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RE: Cat Mom Diary #05 | Things have gotten worse. Treating Osiris for Urinary Blockage.

in Hive Pets3 years ago

To be honest, I'm not so sure if its normal for Osiris to keep going back to his pan and try to pee even though with his catheter, the urine just naturally flows out anytime. Was chad also like this before?

And please don't hesitate to question the vets.

Oh, I did! After the procedure, I had a lot of questions and good thing the doctor told me everything I need to know for the moment. I think Osiris is in good hands and if I felt that there was something off, I would definitely visit another vet for a 2nd opinion. Nonetheless, the doctor also assured me that Osiris wasn't in critical condition to the point that he needed surgery which was a relief for me. I think now its more on the maintenance and making sure he is eating the right food. And first hand experiences are the best way to teach us some lessons! 😅

I certainly agree with what you said about not seeing the same stray cat twice. Also how would someone know they aren't sick unless they are brought to the vet, right? They say these cats develop the immune system to fight off the diseases but this is so not true. A lot of stray cats just carry these illnesses and diseases that no one could know and eventually to their death bed.

I'll be surely telling Osiris about what you said and will send your love to him. Thank you @chocolatescorpi! Osiris and I are going to get through this no matter what.


Luckily Chad did not have to have a catheter and I do think that it is normal for hm to go to his toilet- afterall, its also muscle memory and natural instinct for him to do so- just like us.

I just find it a bit strange that for such a young cat he already has crystal in his urine...and from food....Chad was about 14 when we spotted his issues.

Yes and you are absolutely correct about the poor stray cats that suffer through malnourishment, mistreatment, constant fear, hunger, loneliness, disease and die alone...😭

How is our little man doing today anyway?

I just find it a bit strange that for such a young cat he already has crystal in his urine

I've been contemplating as well how I and Osiris got here. I think and feel though it was the food. We were changing cat food for the past months looking for the right fit for him. I used to mix his dry food with water to soften it up but a long the way, he started to prefer eating just the dry food. So that's one too. The vet did mentioned though that some cat food does promote the crystal formation. I was just unaware back then. If I knew, I would have just stick to 1 or 2 brands of cat food. 😓 but what's is done is done. We are moving forward.

How is our little man doing today anyway?

He's back to his old self - moody, sometimes grumpy but wants non-stop cuddles during waking hour! So we can say he is doing better. 😂

I hope he continues on the path to healing 100%!