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RE: Cat Mom Diary #05 | Things have gotten worse. Treating Osiris for Urinary Blockage.

in Hive Pets3 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. We were also in a similar situation. About 3 months ago we had to take our old Pitbull (13 yo) to the vet for 4 days in a row to get antibiotics shots and intravenous fluid due to food poisoning that causes bad diarrhea. It's the same feeling when you see your kids lying sick in bed. You just want to substitute to take away the pain. Hope everything goes well, and speed recovery to Osiris.


I'd take the sick kids in bed any day over a sick furbaby, because atleast the kids can tell you where they feel sick and they understand what's going on- for the most part.

Whereas all animals have a natural instinct to disguise their dis-ease, as when they show weakness, they become prey for larger animals, so they always hide their illness- and on top of that, they also want to please their owners so much, they will never intentionally show weakness, just strength instead- which is a serious problem because most of the time you don't know that they are sick until its too late. Especially birds...

You are absolutely right! Animals can not tell when they are sick. It's just heartbreaking to see them sick and stop eating yet we don't know why or where it pains them.

Yes and the only way to tell if something is wrong is to know them and their behaviours so well, that if they do anything different, then that's a possible sign.

However the best scientific way is to consistently take notice of their poo and their weight.

They are the first signs that something is wrong, when the weight changes or the poo changes.

After owning cats, dogs, chicken, rabbits for all of my life, I now have a parrot for the first time ever- I inherited her from my mum) and apart from the chooks, I have never owned a bird before, so I have been doing a lot of study on birds, aswell as general studies on animals that I'm doing for my actual animal course and there's 2 things that I do consistently.

Every morning after my birds first poop, I take a photo of it. and every Monday morning after that poop, I weigh her so if anything changes, I have a visual record of her usual levels.

Although we don't weigh them weekly, we always pay attention to their appetite and poo as we have to feed them and clean them. Any changes in appetite are normally followed by some problems. Thank you for the helpful tips and all the best to you. Stay healthy my friend.🙏

So glad that you guys do care for your furbabies so much to take that much notice. Too many owners don't. (far too many owners don't care...)

You too take care and love to the kids (furbabies..😘..)

I'm sorry to hear about your pitbull! How come he was poisoned? That's scary!

It's the same feeling when you see your kids lying sick in bed. You just want to substitute to take away the pain.

This is so true! Their like kids to us and we would do anything just to make them better. Our medication is on going, Osiris is doing much better now so it should be a matter of time when everything will be okay! Appreciate you dropping by @rebolegi and for your kind words!

We still don't know how he got food poisoning but the symptom was of it. Our other dog was fine. We had to quarantine the pitbull for about a week as the vet said it was contagious. We suspected he ate something we didn't know when we took him for a walk. The problem with dogs they always sniff and lick things they find interesting. We just have to be more careful when taking him for a walk.