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RE: It is now illegal to harvest food here but the orgonite making has begun!

these measures are a total Nazi regime style restrictions.
there is a big scandal in Spain where in Spain, having all dams completely full of water and similar restrictions introduced, while IBERDROLA, one of the biggest producers of electricity is moving huge amounts of water between dams to produce their energy that is later being sold to people like you and me. this is an absolute crime against humanity like many others.
and being specifically told not to harvest is just pure evil !
sadly, I truly doubt your mayor has a say on this locally, they are all bought puppets.
I do love how you always see the bright side of any situation and an opportunity to grow. this is the best way ahead without a doubt. creating an alternative system from the roots up and making the broken one obsolete.

as for the Aluminum or iron shavings, there is a debate about this on the in the Spanish groups I follow (operation Lobo and Diapositivos Orgonicos), but I have not been able to get a clear conclusion about this.

I love the Orgonite family mass production, looking forward to see the results !
where, by the way did you find the molds ? I´d love to do some of these with my son in summer.

keep up the spirits and let me know if to start looking for land for you guys ; )
big hug from rural Portugal ❤️


I truly doubt your mayor has a say on this locally, they are all bought puppets

I agree but it seems to me there is still a human element present within some of them. Sabrina recently overheard our Mayor having a conversation with someone who was complaining that our courtyard looked 'too green' and he responded very calmly to her saying we were not doing anything wrong. This is a good omen I would say! We pay him rent every month on time for the last five years and I get the feeling he likes us. Around here that's all it takes to do what you want. For example, a friend of the Mayor (the ex-village gardener) is currently living on his agricultural land illegally. But because he is a friend of the Mayor, it's okay. And like I said, this plan is currently the best I have! So I am banking on him shifting for us. Our good friend @thecogent is advising us to move to Portugal. Let's see where this crazy journey takes us. Felt like we still had a few good years here yet but perhaps I was wrong.

Having a great time with my mother here. It has been four years since she was last able to get here and a lot has changed since then. She loves the orgonite making so much she says she is going to buy the kit and do it herself back in the UK. Which is the best result I could have hoped for :)