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RE: Pushing The Limits.

in Indiaunited2 days ago

Sorry abt the typo. I shouldn't be setting anything.
But after some thinking, free writing is good only when you want to get some random writing done. But if I am to write a story or anything. I have to put down details or key points, but at the same time, I shouldn't rush it by putting a clock on it.

I have a work to-do list where I have set all the details. Like priority, ownership, start date, Last update and current status. It was boring so I gave everything a color. Critical and High priority takes red. Low gets sky blue, and regular is Yellow. It is so funny how our brain works by simply color coding. I get it to relax and focus on the important things. Maybe I should do the for my personal to do. My work to-do means business; my personal todo, not so much. Maybe its time to change something in personal workspace.
