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RE: Still Working At Taming This Feral Kitten...Advices PLEASE.

in Hive Pets8 months ago

You're welcome, feral cats are challenging but I love their attitude. Patrick will be a good companion at the vet.
Soft carriers may be difficult. I often use these plastic milk crates for ferals and tie an oven rack over the open side, if you can get something similar. It's crude but effective and it will work for the trapping part that I described if you put it on its side, cover it with a blanket and put firm cardboard into the bottom side that he will be standing on once it is upright


That is brilliant!...the milk crate and oven rack. It's the perfect sort of solution to be able to recommend here, where the majority only have improvised options most of the time. excellent. There are four cats now, with Milho in the household..and we'll be moving in a short we'll need to acquire two more carriers anyhow. I think we'll just find a couple of hard cases as soon as we can. Then...well, I'm going to write up a post about our day yesterday, and what we are envisioning we can begin to do to help more critters around here. There are an awful lot of dogs and cats on the streets, in terrible shape...and even many with homes and human family who just need support. I'm sorry to go off. saving the rest for a full post or two. What I need to say in summary, is that I can't thank you enough right now. These interactions are keeping me out of despair.

You're welcome! I know what you mean, I have these solutions because the situation in my country is similar to yours. At the moment, I have 8 cats that I take care of in and around my house and more that I feed and sterilise because their owners can't or won't. Read this for instance