Una experiencia que suma
experience that adds ##
Friends of hive I tell you that I went to the friendly canine walk in my city Guanare. That's right, our friends from the dog grooming shop el Avila dog attended our program to spread the word about their activity with the dogs. Dog moms and dads who wanted to participate could sign up on their instagram account, fill out some prerequisites for the safety of pets and ready, they were already participating.
Un diálogo interno
Entonces nosotros, es decir mi compañero de cabina y yo decidimos no comer cuentos para llevar hidratación y muchas ganas para asistir a su hermosa actividad sin fines de lucro.
Me llamó mucho la atención que familias completas asistieran al pequeño evento, además pude observar como una especie de linda fraternidad se reflejara entre los que iban sumándose o llegaban al lugar de inicio, quizás porque eran los caninos quienes la propiciaban al no existir entre ellos prejuicios ni nada de preconceptos.
Internal Dialogue
Then we, that is to say my cabin mate and I decided not to eat stories to bring hydration and a lot of desire to attend their beautiful non-profit activity.
I was very surprised that entire families attended the small event, and I could also observe how a kind of nice fraternity was reflected among those who were joining or arriving at the starting point, perhaps because it was the canines who encouraged it, as there were no prejudices or preconceptions among them.
Emana el encanto de una catarsis
Ver a las personas vestidas para la ocasión con colores todos iguales a los accesorios de su mascotas o en sus franelas la imagen o fotografía de su perrito me hizo sentir muy bien. Despertó en mi mucho amor y respeto por los animales, el mismo se sentía en el ambiente; el lenguaje de los caninos y su manera de comunicarse con sus dueños era algo impactante, realmente un momento único el cual me disfruté al máximo donde los caninos eran los protagonistas de las fotos.
Emanates the charm of a catharsis.
Seeing people dressed for the occasion with colors all the same as their pets' accessories or on their flannels the image or photograph of their puppy made me feel very good. It awoke in me a lot of love and respect for animals, the same was felt in the environment; the language of the canines and their way of communicating with their owners was something shocking, really a unique moment which I enjoyed to the fullest where the canines were the protagonists of the photos.
Me encantó ver el cuidado de las mascotas y sus pelajes brillantes además de estar vestidos para la ocasión y en fechas de celebración del carnaval aún cuando esta actividad se desarrolló fuera de la programación de mascarada 2022 en la ciudad. El evento se dio cita en la plaza Miranda, una plaza muy concurrida para actividades de esparcimiento, exposiciones y eventos culturales además hay expendio de comida y bebidas en horas de la noche.
Amé la iniciativa de estos chicos amantes de los perritos porque a pesar de su trabajo como peluqueros caninos y tener sus clientes, ellos extendieron una invitación general genuina, muy bien organizada con médicos veterinarios, voluntariado y todos aquellos que quisieran involucrarse, por eso la mayoría de los asistentes no eran conocidos por los chicos del Avila dog y eso a todos nos dejó más impactados.

I was delighted to see the care of the pets and their shiny coats, besides being dressed for the occasion and in celebration of the carnival even though this activity took place outside the schedule of masquerade 2022 in the city. The event took place in the Plaza Miranda, a very busy square for leisure activities, exhibitions and cultural events in addition there are food and beverage vending in the evening hours.
I loved the initiative of these dog-loving guys because despite their work as dog groomers and having their clients they extended a genuine general invitation, very well organized with veterinarians, volunteers and all those who wanted to get involved, so most of the attendees were not known to the Avila dog guys and that left us all more impressed.
Agradezco la oportunidad que tuve de haber asistido a este paseo amigable y haber logrado superar experiencias pasadas
relaciondas a las mascotas
I am grateful for the opportunity I had to attend this friendly walk and to overcome past pet-related experiences.
related to pets
| Fotos editadas en canvas | contenido original | fotos tomadas de mi celular |
relaciondas a las mascotas
I am grateful for the opportunity I had to attend this friendly walk and to overcome past pet-related experiences.
related to pets
| Fotos editadas en canvas | contenido original | fotos tomadas de mi celular |
related to pets
| Fotos editadas en canvas | contenido original | fotos tomadas de mi celular |
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