One week after our first visit to the vet, we are back again. Things have gotten a bit worse. To be honest, these past days were mentally exhausting. Overthinking and worrying couldn't seem to escape me. August should have been easy as there weren't any special activities (dancing or traveling) planned out. Putting actions on my goals were my priorities this month and yet the Universe has other plans for me...
August 15, 2022, 9:30 pm
Osiris couldn't pee again. Despite the frequent visit to his litter pan and still nothing. He even wanted to pee at my bed. The clinic's opening hours was 8:00 am the next day which was more likely 11 hours of not being able to pee. Fuck, this time around I'm dead worried he wouldn't make it. My heart sank. My mind wondered to all worst possible outcome. If things indeed went south, I wouldn't hesitate to have him euthanized as well. My past experience with our deceased pet dog Ginger taught me not to prolong our pet's agony and pain and just let them cross the rainbow bridge as soon as possible. Tears can't resist flowing from my eyes as these sentiments were relayed to my mom and sister.
August 16, 2022, 2:30 am
Sleep was almost non-existent as I wake up every hour because of my mental anxiety. However, a peek at Osiris litter pan eased my worries away. Two lumps of cat litter were proof enough he was able to pee. A big sigh of relief for me that night but a trip to the vet was still required later that day.
August 16, 2022, 1:30 pm
Three dogs lined up for a check-up. We waited for a few minutes till it was our turn. The assisting staff somehow already recognized Osiris for his not-best-demeanor during our first visit. The doctor was quick to get the sedative, ready to drain Osiris bladder after telling him that Osiris wasn't able to pee again. Panic came to me and continued telling the doctor the whole story of what transpired the other night. He didn't proceed with whatever he planned on doing that day.
Another batch of medicines were prescribed and my total bill was only Php 808 or $14.47. Another big sigh of relief. However the doctor suggested that we changed his diet and recommended purchasing the Royal Canin Urinary SO food which costs Php 1400 or USD 25 per 2 kgs of bag 😩. It's expensive from the one we currently have but this brand was designed to help melt the small crystals that have already formed inside Osiris. Since this wasn't available locally, buying them online (which I already did) was the only way which meant waiting for it for a couple of more days to arrive.
We made it home with a lighter heart hoping that things would get better or so I thought...
August 17, 2022, 8:00 am
Same thing happened. Osiris was pacing back and forth in his litter pan. Despite my frustrations, this time around my emotions were a bit calmer and bringing him to the vet was a must.
August 17, 2022, 12:20 pm
The clinic was packed with fur friends. Agatha the resident cat got annoyed with Osiris as she was hissed at for just coming close to him. There were several dogs coming in and out too. A little girl let me pet her puppy. A cat needed to be neutered was brought inside a bamboo cage. A hairless dog was also waiting to be checked for his skin allergy.
August 17, 2022, 1:30 pm
Once inside the doctor's room, there were no longer conversations or storytelling. The doctor knew what needed to be done. Osiris was sedated and placed inside a cage until he was unconscious. My heart sank again. This brought back old memories of Ginger. My mind and heart was fighting back the tears as I watched the doctor and his assistant worked on Osiris. Watching over from the other side of the cubicle was nerve-wracking.
The procedure required a catheter to be inserted in his urinary tract and the bladder emptied out. A lot of liquid was drained out. After which the tip of the catheter was sewn in place. The catheter was required to stay for 2 weeks inside his body. An e-collar was placed around his neck to prevent him from removing the tip of the catheter. Osiris wouldn't be able to control his urine flow for now and cleaning work would be twice of an effort now.
Another batch of medicines were prescribed. A huge amount of bill was anticipated and thought that money-on-hand was insufficient but the paper showed Php 1460 or USD 26.07 which was actually cheaper compared if this was done at the city. The clinic was not overpricing their services and medicines which was a good thing.
August 17, 2022, 3:30 pm
Osiris was wide awake but groggy from the medical procedure. He was having a hard time finding his balance because of the e-collar and was confused of the catheter inside his body. He was in a lot of pain too. He was walking around the room banging his head on things that obstructed his way. He kept going under the bed which was a nuisance as it was hard for me to reach him. His collar got unbuttoned and when we tried putting it back on, we were met with undeniable rage from his scratches.
Initially, he wandered around the room and slept where he felt comfortable including my bed. Later on, realization hit me when the doctor said cat's urine is pungent. A visible wet mark can be seen from where he slept and the odor was already sticking.
August 18, 2022, 6:30 am
His comfort and recovery was my main priority but efficiency was also in mind. A win-win situation was needed. Now, the other half of my room is his. Things were cleared out from his way and an extra bed was used as a divider for us. This way it would be easier for him to walk around and easier for me to clean up after him.
Negative comments have been directed at me especially from my relatives living close by. Their statements would always be "pampered pets are the ones who usually get sick, if it was a stray one, they wouldn't get sick at all." My old self would have reacted right away or presented a rebuttal however this wasn't the case anymore. No matter what you say or what you do, people will always have an opinion or judge you so my respond would be nothing. Listening, not taking to heart any negative feedback and walking away was the best option for me. My time and energy can't be wasted on mindless and unconscious behaviors of people.
To be honest, Osiris may or may not get better from this but I would like to give him the best life he could have with me. And that is all there is to know.
Cat Mom Diary #04 |An unexpected trip to the Vet Clinic. Osiris is in pain!
Cat Mom Diary #03 | I Might Have A Swimmer Cat After All!
Cat Mom Diary #02 | Thought This Kitten Was A She!
Cat Mom Diary #01 | Never in my life would I thought I'd become a Cat Mom!
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How sad to hear this 🥺. I feel you. My cat has also experienced having a hard time peeing. And as a cat mom myself, it was very heartbreaking to see my baby having a hard time. She must be in pain. (I even cried😥) I brought her to the vet and I was advised also it would be best for her to be confined for one week. I was living alone with her so there would be nobody to look after in the veterinarian clinic while I'm in the office and the thought of she would be facing it alone in the clinic kinda devastated me. And addition to this, pet care is so expensive, to say the least.
So I decided to take her home back with me. And a friend advised me to give her natural treatment instead. She told me to drop a little amount of Apple cider vinegar into her food (canned wet food), so little that she won't smell it. She might lack the appetite in eating if she smells something sour in it. I was so desperate that I would do anything for her. So I tried it. And the next day, she was able to pee already. I was so relieved and happy. Thanks to my friend and thank God🙏.
That was 3 years ago. And up to these days, she is still alive and healthy. Just sharing my experience for I know how painful it is to see our baby having a hard time.
I Hope your Osiris gets well soon. 🙏
This would cost more money! Now, that you mentioned it, I'm so glad that the doctor just sent Osiris with me right away. I don't think I would be at peace if Osiris was left at the clinic. I'll be worrying all day long and I wouldn't be able to function properly.
Thank you for your tip about the apple cider vinegar! I'll definitely try this and will incorporate in his diet in the future days. I'm still waiting for his new cat food to arrive hopefully within the next 3 days.
And thank you for sharing my experience. It means a lot as I feel that knowing others have gone through the same exact thing and their pets got better, then I'm now more hopeful than ever that Osiris will get better!
I am so so soooo terribly sorry to hear that he is in so much pain and he would be, as I know how much my boy Chad was in pain when his bladder was blocked, but with some extra love, care and patience, you will all get through it together an come out the other end prepared for the future.
And please don't hesitate to question the vets. Do your research and talk to them about what you found online as they can be so wrong about things too. It never hurts to check (be diplomatic about it through..) and even get 2nd' 3rd and 4th opinions too. This is unfortunately also from first hand experience.
As for those people that say stray cats don't get sick, they really have no idea what they're talking about because strays cats gets sicker twice as much and twice as easy and no-one ever see the same stray cat twice- that's because the poor things have gone off, crawled under something to die in agony and alone, so tell them that next time from someone who actually knows.
And please give Osiris my deep love.
To be honest, I'm not so sure if its normal for Osiris to keep going back to his pan and try to pee even though with his catheter, the urine just naturally flows out anytime. Was chad also like this before?
Oh, I did! After the procedure, I had a lot of questions and good thing the doctor told me everything I need to know for the moment. I think Osiris is in good hands and if I felt that there was something off, I would definitely visit another vet for a 2nd opinion. Nonetheless, the doctor also assured me that Osiris wasn't in critical condition to the point that he needed surgery which was a relief for me. I think now its more on the maintenance and making sure he is eating the right food. And first hand experiences are the best way to teach us some lessons! 😅
I certainly agree with what you said about not seeing the same stray cat twice. Also how would someone know they aren't sick unless they are brought to the vet, right? They say these cats develop the immune system to fight off the diseases but this is so not true. A lot of stray cats just carry these illnesses and diseases that no one could know and eventually to their death bed.
I'll be surely telling Osiris about what you said and will send your love to him. Thank you @chocolatescorpi! Osiris and I are going to get through this no matter what.
Luckily Chad did not have to have a catheter and I do think that it is normal for hm to go to his toilet- afterall, its also muscle memory and natural instinct for him to do so- just like us.
I just find it a bit strange that for such a young cat he already has crystal in his urine...and from food....Chad was about 14 when we spotted his issues.
Yes and you are absolutely correct about the poor stray cats that suffer through malnourishment, mistreatment, constant fear, hunger, loneliness, disease and die alone...😭
How is our little man doing today anyway?
I've been contemplating as well how I and Osiris got here. I think and feel though it was the food. We were changing cat food for the past months looking for the right fit for him. I used to mix his dry food with water to soften it up but a long the way, he started to prefer eating just the dry food. So that's one too. The vet did mentioned though that some cat food does promote the crystal formation. I was just unaware back then. If I knew, I would have just stick to 1 or 2 brands of cat food. 😓 but what's is done is done. We are moving forward.
How is our little man doing today anyway?
He's back to his old self - moody, sometimes grumpy but wants non-stop cuddles during waking hour! So we can say he is doing better. 😂
I hope he continues on the path to healing 100%!
Oh, I am sorry Osiris has these problems. Each visit to the vet needs money, indeed, but when they become part of our family, it doesn't matter anymore. We would pay anything so our loved pets become healthy again. Sorry also for the scratch you received... And yes, there are always commentaries that don't help in an already stressed situation. Ignoring, yes.
I hope Osiris will get better soon, so your cat-mom heart will also be calmer 💛
Thank you so much for your kind words @mipiano! True enough, when animals become a part of the family, money or expense doesn't matter and we (for most people) would do just anything to give them they deserve.
My heart has been calmer as the days go by. Osiris' energy has been up, been eating better and getting stronger too so I think we will make make it through.
Oh gosh the things he has to experience huehue 🥺. Seeing him walking back and forth infront of his litter when you know that he badly want to pee is just upsetting. Even if you want to help him but can't coz you don't have the power to do so. I really wish that a miracle happen to him and get better soon. Let's be optimistic that he will be okay 💪. As for the judgemental people naman na magaling lang mag say kahit wala naman silang ambag maliban sa pang jajudge nila - ah nevermind. Not worth your time. Hehe fighting!!! 🥰
Even if you want to help him but can't coz you don't have the power to do so.
This is so true! It broke my heart to see him pacing for hours and I just can't do anything about it. When I try to touch or pet him, he really gets mad. As the days go by, I'm more positive that this will be over soon and we can have his catheter removed as soon as possible.
Naalala ko yung nabasa ko before - "sino sila magjudge, eh hindi nga nila alam ang criteria". 😂 but I don't mind na din what people say and I understand why people do this. I used to be this way before until the pandemic taught me a lot of things about myself that I needed to change.
Appreciate your kind words @ruffatotmeee 😍
Pinagsamang frustration and inis na siguro talaga ang nararamdaman ni Osiris. I really really hope malampasan nya to. And for sure he feel so lucky to have you as his Mom na kahit mejo bugnutin sya, nagagawa mo pa rin syang intindihin 🥰. Kisses for Osiris 😽😽
Inani pod si Jeepjeep last time.After our Mindanao trip. Maybe Kay lagi wala sya ma anad SA environment and the long travel naka cause ug stress. But, we managed to gave him antibiotics for two weeks para mahilis ang MGA stones. Or else, he will have the same mag catheter siya. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Maka imagine gyud KO Unsay gibati ni Osiris right now. Hope he will be better soon. Give him more Vitamin C syrup. HUgs hugs 🤗🤗🤗
Thank you @itsmiessyonpeakd! I certainly agree. Another factor was stress caused by our constant travel from city to the beach. So now, he is staying for good at the beach house. Another week to go and hopefully his catheter will be removed. Good for jeepjeep that he is doing ok now. And that's what I wished for my Osiris as well. Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate it.
The poor baby!!!! I hope he recovers soon ;;-;; it must be painful for him and stressful to need to keep going to the vet. Though it's for his own health... But the expenses oof-
This was indeed an unforeseen expense and it taught me a lot to also have an emergency fund for our pets! Hopefully, Osiris will get better soon! Thank you for your kind words!
That's my problem these days, how to get my pets an emergency fund. It's great to know that Osiris is gonna be okay, you can relax a bit now
I remember same thing happened to my at before and that cat looks like the other cat on the photos you've shared. We changed our cats diet and drop a little of apple cider vinegar on her food. I am glad that even though she is suffering from difficulties, she still eat. After 2 days her peeing was normalized
Your the second person to suggest about the apple cider vinegar! so it does help! I'll be buying one soon and incorporating it in her diet! Right after we came from the vet, I was also worried since Osiris has lost his appetite but as days go by we are back to our normal routine of eating.
Thank you @grecyg! Appreciate your kind words!
Anytime sis, Osiris will be okay and will back to normal. I prayed for him last night.
Poor Osiris. I hope he gets better soon. ❤
Thank you so much @ellenripley! Hoping for quick recovery! ♥️
I get desperate when I see my cat with problems like that..... I can't take him to the vet because of the high cost. I try to search the internet for solutions to help him recover his health and mood. You always find a solution, with friends who also have cats, of course! It is a very big responsibility to take care of a little animal that is part of the family and deserves timely medical attention.
Thank you @indayclara for such a valuable post you shared with us, I really liked it!
Me entra un desespero cuando observo a mi gato con problemas como ese... No lo puedo llevar al veterinario por su alto costo. Trato de buscar por la internet soluciones que le ayuden a recuperar su salud y estado de ánimo. Siempre se encuentra una solución, con los amigos que también tienen gatos. ¡Claro está! Es una responsabilidad muy grade cuidar un animalito que forma parte de la familia y se merece una atención médica oportuna.
Gracias @indayclara por tan valiosa publicación que has compartido con nosotros. ¡Me gustó mucho!
I'm so sorry to hear this! This is true indeed for other places or countries. A couple of visit to the vet is also costly and I had to find a way to be able to pay for it so I'm thankful to those who lent me some money for this.
It is indeed a big responsibility to take care of a pet but it definitely is a part of the process when one decides to own or adopt these animals.
Thank you for your kind words @henrycalu! I appreciate it.
Poor Osiris, I wish him to get well soon. Male cats use to have urinary problems and the main cause most of the time is dry cat food or food with much minerals that cause cristals or little stones that obstruct the urinary channel. special urinary control food is the best for them. Blessings for Osiris and hope him to get well soon 🤗✨😺
Unfortunately for me, Osiris prefers dry food and I also figure that this might be the cause. I'm looking forward receiving the special cat food which should be in 2-3 days time. Thank you for your kind words and I'm sure Osiris will get better in the coming days!
I know exactly how you feel. We were also in a similar situation. About 3 months ago we had to take our old Pitbull (13 yo) to the vet for 4 days in a row to get antibiotics shots and intravenous fluid due to food poisoning that causes bad diarrhea. It's the same feeling when you see your kids lying sick in bed. You just want to substitute to take away the pain. Hope everything goes well, and speed recovery to Osiris.
I'd take the sick kids in bed any day over a sick furbaby, because atleast the kids can tell you where they feel sick and they understand what's going on- for the most part.
Whereas all animals have a natural instinct to disguise their dis-ease, as when they show weakness, they become prey for larger animals, so they always hide their illness- and on top of that, they also want to please their owners so much, they will never intentionally show weakness, just strength instead- which is a serious problem because most of the time you don't know that they are sick until its too late. Especially birds...
You are absolutely right! Animals can not tell when they are sick. It's just heartbreaking to see them sick and stop eating yet we don't know why or where it pains them.
Yes and the only way to tell if something is wrong is to know them and their behaviours so well, that if they do anything different, then that's a possible sign.
However the best scientific way is to consistently take notice of their poo and their weight.
They are the first signs that something is wrong, when the weight changes or the poo changes.
After owning cats, dogs, chicken, rabbits for all of my life, I now have a parrot for the first time ever- I inherited her from my mum) and apart from the chooks, I have never owned a bird before, so I have been doing a lot of study on birds, aswell as general studies on animals that I'm doing for my actual animal course and there's 2 things that I do consistently.
Every morning after my birds first poop, I take a photo of it. and every Monday morning after that poop, I weigh her so if anything changes, I have a visual record of her usual levels.
Although we don't weigh them weekly, we always pay attention to their appetite and poo as we have to feed them and clean them. Any changes in appetite are normally followed by some problems. Thank you for the helpful tips and all the best to you. Stay healthy my friend.🙏
So glad that you guys do care for your furbabies so much to take that much notice. Too many owners don't. (far too many owners don't care...)
You too take care and love to the kids (furbabies..😘..)
I'm sorry to hear about your pitbull! How come he was poisoned? That's scary!
This is so true! Their like kids to us and we would do anything just to make them better. Our medication is on going, Osiris is doing much better now so it should be a matter of time when everything will be okay! Appreciate you dropping by @rebolegi and for your kind words!
We still don't know how he got food poisoning but the symptom was of it. Our other dog was fine. We had to quarantine the pitbull for about a week as the vet said it was contagious. We suspected he ate something we didn't know when we took him for a walk. The problem with dogs they always sniff and lick things they find interesting. We just have to be more careful when taking him for a walk.
nooo .. osiris 😫 get well soon little fella
Huhuhuhu Jude! Magbinisaya sa ko kadyot. pagka stress bitaw og pagkakapoya jud for the past days. Usahay magkatawa nlng ko sa irony in life. Kana gani abi nimo ok na, medyo chill sa ato mga adlaw pero kalit of ing.ana. Samot njud wala nakoy lovelife. hahaha.
But yeah, Osiris is getting better. Thank you.
kalouy man samo clara uy, i think need mo na naman mag diving para pang refresh sa mind… sige lang maging happy kana after your trials now.. I’ll pray you will have a lovelife na kay murag need najud nimo someone to take care of you and i think you are ready najud hahahahah.. Amping baya perme ha, ayaw ka stress kay ang ka gwapa besh sayang.. laban lang jud ❤️
Hala! I hope that Osiris will be better Claire. Maintaining a pet is expensive but who cares that it is your money, not theirs.
Hay naku TP. mahal jud ang iring. hahahahuhuhuhu. But this is an obstacle that me and Osiris will get through. Lumalaban sa buhay.
I wish Osiris quick recovery
Thank you so much!
You welcome
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It is very sad to see the animals that we care for sick and of course it is a very sad thing for those of us who take care of these animals because of course we cannot give our best while they are sick.
Awww I'm so sorry about Osiris' condition. It's best really if you keep a positive mind. You never know.
The care and love you show for your cat is truly admirable. I’m deeply impressed by your generous and thoughtful nature. Your affection not only benefits your pet but also sets an example of kindness and compassion. Sending you my heartfelt love and appreciation.