respect and love him so much.

Each and every morning, William goes out to do his business in the garden, and when you think he is about to do something, he looks at you, meows, scratches the surfaces of the trees around my house, or like a poet, he ends up sniffing the flowers as if he enjoys the essence of those smells. He does not allow anyone to pick him up or carry him. He is capable of lying down at 4 o'clock in the morning on your face, while you are asleep and if you dare to remove him, you will come out scratched and you will never see "repentance" in the way he acts.

There are many times when I thought my cat was "defective" from the factory, but now that time has passed, I even think I admire him a little. He's cute, smart and no one fits the definition of independence better than him. William is the perfect definition of ability, spoiled but at the same time character. He shows you affection, of course he does, but if with cats you have to earn it, with him you have to put in a lot more overtime. I have a love and passion for him, and I'm glad I made this post inspired by his effect on my life.

A los gatos, en líneas generales, cualquier comida como la carne o el pollo los vuelve locos; a William no es así. Prefiere el hígado de res como fuente de proteínas y aunque sí que le gustan las carnes que ya he mencionado, no entra dentro de la típica definición donde todo los demás felinos encajan perfectamente. Mi mascota, es alguien que me ha costado mucho domar. En cierto modo, agradezco que sea así. Porque es precisamente esa naturaleza de su comportamiento lo que hace que lo respete y quiera tanto.

Todas y cada una de las mañanas, William sale a hacer sus necesidades al jardón, y cuando crees que está a punto de hacer algo; te mira, maulla, rasga la superficies de los árboles que están en mi casa, o sino cual poeta, termina olfateando las flores como si disfrutara la esencia de esos olores. No permite que nadie lo alce ni lo cargue. Es capaz de acostarse a las 4 de la mañana en tu cara, mientras estás dormido y si osas a quitarle, saldrás rasguñado y nunca verás "arrepentimiento" en su forma de accionar.

Hay muchas veces que pensé que mi gato venía "defectuoso" de fábrica, pero ahora que el tiempo ha pasado, hasta creo que lo admiro un poco. Es lindo, inteligente y nadie entra mejor en la definición de independencia como él. William es la definición perfecta de habilidad, malcriadez pero al mismo tiempo carácter. Te muestra afecto, claro que lo hace, pero si con los gatos hay que ganárselo, con él hay que hacer bastante horas extras más. Tengo amor y pasión por él, y me gusta haber hecho este post inspirado en su efecto en mi vida.



All the pictures in this post have been taken by me Thank you so much for reading me!


I love cats, that's why I have two in my house, but I realize how indomitable and free Willian is. He really is very cute and I'm glad he has recovered from the two months he was sick.

Injured but yeah, he's now just fine and wild as usual. Thanks for stopping by, mate! I appreciate it

I love to see William without a neck brace and that he is already better. I read about William's tastes and it just goes to show that even though cats may have some similarities in behavior, each cat is unique and will have likes or dislikes for "cat stuff".

He's better than ever. I appreciate your concern, that's kind! Thanks for stopping by and for your comment.