Hola amigos de hive pets hoy les quiero hablar de los partos de mi perrita mas fiel, ya se las había presentado, y como les había dicho ella es una amiga fiel y la alegría de casa. Ha tenido dos partos. El primer parto tuve la oportunidad y experiencia de ayudarla en la medida que expulsaba a cada cachorrito. En ese entonces tuvo un total de 6 cachorros de los cuales uno nació muerto, ella lo piso 3 sin tener culpa y los dos que quedaron fueron dados en adopción a los 3 meses de edad. Fue una experiencia maravillosa ver nacer a los cachorritos y lo más sorprendente fue observar lo que hacía después de expulsar a cada uno de sus hijos. Su padre luego se los presento.
Hello friends of hive pets, today I want to talk to you about the births of my most faithful dog, she had already introduced them to you, and as I had told you, she is a faithful friend and the joy of home. She has had two deliveries. The first birth I had the opportunity and experience to help her as she expelled each puppy. At that time, she had a total of 6 puppies of which one was stillborn, she stepped on 3 through no fault of her own and the two that remained were given up for adoption at 3 months of age. It was a wonderful experience to see the puppies being born and the most surprising thing was to observe what she did after expelling each of her children. Her father then introduced them to him.

En su segundo parto no tuvimos que ayudarla ella sola tuvo a sus 8 cachorritos . Al darnos cuenta los tenis escondidos detrás del mueble de mi sala y por descuido de ella hago a uno por trepársele encima también, quedando un total de 7 cachorros luego al pasar los días 2 Cachorritos se enfermaron al igual que su madre. Los llevaron al veterinario, y murieron dos hembritas una hembrita en el consultorio y otra en casa y los 5 fueron dados en adopción a los dos meses y solo tengo contacto con una de sus adoptantes de este segundo parto. Desde ese entonces Sacha no tuvo más parto.
In her second birth we did not have to help her, she alone had 8 puppies of hers. When we realize the tennis shoes hidden behind the furniture in my living room and due to her carelessness, I make one to climb on it too, leaving a total of 7 puppies then after days 2 puppies got sick like her mother. They were taken to the vet, and two females died, one female in the office and the other at home and the 5 were given up for adoption at two months and I only have contact with one of their adopters from this second birth. Since then, Sacha has not had any more childbirth.

Su padre fue un perrito muy cariñoso de raza callejera y que lamentablemente falleció de parvovirosis, fue un amigo muy cariñoso y juguetón. Tristemente mi hija no logro salvarle la vida.
His father was a very affectionate street breed dog who unfortunately died of parvovirus, he was a very affectionate and playful friend. Sadly, my daughter could not save her life.

Each birthing experience prepares her and you for the next. Sometimes it happens that accidentally, some puppies lose their lives, but the ones that are left alive bring a lot of joy to the house.
The truth is that it is an extraordinary experience