I'm Heartbroken - Goodbye Dear Mochi

in Hive Pets2 years ago (edited)


Forgive me for this turning out to be a long read as well as going back and forward, my mind is a mess and I can't focus but need to write it to process what happened as I'm heartbroken. I need to vent and get it off my chest, I'm just going to write what comes to mind and hope it helps me heal a little bit.

Our beautiful friend Mochi

I wrote about him many times, and most likely will again in the future as he was part of our family. Was? Yes, he is no longer with us as he got hit by a car (most likely) yesterday and it seems he died instantly. Our Mochi was a street cat and was rescued after several months instead of after weeks like most foster kittens, he was already used to street life. While this was not a big issue until he arrived at the age where you castrate the cat, it slowly became an issue keeping him inside. Not only did he grow so much that he was no longer that tiny furball I can still see sitting on the chair when we rescued him, but he just needed more space to release his energy.

While more cats appeared in front of our window, living next to public stairs where people walk up and down this hill, he became more and more interested in the other cats. We surely weren't going to contribute to the huge problem of cats impregnating other females so we castrated him a while ago as the first step to let him out. While he didn't have a chip yet, we wanted him to have a collar with a name tag as well as our phone numbers in case anything were to happen. This way we could be sure to receive a phone call. At least. so you'd think.

So handsome

He was so happy these last weeks

Not only did he start purring very recently, but he also made a few cat friends that visit us every day, several times. He wasn't only chilling with them in front of our window, he was truly playing and it was adorable to witness such a big cat being so playful with another cat. Seeing this, it was confirmed that I was right that he was the happiest cat when he was playing. His tail went straight up when he was chasing a ball or playing with the other cat outside, it was great entertainment to watch.

One of the cats that came to our window first was a ginger cat, he fell into a cactus because he had several spikes in his fur, I think I wrote about him at the time. After weeks, my boyfriend was able to lure him to the window and remove the spike in his back which he could not reach himself. Since then, he kept coming and we made sure there was water for the cats at all times.

When Mochi was allowed out with his collar, we started noticing this ginger cat was waiting for him to play and sometimes started sleeping in front of our window until his friend arrived back or was allowed out. It was very sweet to see this friendship develop in these past weeks. They weren't together constantly though, Mochi ran off scared a few times seeing people when they entered the stairs while Ginger (this is how we started calling him) hid in front of our window waiting for them to pass.

He never went far

Most of the time he was visible or came back in a few hours to eat or drink and he also accepted that when he wanted to go out, his collar needed to be around his neck first. One time when I asked him to get back in, he was hesitating to do so and I could even help him get in that's how much he trusted me already, we were making huge progress with him and it was something we valued a lot after having so much patience with him. We knew he'd be our buddy for life.

We didn't see him yesterday

Which was odd, so after work my boyfriend went to check the stairs and our hill. He told me through the window I don't see him and said I will come back now as you have a pretty good overview over the hill from here so he said to check again later. I was not worried at all, I had no thoughts about him being lost or something happening, nothing. When my boyfriend could not have reached the front door yet, as he needed to walk around the whole building to get there, someone knocked on our window at the staircase's side. I was surprised as I didn't recognize this man as our neighbor so I was curious what he wanted from me.

Do you have a big cat?

While the kittens were playing in front of the window on the scratching post he asked me if we have a big cat as well. So I said yes, and asked him about a blue-collar. He said no but still, I wasn't sure why he asked, the reality didn't hit me yet so we looked up a picture of Mochi and he said no blue collar but there on the road, one looks the same.

That's when my alarm bells went off but I still thought you know no collar, it's probably not him. He said the cat there is dead. He pointed him out, we could literally see him from our window but my boyfriend said I think the fur is too light. Everyone put on their shoes and we went outside. The neighbor was waiting for us at the front and walked with us. He said the cat is dead, maybe you check it first, as the girl will see it too.

I tried to stay calm for our daughter

But when my boyfriend turned around with that look on his face, I panicked and wanted to see him because I needed to. My daughter walked with me as thankfully he looked like Mochi, even with his tail up, and the blood that came out of his nose wasn't even visible right away (I only saw it later on the picture I took so she didn't notice it). I think something hit him by surprise, as he was happily walking and probably a car hit him seeing this is a busy road.

The thing that makes me mad is that his collar with our data was taken off, the collar we put on him so people could let us know if they found him. I think someone must have hit him maybe afraid of consequences or maybe drunk behind the wheel, removing the collar so nothing would lead back to this person. Why else would you do that? He or she could have just left the cat and someone else find it so they could inform us, but no, they removed it. I'm angry about it as I would have loved to have it back as a memory as well.

You were so content playing outside

Beautiful Mochi <3

There was no doubt it was Mochi, as he was the most beautiful cat in the area that was allowed outside. I looked at him every day saying "Damn, you're so beautiful!" but our friend was not an inside cat, he needed space to run and play and we gave it to him. If we didn't take him in, he'd be one of these street cats in the area that could have been hit by a car either way, but we took him in, loved him, cared for him, fed him, and castrated him to avoid him making kittens with all the females in the area. We tried to keep him in but it was not enough space to do so and he was such a great cat coming back to show himself every few hours until he didn't and got hit by a car 50/100 meters from our window.

We are heartbroken

Every time I look out the window, my head turns to the spot where we found him yesterday. I think it may take a while before I get that out of my system. Our daughter was crying so badly yesterday, I tried to keep my calm but when she went to bed I broke as well. I had a special connection with him and I was so looking forward to him becoming Luna's friend. His new window bed arrived yesterday and he has never used it. A new set of bowls is underway and he will never use it.

I fell asleep crying my eyeballs out, waking up with puffy eyes and instantly realizing again that Mochi is dead and that I will never cuddle him again. My poor beautiful cat, who I love so much is not here anymore and will be missed deeply.

Chilling in front of the window

From a scared little kitten to a big gorgeous happy cat

He was so scared, it took so long before he didn't freeze anymore when I touched him. I was determined to keep trying as I knew one day, he'd accept it and realizes it's nice to cuddle and we are not scary at all. I was right but we could only enjoy this for such a short period of time as the purring and him actually enjoying our cuddles happened weeks ago. I'm grateful that we had these few weeks and saw him shine and be very relaxed though, they can't take that away from us. It's in our memories forever.

I will miss the way he sat next to our chairs at the dinner table whenever we had chicken or something else he loved. He sat down, being beautiful (which was enough for us to fall for his charms) and then he'd wink and wink some more, knowing we loved seeing him do that, he looked so zen when he did.

So much progress

In the past weeks, he started to accept everything we gave him as a treat from our hands instead of us needing to throw it on the floor first because he used to try to grab it from our hands before he ate it for a very long time. This was huge progress, he now knew these hands weren't here to hurt him but to feed him, cuddle him, and make him feel relaxed.

We came from far my friend, and I'm truly heartbroken that your life ended so early and in this way. We would like to believe that your tail was standing up because you were happily chasing something and that the car hit you by surprise, ending your life instantly without any pain. If that's true, we will never know, we can only hope.

Rest in peace my friend, we miss you!


This is so sad news :( I'm so sorry you have to deal with the loss, you were writing about Mochi with so much love.

Collar would be a lovely memory to have, unfortunately someone was evil enough...

Fingers crossed and much luck to get over it soon 🍀

you were writing about Mochi with so much love.

I'm glad that was noticeable as I love(d) him dearly, I'm truly heartbroken and I can't stop crying today.

I just can't grab my head around the fact that someone would take it off and throw it away or something, for a few hours, I thought maybe the collar appears on FB with a message that someone found this cat, and didn't want to capture him dead, but I have not seen any appear.

The only thing comforting is that it seems as if he didn't suffer but was dead instantly but that's just a tiny comfort in a pile of very heavy emotions.

Thank you for always stopping by whenever I wrote about Mochi, it's appreciated <3

I am sorry for the loss of this beautiful cat, from the pictures I see, I have no doubt that he was the most beautiful cat in the whole area. I send you a big hug, I know it is not easy to lose a pet and even more so suddenly. Best wishes to you 💚

Thank you so much for the kind words, I appreciate it!
Losing one is definitely never easy, at least now we know where he was and that he will never come back, I would have gone crazy if he didn't return and we had no clue what happened. At least now we can try to find closure, it will take time though. <3

I am terribly sorry for your loss. Mochi was lovely and I'm happy that you and your family got to love him the way you did, and that he loved and trusted you all in return.
Sending you big hugs 💙

Thank you <3
He was so beautiful and he had the cutest nose.. most of the cats I see have dirty noses, but not his. Thanks for the hugs, I think I hope it won't consume all my day today because yesterday was pure shit.

Yes, his nose and eyes were stunning.💙
You have to give yourself time to heal. When I was 17 I lost a little kitten. She was my first personal cat. So sweet, and playful. She sneaked outside through a window and was killed by a dog. That was painful, and I cried for 2 weeks.
You have such a lovely history with Mochi. I'm sorry that you don't have the collar, and I'm hoping that maybe conscience will let the person return the collar somehow 🤗

Yeah these eyes! They were the reason he grabbed our attention in the first place when there were still 3 other kittens as well. But back then we just rescued Mojo who was still getting used to being inside and we didn't want to rush it taking home a second kitten. That was until she escaped and never returned. By that time only Mochi was left (no idea if the others were rescued or died, I mean, lots of health issues with these street colonies) and I was so grateful it was him left as his eyes are so beautiful!

Never did I imagine losing him this fast, I always thought he'd be with us for a decade or longer.

That's horrible what you experienced, it must have been an awful sight being attacked by a dog :( don't know what to say but hugs!

It's possible it turns up somehow, I hope so. I'm really glad I was smart enough to take pictures of him wearing it, and I love seeing that one picture in this post of how content he's just laying there enjoying being outside. He deserved to have that extra space, I don't regret that, he needed it and if we hadn't rescued him the chances of him being run over would have been much higher.

We did our best and he will be missed, I didn't cry yet today but it's burning behind my eyelids constantly because it's too fresh. It will need time.

Thank you for stopping by <3

I'm sorry to hear what happened. RIP Mochi.

Thank you, I hope he didn't suffer and is in peace now ..

I deeply empathize with what you're going through. I hope you and your family can get through it. Mochi is in a better place now and I hope he also meet good friends up there.

Thank you, dear <3

The first day was shit, can't lie. Went to bed crying that night, constantly having tears boil up, and woke up crying as well yesterday. I see him everywhere, my screensaver is also a picture of him. When I look out of the window my head automatically turns to where he was found. Hopefully, that fades because it's not good for keeping my sanity. I really miss him and I'm heartbroken that this happened to him.

Let's hope he's having fun up there indeed!

It's like losing a family member. You gave her love and made her special.

It is, he was part of the family.. thanks for stopping by..

I'm so sorry! I have lost cats, not in that way but I have lost them and the pain is very big, I know.

It was a beautiful cat, full of strength, joy and beauty, really beautiful.

I can only tell you that I am sorry with all my heart that he is no longer here and I hope he has not suffered.

A big hug @thisismylife ❤️

In the end, a loss is a loss. Although this can be more shocking (thankfully he was not covered in blood or anything horrible like that) but even if a pet dies a peaceful death, it's still a loss and hard.

He was really beautiful indeed, and finally started to relax. I'm at least grateful that I can say we had a few weeks where he'd really enjoy our cuddles and started purring, after all these months. It was such a big milestone.

We all hope he didn't suffer, it looked like he didn't, he even had his tail straight up and I'd like to think this was because he was happily playing until he was hit by surprise.

Thanks for stopping by <3

I'm sure he didn't suffer, don't worry. She learned to enjoy life and that's what she came to learn and she just had to leave,


Lo siento muchísimo, un fuerte abrazo

Mucha gracias!

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have lost pets too, so I know exactly the feeling. This post is a lovely thing to remember him ❤️

Thank you, and I'm sorry you know the feeling <3
Yes, I think it's good to write about these things, it helps to process everything..

Thank you for stopping by <3

so sad sending maximum love to you all

Yes, we're heartbroken, my eyes are currently popping out of my head.

Thank you <3

Lo siento muchísimo, tu consuelo será el gran amor que le diste

Muchas gracias, y sí, lo queríamos mucho. <3

Era un hermoso gato, lamento que se haya tenido que ir de este mundo pero se que tuvo que llevarse muy buenos recuerdos de ustedes juntos. Que en Paz descanse 🖤

Gracias, espero que descanse en paz y no haya sufrido. Parecía una muerte súbita rápida, su cola apuntaba hacia arriba, tal vez eso no signifique nada pero me gusta pensar que sí..

I am so sorry!

You are right, they become the heart of our families.

I hope that the comfort of all that they have lived through, the love that you gave them and that you no longer suffer, can help them cope with their loss and pain.


It's what I'm trying to focus on today, thank you. So far today wasn't as bad as yesterday but I"m pretty sure there will be several instant cry sessions in the near future. But that's ok, it would be strange if that didn't happen as I loved him so much.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a thoughtful comment <3

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/2)Dear @thisismylife, you just got hugged. on behalf of @florbelys.

me encanta la mirada de tu gato

Gracias, era hermoso.