Hello friends of the HivePets community, today I want to tell you an anecdote we had with our pets.
Danielita (my niece) was staying at our house for a sleepover with Sebastian.
While I was immersed in the internet, she called me and asked me, "Auntie, I think Alaska (my cousin-neighbor's puppy) is feeling bad, because she's been howling for a while?
I laughed, because that's really Alaska's way of getting my attention, so I'll go play with her because she's lonely.
I know it seems like an exaggerated story, but Sebas and I, we howl at Alaska from time to time and she responds in the same way.
Hola amigos de la comunidad de HivePets, hoy les quiero contar una anécdota que tuvimos con nuestras mascotas.
Danielita (mi sobrina) se había quedado en nuestra casa para una pijamada con Sebastián.
Mientras yo estaba sumergida en internet, ella me llama y me pregunta. Tía, creo que Alaska (la cachorra de mi prima-vecina) se siente mal, porque tiene rato aullando.
Yo me reí, porque en realidad esa es la forma que tiene Alaska de llamar mi atención, para que vaya a jugar con ella porque se siente sola.
Sé que parece una historia exagerada, pero Sebas y yo, le aullamos a Alaska de vez en cuando y ella nos responde de la misma manera.
The three of us went out into the garden to look out of a "window" overlooking my cousin's house and from there we saw Alaska.
Los tres salimos al jardín a asomarnos por una "ventana" que da a la casa de mi prima y desde allí vimos a Alaska.
There sat poor Alaska, with her little ears pinned back and eyes begging for attention, her owners are out of the house a lot, so she spends much of the day alone.
I noticed that she brought a blanket with her and placed it there to lay on while she patiently waits for us to play with her.
Poor little puppy. She needed company.
Allí se encontraba la pobre Alaska, con sus orejitas echadas atrás y ojos suplicantes de atención, sus dueñas salen mucho de casa, así que pasa gran parte del día sola.
Noté que se trajo una manta y la coloco allí para recostarse mientras espera pacientemente que nosotros juguemos con ella.
Pobre cachorrita. Necesitaba compañía.
I said to Sebas, - "Let's pass Manchita and Kakita so they can play together". To which Sebas answered (and this I did not expect) - "No Mom because later they will fight and hurt Kakita".
As usual my little smarty pants was right, but since I am stubborn I said - "That's what the 3 of us will be there for to keep them from fighting".
And then we passed them.
Le dije a Sebas, - "Vamos a pasar a Manchita y Kakita para que jueguen juntas". A lo que Sebas respondió (y esto no me lo esperaba) - "No Mamá porque después van a pelear y van a lastimar a Kakita".
Como siempre mi pequeño sabelotodo tenía razón, pero como yo soy terca le dije - "Para eso estaremos nosotros 3 para evitar que peleen".
Y entonces las pasamos.
First we let Manchita and Alaska play, since they are the wildest. And although Alaska is already the biggest and most ordinary, she is actually the youngest of the group, she is only 4 months old. While Kakita (the youngest) is 5 months old and Manchita (the white one) is 7 years old.
Primero dejamos que Manchita y Alaska jugaran, ya que son las más salvajes. Y aunque Alaska ya es la mas grande y ordinaria, en realidad es la más joven del grupo, solo tiene 4 meses de nacida. Mientras que Kakita (la más chiquita) tiene 5 meses y Manchita (la blanca) tiene 7 años.
Then we let Kakita join the group.
They did what all dogs in the world do, sniffing each other, running, jumping on each other.
They played but most of all, they ran like crazy.
Luego dejamos que Kakita se integrara al grupo.
Hicieron lo que hacen todos los perros del mundo, olfatearse, correr, saltar una sobre la otra.
Jugaban pero sobre todo, corrían como locas.
It was fun to watch them for a while, but it got to a point where Alaska was running really hard and running over the other two, spinning them around on the floor.
Sebastian is not so tolerant of these games, so I tried to keep them seated for a while and we all held them down so they could play quietly.
Fue divertido verlas un rato, pero llegaron a un punto en que Alaska corría muy duro y pasaba por encima de las otras dos, haciéndolas girar en el suelo.
Sebastián no es tan tolerante con estos juegos, así que trato de mantenerlas sentadas un rato y entre todos las sujetábamos para que jugaran tranquilas.
We spent some time petting them, but they got tired and wanted to keep running.
Then we guarded the smallest one so the others wouldn't hurt her.
Daniela made sure nothing happened to her, keeping her on a pile of blocks away from the danger of the stampedes.
Así pasamos un rato acariciándolas, pero ellas se cansaban y querían seguir corriendo.
Entonces custodiamos a la más pequeña para que las otras no le hicieran daño.
Daniela se aseguró que nada le pasara, manteniéndola sobre una pila de bloques lejos del peligro de las estampidas.
They ran and ran until Manchita stumbled upon an unexpected treasure, a huge bone that evidently belonged to Alaska, but she didn't care and grabbed it, even though it was her size.
We had a good laugh when we saw her running with the bone in the direction of our house.
Manchita is a bone thief.
Corrieron y corrieron hasta que Manchita se tropezó con un tesoro inesperado, un enorme hueso que evidentemente le pertenecía a Alaska, pero a ella no le importó y se apoderó de el, a pesar que era casa de su tamaño.
Nos reímos mucho al verla correr con el hueso en dirección a nuestra casa.
Manchita es una ladrona de huesos.
But the way home was blocked by a huge wall, so she had no choice but to let go of the bone and bark at anyone who approached her so that they would not take it away.
However, Alaska, as owner of the house... and of the bone, approached her, indifferent to Manchita's threatening barking.
Pero el camino a casa estaba bloqueado por una enorme pared, así que no le quedó más remedio que soltar el hueso y ladrar a todo el que se le acercara para que no se lo quitaran.
Sin embargo, Alaska como dueña de la casa... y del hueso, se le acerco, indiferente a los ladridos amenazantes de Manchita.
This made Manchita much more aggressive, so much so that she threatened to bite Alaska.
I was calm because I know Manchita and she is incapable of biting anyone, she just wanted the bone for herself.
Esto puso mucho más agresiva a Manchita, tanto que amenazaba con morder a Alaska.
Yo me quedé tranquila porque conozco a Manchita y es incapaz de morder a nadie, ella solo quería el hueso para si misma.
What Manchita could not yet understand was that Alaska did not want the bone, what she wanted was to play.
But Manchita continued to be intolerant and demanded to keep her distance.
Lo que Manchita no lograba comprender aún, era que Alaska no quería el hueso, ella lo que quería era jugar.
Pero Manchita seguía intolerante y exigiendo mantener las distancias.
Alaska did something beautiful, the traditional way of communicating between dogs, that you don't want to fight, that you just want to play.
And she lay down on the floor with her paws up.
Showing herself vulnerable and passive.
Alaska hizo algo hermoso, la forma tradicional de comunicar entre perros, que no quieres pelea, que solo quieres jugar.
Y se acostó en el piso con las patas hacia arriba.
Mostrándose vulnerable y pasiva.
Then with a very agile and swift movement, he gave Manchita a kiss and with this he finally convinced her that he did not want to fight with her.
Luego con un movimiento muy ágil y veloz, le dio un beso a Manchita y con esto finalmente la convenció, que no quería pelear con ella.
Finally Manchita put her jealousy away and was willing to continue playing with Alaska and share the bone.
It is wonderful to see how our pets interact and thus determine their characters and their desires ".
Alaska, as an adult, will be a very large and strong dog, which is why I want her to get to know my pets, so she won't want to eat them or attack them.
I hope they will be friends forever and that they can continue to spend moments like this. All together, playing and having fun.
Finalmente Manchita guardó sus celos y estuvo dispuesta a seguir jugando con Alaska y compartir el hueso.
"Es maravilloso ver como interactúan nuestras mascotas y así determinar sus caracteres y sus deseos"
Alaska cuando sea adulta será una perra de gran tamaño y fortaleza, es por ello que quiero que conozca a mis mascotas, para que luego no quiera comerselas o atacarlas.
Espero que sean amigas siempre y que puedan seguir pasando momentos como este. Todos juntos, jugando y pasándola bien.
That's all for now, thank you very much for reading and commenting.
I'm @Mariana4ve Photography Enthusiast.
Es todo por ahora, muchas gracias por leer y comentar.
Soy @Mariana4ve Entusiasta de la Fotografía.
I imagine everyone howling to communicate and decide to go out and play XD.But in a way, you guys have come up with a way to communicate and spend some time together. I loved the pictures.
Well yes, imagine it, just like in a comedy, everyone howling and the neighbors thinking that there is a pack of wolves in the street hahaha.
It's very funny because Alaska could bark but she howls and Manchita and Kakita don't know how to do it and they look at us strangely.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting your appreciation. You are very kind.
Have a nice afternoon.