For the last month it has been illegal to water our plants due to the (geo-engineered) lack of rain here, but yesterday every household in the French Pyrenees-Orientales received this leaflet through their door which tells them amongst other things how it is now illegal to even harvest our plants. The official reason for this is beyond me (do plants drink less if they are not harvested?) but the unofficial reason is clear: modern agriculture is being destroyed because it is going to be replaced with the technocratic wet dream of absolute control of the food supply. Gone will be the days of the local family-run farming businesses, replaced by privately owned indoor vertical farms, operated by robots. These, the WEF say, are better for the environment because they optimise the use of water while eliminating the need for human involvement. Humans will all be at home eating bugs and being happy!
Adding insult to injury our canal is currently more full than I have ever seen it because there is so much rain in the mountains above us.
Not even agricultural producers are permitted to use this water which collects exclusively for the fish and frogs in a lake below us.
A close-up on the section which relates to harvesting.
"Stop agricultural harvesting"
The use of the word "prélèvements" (withdrawals) in place of "ramasser" (harvest) is intentionally ambiguous but having asked around, this unquestionably means we are no longer permitted to take even a lettuce leaf or a radish from our garden.
How long will it be I wonder before they just outlaw gardens or even the plants themselves? Evil things sucking up all that water we need!
Here is a shot of my mother and her partner digesting the contents of the leaflet yesterday.
They are here for a few weeks on holiday.
In danger of getting carried away with my emotions in relation to these new laws I will jump now directly to my two part plan which aims to resolve this problem.
Part 1 - Re-design kitchen sink
I have been watching how much dirty water goes down the kitchen plug hole on a daily basis and am almost certain it is enough to water our garden so from now on we will collect all the grey water which goes through our kitchen sink (with natural washing up liquid only) and I will walk down the street to the garden every day pushing a wheelbarrow of water containers. Then I will legally water my plants.
The four of us will also collect our urine in order that we can supplement this water with liquid nutrients, diluted in the following ratio: 1 part urine/10 parts water. Plants love this.
I want for people to see me walking down that street every day with my water & urine in part for them to realise they can do this too (where is the law which says we can't re-cycle our urine & grey water?) and in part to justify the amazing garden I am going to have this Summer which must be watered in a legal manner due to the public footpath next to it.
Part 2 - Make it rain
Even though I may just have solved our watering problem with the kitchen sink idea (extendable to the shower & bath if we need it) this system will eat into my precious hours every day and it still doesn't solve the problem that we can't legally harvest our plants. So this is where the cloudbuster comes in.
I believe if I can make it rain here regularly our Mayor will simply not be able to justify upholding this law. Why would we be prevented from harvesting if everything is growing fine thanks to regular rain? Mayors have a lot of power around here and if they can see there is no 'crisis' going on in this specific part of the region, they have the power to adjust local laws accordingly.
It's a long shot but it's all I've got.
Aside from watering and harvesting in the dark! But even this will be dangerous because it will be obvious to anyone who walks past our land on a daily basis (there are many) that we are harvesting regularly.
As time goes on there will be more and more countries facing this world-wide clamp down on independent food producers and the only thing I know for sure is there is no future for us here if we can't grow food.
The cloudbuster question...
For the last week I have been meditating 30mins a day with my Wands of Horus (and kittens) because I am looking for answers.
last cloudbuster post that the German orgone community do not use aluminium in orgonite as it may be counter productive or even dangerous.@woelfchen kindly pointed out in my
This is a real test for me because I have already spent around €50 on aluminium shavings, €140 on aluminium tubes and have been drilling through this aluminium pan for the last week to make more shavings.
@woelfchen recommends iron as a good alternative for the core metal in the resin mix but when I look online it seems clear that the modern orgone movement makes it very easy to get hold of aluminium shavings, while no one is selling iron shavings. Why would this be?
Potentially it could be the intentional steering of this modern orgonite movement in the wrong direction. The 'powers who shouldn't be' know we have the ability to oppose their geo-engineering programs and de-activate the negative aspects of 5G towers with orgonite so it makes sense they would censor or shut down those who sell functional products, while pushing to the front of the search engine queue those who sell products which either don't work at all or may work a little if you are lucky. If you are unlucky it will kill you and any cries for justice from your family will never be heard.
I could have bought a cloudbuster on Etsy for less than I have already spent on this machine but would it work as intended? This is a risk.
And would it have the energy and intentions of myself and my family infused into the creation process? No it wouldn't. This is a certainty.
So I have accepted now that I must spend more crypto and buy copper tubes in place of aluminium tubes along with iron filings in place of aluminium shavings. I simply cannot compromise the safety of my family over money. Nor can I fail on my mission to make rain!
10L of epoxy resin arrived a few days ago so we have everything else we need to get started now.
In the meantime my family and I are learning how epoxy resin works and practicing making orgonite pyramids because the base of a cloudbuster is basically a giant block of orgonite.
I bought these lovely colourful crystals & stones which are dropped into the resin where they will sink to the bottom.
My mother was given the largest pyramid mold to work with because she will take her finished orgonite home with her when she heads back to England and there it will energise her new house and look after them as intended.
Organite is made in layers, giving each layer enough time to dry a little before commencing the next. Here is my mother's first layer.
And here is mine which is using a little piece of white tack to hold the copper spiral in place till the resin is harder.
Esteban & I also started a 51° cone which will be used in the garden.
This one has a little copper tree in the middle.
I cannot even express how excited I am to have a look at how these come out!
Will likely make a dedicated orgonite DIY post once we have some finished examples to show you.
For now I think that's all I have to say.
We are living in crazy times my friends but let us remain grateful because without these ridiculous laws we would not be pushing ourselves to find inventive solutions.
Love & Light everyone 🌱
I can’t believe it’s even possible to make it illegal to remove things from their own plants. Unbelievable.
From what I can tell the new law is there because it is assumed due to the lack of rain and the current law which prohibits watering that our plants should be dead by now so if one is harvesting they are likely doing so due to the illegal watering of their plants. Not sure what they would say about all those trees like figs, walnuts & plums which seem to produce fruit every year no matter what the weather is doing? Yes, it's total nuts and makes zero sense. Except when viewed from the perspective of the WEF et al.
And I thought the French were known for protesting over any little thing. Maybe that’s just in Paris.
Feels like they have gone soft here in the country. During the yellow vest movement I saw many people in this village put yellow jackets on the dashboard of their cars to let everyone know they were a part of the movement, but that was as far as it went.
I was think same here ...
I am very glad you are fully committed to living, as opposed to dying as legally required.
Here, the sewerage laws prevented me from using greywater on our garden ~30 years ago when I had that discussion with the local officials. While the dairies can spray cow urine and feces directly on crops, I was barred from lawfully using my kitchen sink waste drain to water my garden. While it clearly makes no scientific or logical sense, these are the laws I was confronted with, when they shut down my operations.
However, today aquaponics make it possible to do as I please inside my home, using the vertical farming technologies you note are being promoted. I am sure they will say it is illegal for me to use the very methods commercial entities that bribe them use, but because it is inside they do not see it and therefore do not have the ability to so comment, or enforce.
I have long ago accepted that the law is the crime, the government are the criminals, and I have to live despite them legally requiring my death.
Live on, and prosper in a community you support and that supports you in turn.
What country are we talking about? Sounds very extreme.
Good call on the indoor aquaponics.
Nicely put my friend. Amen to that.
The Land of the Fee, and the Home of the Slave.
these measures are a total Nazi regime style restrictions.
there is a big scandal in Spain where in Spain, having all dams completely full of water and similar restrictions introduced, while IBERDROLA, one of the biggest producers of electricity is moving huge amounts of water between dams to produce their energy that is later being sold to people like you and me. this is an absolute crime against humanity like many others.
and being specifically told not to harvest is just pure evil !
sadly, I truly doubt your mayor has a say on this locally, they are all bought puppets.
I do love how you always see the bright side of any situation and an opportunity to grow. this is the best way ahead without a doubt. creating an alternative system from the roots up and making the broken one obsolete.
as for the Aluminum or iron shavings, there is a debate about this on the in the Spanish groups I follow (operation Lobo and Diapositivos Orgonicos), but I have not been able to get a clear conclusion about this.
I love the Orgonite family mass production, looking forward to see the results !
where, by the way did you find the molds ? I´d love to do some of these with my son in summer.
keep up the spirits and let me know if to start looking for land for you guys ; )
big hug from rural Portugal ❤️
I agree but it seems to me there is still a human element present within some of them. Sabrina recently overheard our Mayor having a conversation with someone who was complaining that our courtyard looked 'too green' and he responded very calmly to her saying we were not doing anything wrong. This is a good omen I would say! We pay him rent every month on time for the last five years and I get the feeling he likes us. Around here that's all it takes to do what you want. For example, a friend of the Mayor (the ex-village gardener) is currently living on his agricultural land illegally. But because he is a friend of the Mayor, it's okay. And like I said, this plan is currently the best I have! So I am banking on him shifting for us. Our good friend @thecogent is advising us to move to Portugal. Let's see where this crazy journey takes us. Felt like we still had a few good years here yet but perhaps I was wrong.
Having a great time with my mother here. It has been four years since she was last able to get here and a lot has changed since then. She loves the orgonite making so much she says she is going to buy the kit and do it herself back in the UK. Which is the best result I could have hoped for :)
The French Situation by historian #SeanHross (May 13, 2023)
Thanks for this film. I did watch around half of it and as someone who never watches the news I found it pretty interesting. My French partner had no idea. So, it's back to the Feudal system we go, unless those who have revolution in their blood stand up against it...
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 44/54) Liquid rewards.
I think ordinary Europeans would be better off under Russian occupation than the evil globalist technocrats than they currently live under.
As long as you don't criticism Putin I think they let you harvest your own produce and use water in Russia.
Perhaps there are legal challenges that are potential.
Lol. You are probably right.
Anything would be better than the current regiem.
Those laws are despicable. Next I imagine will be the edict to not draw breath as the oxygen is at a dangerously low level and must be rationed. Good on you for coming up with a solution to the watering, but what to do with the harvesting? What a stupid law!
No doubt the oxygen joke is coming. It's the only thing they have left!
We will figure it out. We always do...
Is that true ? 👉📃
It is not my intention to deceive anyone here. Only to report what is happening. Just to be clear, agricultural producers can still water their crops from 8pm - 2am two days a week, but they are not permitted to use the canal water.
It's getting ridiculous, we still have a hosepipe ban in some parts of England, after a very wet winter.
Most people in England listen to the government but I'm sure the French will have none of this nonsense.
When the cost of living is sky high and being sufficient becomes illegal then it shouldn't take long for the people to realise we are being had.
Thanks for sharing @samstonehill
Hey Mark! Long time no see.
Good to know you are still keeping up the fight over in the UK. My folks are here at the moment and assuring me the UK would never take such harsh measures as France, but let's see hey. I'm not so sure. They didn't seem to mind taking the same harsh measures as France during the vaccine roll-out.
Talking to the people here it does seem as if at least 50% of them don't care about these supposed laws and are going about their business as usual. Sprinklers still going in many fields all day long, while food is still being harvested and sold at the markets. But for how long I wonder will the group of people who let their plants die accept this? In other villages many are getting fined because of anonymous phone calls (their neighbours). Police no longer required.
It is important in this moment to understand our power when it comes to fines. There is a procedure (involving a letter with lots of pertinent questions for them) which will prevent one from having to pay them. Guidelines disguised as laws can be easily declined basically. It's just that not too many people know this.
Yes, I have been on this journey for many years. Learning the true meaning of Law. We are governed by concent. Laws are often confused with statutes.
No Victim, no crime.
I haven't paid a parking fine for years. hehehe!
Nice to see you are still around and still sharing valuable content with us.
Keep up the fight!
You know we will my friend. Until the end!
This is insane. The "eat ze bugs" bonanza is definitely destroying family-owned businesses. The amount of papers and documentation one needs to fill out every year to get agriculture subsidies for example has quadrupled. The grain business has become highly unproductive, farmers are switching to legumes or fancy berries, replacing sunflowers with rape in the hopes of making a living. Who said the hunger games was just a movie? 🤔
Nice. Predictive programming at its best!
They need to get us starving and desperate before we will accept the bugs.
Grain is on its way out from what I can see. Too much rain in some places, too much cold in others. I am ready to supplement grain with other things like acorns which grow in abundance. Have already tried making bread in this way and it tastes great! Lovely colour too :)
Yep, predictive programming ... The acorn suggestion is really interesting. First time I hear about it. One thing is for sure though: they can't take away our creative spirit 😊
This is a great example of where we have to ourselves embody Law, and comprehend more fully what Natural Law means - especially in respect to 'govern' 'ment' created 'legalities'.
Legal fiction gets less and less truly potent in terms of having God and the Cosmos behind it, the further down the hierarchy it falls, and 'laws' or 'directives' like 'no-one should harvest food' are the lowest of possible 'regulations' that could ever be 'enforced' (and which thus require immense effort to enforce): they are the precise opposite of what Is our Divine Inalienable Right to Live by sustaining ourselves freely through Gaia Sophia's bounty.
The lower levels of 'law' work only ONLY through our being coerced and manipulated into complying ourselves to our own oppression/ suppression. It is us, privately and sovereignly, who choose (consciously or not) to disassociate from our Natural Rights and Power, and to run around pandering to forces that are feeding off us - again giving our energy away, instead of freely harvesting it for ourselves first, and then gifting it freely to appropriate areas which have the Right to our energy or attention.
If we stand in Natural Law under The Highest Law That Is, i.e. we simply use what is freely given to us by Nature, there is no force that can over-rule us.
It is however very possible to be situated in a physical/ geographical position in which a large collective human conscious has so fully consented to oppression that they'll be willing to use aggressive force to stand between another human and their Right to Live - because they've already embodied their own 'removal' of this harmonious interrelationship (which is of course inelienable, but we are caught in a loop of fantasy about it).
This happened a lot during the lockdown. But I am yet to experience in this lifetime, any truly oppressive force OUTSIDE OF MYSELF and my own participation in the drama/ dynamic, that can stop me from subsisting - and I don't even own my own land. I have positioned myself where it is physically very easy for me to access and work land, and relate to plants, without any other human coming between me and them. And I use natural systems thinking, which mean I don't really need to water - apart from in drought situations like your own...
Your temporary solutions are brilliant, though very resource-consuming,,, I wish I could portal you some water from here: we're experiencing quite excessive unseasonal rain... which of course will run-off, flood many places, wash away exposed topsoil, etc. because folks believe so much in scarcity that the abundance right in front of them is quite invisible.
I know very well that it's not easy taking back our riches, but Gaia Sophia and the Cosmos tend to turn up when there is aligned Will and Right Action, and the conventional forces are profoundly ineffective in the face of the Divine-Aligned.
I've struggled a lot standing alone under Natural Law in my super-patriarchal, effort-full agency false-authority, misogynous 'reality'... but I have done it - and am now reaping the multidimensional rewards of having done so. I yearn for the next phase in our evolution, where it is much easier to reach out psychic-ly and find others aligned with Solution - but I'm experiencing small moments in which this IS happening - always when I am sitting in peace, Knowing the Truth of the abundanec all around us, willing to share it, and actively thanking the Universe for our safe relationship with all things. It really is only us standing between ourselves and Paradise. I feel the strong urge to gather with others who Know this, and are Willing to stand fully in Natural Law too: we are a strength like the elements.
Much love to you, @samstonehill and all the others doing the Good Work!
Agreed. And I probably should have mentioned that if I did receive a fine I would certainly not have paid it. Rather I would have written back to them with a list of questions, which I suspect they will not be able to answer. And that will be that. Natural Law abounds. Everything else is just a fear driven illusion.
Thank you for your wonderful words here. All of them so rich with wisdom.
Beautiful :)
Hugs, dear @samstonehill - all strength to you - and yes yes yes to your standing in Truth! We are so powerful, sharing our stories and encouraging each other: potent pressure points on Gaia Sophia!! You are doing such beautiful work, and I cannot wait for us all to meet up in the physical one day: maybe a lot of folks like us will end up cocreating a community in some magical place! Much love!
Those seem extreme measures but good luck with your battle.
Totally. What I don't fully understand is why the people are not burning down government buildings now? Perhaps they are? Not terribly plugged in to the news these days ;)
i love seeing you working with your children on these projects. And inviting grandma to participate is such a great opportunity and creates a lifelong memory!
Well done maintaining your positive outlook in the face of challenges and uncertainty.
Hey there! I just saw your lovely roasted cashews yesterday and my mouth watered at the prospect of munching on them. What a dream having fresh cashews at your doorstep :)
After almost a month of consistent rain (did we create this???) I don't think anyone will give me any trouble for holding a watering can. Not that I need to these days! In fact, the 'laws' have been relaxed now to once again permit us to harvest. But taking water from the canal is still apparently illegal. Which is fine when it rains every day :)
Everything growing so well and appreciating the regular water.
All the best to you!
This is just beyond ridiculous, in saying that though I am not surprised. This is where things are headed, if we don't get more pro active.
Where are the protests about this.
Great to see your orgonite creations.
And yes to being pushed to be more inventive. Sending much love your way ❤
It does feel rather like a kick in the bum to get me motivated! Chatting with a local man yesterday I learned that he has been watering his lemon tree with grey water and cheap washing up liquid for the last 20 years and the lemons taste amazing apparently :). So this is good news!
I think they are too busy protesting about all the other crazy stuff going on in France. Like the recent adjustment to the system which means Macron can now change laws without the involvement of anyone else. Rather like the feudal system with a king at the top. The media says people are protesting about pensions but it isn't about that. They just want King Macron off his throne.
Super happy with the way the orgonite turned out and feel incredibly drawn to make more! It seems we still have a few weeks before the new cloudbuster materials arrive so this is a perfect opportunity to keep on producing orgonite... 🤍
OMG! I can't believe they can enforce such a law. If you can't harvest your own crops, what will happen? Do they let the birds eat everything?
I really like how you find solutions to things.😅 Hope it will work🙏
I am looking forward to seeing your orgonites.
FYI: my avocado seed just sprouted 😀
Funnily enough that's exactly what they already do! So many apple fields around here don't get fully picked (don't know why) and the birds eat them. This is why I make cider and apple juice in abundance once a year, before the birds get them ;)
Super! Looks perfect :)
Amazing! You are really collecting grey water to water your plants! I hope some people will follow your example. Perhaps you should have a leaflet telling people how to collect this water, but leaving out the urine part to be on the safe side!
Wondering what reactions from vegetables growers and other farmers or orchard owners. They should go on a demonstration! This is worse than lockdown! People will starve.
Perhaps passive resistance should start naturally among gardeners in the area.
The cloudbuster looks very impressive. I always wonder how to make orgonite, I used to see these on online store. Wanna see the cloudbuster in action one day!
Lovely kittens in your house!
Good luck.
That thought already crossed my mind. Sabrina will do the words for me to get the correct French. My goal is to help as many people as possible not kill their plants! If one was really 'on the ball' one could make a great business at this time surveying properties and advising on relevant changes to optimise water use.
Perhaps ;) Though as the guy who doesn't wear shoes, looks at the sun and spins a fire staff, it probably wouldn't surprise people to learn that I also collect my urine. What I won't tell them is that I drink it every morning ;)
Most of them won't. It will just force them to the shops where they will buy GMO fruit & veg from Spain. Looks great, tastes terrible. And in time it will make them sick.
It's coming.
I will make a single film shot showing the predicted weather for the day (zero chance of rain) followed by the device being placed in our garden, followed by a time-lapse of the sky to show the effect, all the way till it is raining on the camera. No cuts, no possibility to fake the shot.
Can't wait!
Don’t want envious people to play the hygienic issue!
Things are moving fast. GMO fruits and vegetables are bad news for people.
Good luck.
They can't keep a good man down is all I can say - you are a genius Sam
Not sure about genius but that's very kind of you to say so ;)
But certainly, there is nothing which will keep me down for long!
All the best to you x
Thanks Sam - keep up the good fight - love to the family
Good luck with the outcome! I hope you achieve the ends you need!
Appreciated. We will!
Fight the power ✊ the next step is encouraging you to report on your fellow citizens. In California, there is an app for that 🙁
An app! No doubt this is coming soon enough to France. Already we hear rumours of many people in the slightly larger villages being reported in this way.
Hey cuddlekitten. You would love to be in this house at the moment I think. It is a kitten festival :)