Oh, always carry it in your heart. When we have been away from them I always do the same. It happens to us with Sirius' brother, his name was Arcano. Sirio grew up with a cat who was his little brother. But the neighbor taught his pit bull to kill cats and he killed us Arcano. The worst of all was that he did not want to give us his body. We filed a complaint, but they did nothing. It was horrible. People are very heartless, he was our son.
Oh, always carry it in your heart. When we have been away from them I always do the same. It happens to us with Sirius' brother, his name was Arcano. Sirio grew up with a cat who was his little brother. But the neighbor taught his pit bull to kill cats and he killed us Arcano. The worst of all was that he did not want to give us his body. We filed a complaint, but they did nothing. It was horrible. People are very heartless, he was our son.