Still Working At Taming This Feral Kitten...Advices PLEASE.

in Hive Pets8 months ago (edited)

This is Milho. While it's been going quite well, this bonding and gaining his trust, we have an upcoming challenge that we aren't sure how to manage. Milho really needs to see a vet for antiparastarios, vaccines and all of the basics. But I do not think we will be able to get him into a carrier case.

We are hoping to find a vet who will come to the house, even though that is more expensive. What else can we do? Even still, He will need to be somehow enclosed into a room where he cannot simply hide in any unreachable place, such as his favorite spot inside of the sofa. As of now, I do not know how we would lure him into a room for that. He is too wary and clever and will sense it is a trap.

I've made a few posts about the story of Milho, which you can read here:

Befriending Milho Gatito

Making Progress With Milho

Missing Milho And Friends


When I had to leave for a couple of weeks, it was a bit of a setback for Milho and I. He quickly regained trust enough to let me pet him, especially and almost exclusively in the early morning before and after we play soccer. However he hasn't returned to sleep on the bed with me since I've been back.

We had planned to take him to a vet's office last week... and with that in mind, I made the mistake of picking him up one day. I thought that I should get him accustomed to it in order to be able to transport him in a box. Well, he continued purring for a millisecond and then jumped away from me and was wary of my touch for two days after that.

Milho has become more confident with all of the other animals in the house even us three humans. He allowed C, to pet him a whole bunch the other night, laying next to her on the couch. Two of the other cats, Sansa and Nitaan have accepted him and will play with him a little bit now.

And Patrick here, is the greatest helper! Not only did he immediately accept Milho into his heart, but began educating him on how to play gently. Milho follows him around and they preen one another and Milho watches Patrick, asking for affection from humans and being completely unafraid of us. You can see that it helps Milho to know that Patrick trusts and loves us.

Lately it feels as though we are at a bit of a plateau. I would really especially like for Milho to snuggle up with me at night again. I just know that he would trust me profoundly if we could get back to that. And of course, cuddling with a kitty makes life worth living for me.

For now, he loves affection in the wee hours of the morning. Any other time of day there is a 75% chance that he will run away and maybe even hide, when a human so much as wiggles a finger to offer head scratchies. Everybody here are beyond gentle and respectful of his space. He has gotten away with stealing our food, because we are just so excited that he will get that close to us.

It's almost strange, the difference between early morning and the rest of the day. Early morning is when I first began seducing him to come closer, when he still lived outside of the house. this post is a bid for any and all advice on how to build the relationship that I myself have with Milho and also how to encourage him towards the other two humans in the household as well.

What would YOU do?

This morning he did let me pet his belly a little bit. And what a beautiful speckled little pudgy belly it is.

This is one of my favorite photographs I've ever made.
It makes me love photography again and want to get a very nice camera again someday...

Nuzzles to you all. Thanks for connecting with us



I have tamed many cats like Milho, it takes a long time and requires patience but I see that you are making good progress.
Use Patrick as your helper, if Milho remains near him. Pet Patrick and you can gradually start working on touching Milho if he is nearby. Patrick's calmness will help Milho to feel calm.
Give him treats and food close to you, encourage him to take food from your hand.
If you can get the supplement L-tryptophan, add some powder to his food, it reduces his anxiety and especially on the day you try to take him to the vet. Use 200mg on the day of the vet visit.

To get him in the carrier: I'm assuming that you have a carrier similar to this one

cat carrier.jpg

Take the door off and leave the carrier around in the house so he can smell it and it becomes familiar to him, put his food and treats inside the carrier.

To get him in it, use a small space like the bathroom.
Put the carrier in a corner and use cardboard boxes or similar to create a tunnel with the open carrier at the end of the tunnel, cover the carrier with a towel and put food in the bathroom so he goes in there. Once he's in the bathroom, close the door and go inside. He'll go to hide in the tunnel that you created and will go into the carrier. Slide some heavy cardboard between the tunnel and the front of the carrier and then you can work on putting the door on. Once I was lucky and put the carrier next to a gap between the washing machine and the wall and the cat just went inside and I simply closed the carrier door but the important thing is to try and get him to go in there willingly rather than breaking his trust by restraining him and trying to stuff him inside.

Once he's at the vet, they may have to sedate him but more intensive work with getting him used to being touched before you attempt the vet visit will help. I can see he needs neutering, perhaps schedule the first visit as neutering and get his first vaccinations done at that time as well. The boosters should be done one month later.

Thank you so much,@catlady. This is excellent advice. I didn't now that the tryptophan could be such a great relaxant for them. I will see if we can get some here. Unfortunately, the carrier that I have access to is a soft case...That is precisely the biggest concern, is getting him to go willingly and keep his trust. Patrick is such a great helper, it's true and Milho mimics him in everything. I am thinking of keeping Patrick with him the entire vet visit, because he is also quite relaxed with the vet himself and it will give Milho confidence also..He does need to be castrated, he's pretty much ready now and we know it's necessary. Thank you again. You're really knowlegeable and kind to take interest.

You're welcome, feral cats are challenging but I love their attitude. Patrick will be a good companion at the vet.
Soft carriers may be difficult. I often use these plastic milk crates for ferals and tie an oven rack over the open side, if you can get something similar. It's crude but effective and it will work for the trapping part that I described if you put it on its side, cover it with a blanket and put firm cardboard into the bottom side that he will be standing on once it is upright

That is brilliant!...the milk crate and oven rack. It's the perfect sort of solution to be able to recommend here, where the majority only have improvised options most of the time. excellent. There are four cats now, with Milho in the household..and we'll be moving in a short we'll need to acquire two more carriers anyhow. I think we'll just find a couple of hard cases as soon as we can. Then...well, I'm going to write up a post about our day yesterday, and what we are envisioning we can begin to do to help more critters around here. There are an awful lot of dogs and cats on the streets, in terrible shape...and even many with homes and human family who just need support. I'm sorry to go off. saving the rest for a full post or two. What I need to say in summary, is that I can't thank you enough right now. These interactions are keeping me out of despair.

You're welcome! I know what you mean, I have these solutions because the situation in my country is similar to yours. At the moment, I have 8 cats that I take care of in and around my house and more that I feed and sterilise because their owners can't or won't. Read this for instance

Beautiful / Handsome Milho. I don't vaccinate my cats. Have 8 house cats.. very healthy. But you can put the anti-parasite meds in his food. That he will need. 🙀