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RE: Presentando al Proyecto “Corazón Canino” (ESP_ENG)

in Hive Petslast year

It is nice that as an institution, they take care of these animals that have not been as lucky as others and it is even nicer that the students join in to help as well. Get them a home and give them a better quality of life, that should happen with all the animals that are in a street situation. Welcome to the community, I notice you are also new to Hive. One recommendation I can give you is that, if you use images from the internet, please post the sources from where you got the images. I share with you a guide on the subject, I hope it can be of help and you can put it into practice in this and future publications.


Hello, thank you very much for your recommendations, in the case of those photos they are my own since I am the leader of the project, but I will take your advice into account in future publications