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RE: Cat Mom Diary #05 | Things have gotten worse. Treating Osiris for Urinary Blockage.

in Hive Pets3 years ago

I just find it a bit strange that for such a young cat he already has crystal in his urine

I've been contemplating as well how I and Osiris got here. I think and feel though it was the food. We were changing cat food for the past months looking for the right fit for him. I used to mix his dry food with water to soften it up but a long the way, he started to prefer eating just the dry food. So that's one too. The vet did mentioned though that some cat food does promote the crystal formation. I was just unaware back then. If I knew, I would have just stick to 1 or 2 brands of cat food. 😓 but what's is done is done. We are moving forward.

How is our little man doing today anyway?

He's back to his old self - moody, sometimes grumpy but wants non-stop cuddles during waking hour! So we can say he is doing better. 😂


I hope he continues on the path to healing 100%!