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RE: Pushing The Limits.

in Indiaunited2 days ago

You should or shouldn't be setting topics and details?

If you need the details written down somewhere could you add some keywords that would convince your brain to not associate the calendar event with your job? Or have a fun colour for your blogging calendar? Or call it "free time" or "blogging time" or whatever you want on the calendar and have a separate list somewhere to look at for topics?

I kind of do the latter with project work, it's on my "work" calendar literally just as "project work" and I have notes with checklists in Obsidian.


Sorry abt the typo. I shouldn't be setting anything.
But after some thinking, free writing is good only when you want to get some random writing done. But if I am to write a story or anything. I have to put down details or key points, but at the same time, I shouldn't rush it by putting a clock on it.

I have a work to-do list where I have set all the details. Like priority, ownership, start date, Last update and current status. It was boring so I gave everything a color. Critical and High priority takes red. Low gets sky blue, and regular is Yellow. It is so funny how our brain works by simply color coding. I get it to relax and focus on the important things. Maybe I should do the for my personal to do. My work to-do means business; my personal todo, not so much. Maybe its time to change something in personal workspace.
