[ENG/ESP] Llorona, the oldest in our home / Llorona, la más viejita de nuestro hogar

in Hive Pets4 years ago


Hola amantes de los animales espero se encuentren bien, como ya les he mencionado tengo tres gatas y un gato de los cuales ya conocen a Rayita, Maxim y Fifo por post anteriores , faltaba presentarles a Llorona la más viejita de todos.

Hello, animal lovers, I hope you are well, as I have already mentioned I have three cats and a cat of which they already know Rayita, Maxim and Fifo from previous posts, present Llorona the oldest of all.

Lo primero que debo decir de Llorona es que gracias a ella, mi hijo empezó a gustarle y amar a los gatos, tendría mi hijo Andrés como 4 años cuando apareció por los alrededores una gatita blanca a la que empezamos alimentar, Andrés me pedía llevarla a casa pero no estaba preparada para tenerla dentro, recuerdo que en el colegio cuando le preguntaban si tenía mascota, él respondía que sí, que tenía una gata llamada Llorona, muchas veces la dibujaba en sus cuadernos del colegio.

The first thing I have to say about Llorona is that thanks to her my son began to like and love cats, my son Andrés would have about 4 years old when a white kitten appeared around us that we began to feed, Andrés asked me to take her home But I was not ready to keep it inside. I remember that in school when I asked him if he had a pet he answered yes, that he had a cat called Llorona, many times he drew in his school notebooks.


Su nombre al comienzo no era Llorona sino Gerome, nombre que le colocó mi esposo pensando que era macho, error que nos ha sucedido mucho con nuestros otros gatos, pero cuando descubrimos que era hembra se lo cambiamos a Llorona, a mí me pareció perfecto ya que cada vez que la llamábamos maullaba como si estuviera llorando.

His name at the beginning was not Llorona but Gerome, a name that my husband gave him thinking he was male, a mistake that others have happened to us a lot with our cats, but when we discovered that it was female we changed it to Llorona to me it seemed perfect since every time we called her she meowed like she was crying.


Llorona es muy decidida y temperamental y gruñe, supongo que por estar afuera siempre esta a la defensiva, pero le gusta mucho que nosotros la toquemos y le demos cariño, adora que Andrés la toque creo que lo ve como un hijo más ya que lo conoció desde pequeño y ahora es un adolescente, como ya me acostumbré a tener gatos dentro de mi hogar me alegra tenerla, pero ella es muy independiente y le gusta su libertad, sólo pasa a comer y hacer su siesta y luego se va.

Llorona is very determined and temperamental, she does not like much that other cats approach her, she growls at them, I suppose that because she is outside she is always on the defensive, but she likes very much when we touch her and give her affection. She loves it when Andrés touches her. I think she sees him as another son since she met him since he was a child and now he is a teenager, as I am used to having cats in my house, I am glad to have her. , but she is very independent and likes her freedom, she just goes to eat and take her nap and then leaves.



Ella tuvo muchos partos hasta que la esterilizaron y era una madre excelente y le gustaba mucho serlo, pero necesitaba descansar ya, ella es la mamá de Fifo y abuela de Rayita.

She had many deliveries until she was sterilized and she was an excellent mother and she really liked being one, but she needed to rest now, she is Fifo's mother and Rayita's grandmother.


Queremos que los pocos años que le queden a Llorona lo pase tranquila y feliz sabiendo lo mucho que significa para nosotros por ser nuestra primera gata.

We want the few years that Llorona has left to spend calm and happy knowing how much she means to us for being our first cat.


Gracias por leerme.

Thanks for reading me.


Es toda una señora y con todo derecho, hermosa la gata <3. Saludos

Gracias @jesustiano así mismo es, saludos.

Llorona is a very pretty cat. Pets are perfect for children, they help them understand unconditional love. I can see that Llorona loves your son very much, maybe the time they have together has helped.

Thanks. Yes, she loves him very much. They have grown up together, she is their first pet.