It does feel rather like a kick in the bum to get me motivated! Chatting with a local man yesterday I learned that he has been watering his lemon tree with grey water and cheap washing up liquid for the last 20 years and the lemons taste amazing apparently :). So this is good news!
Where are the protests about this.
I think they are too busy protesting about all the other crazy stuff going on in France. Like the recent adjustment to the system which means Macron can now change laws without the involvement of anyone else. Rather like the feudal system with a king at the top. The media says people are protesting about pensions but it isn't about that. They just want King Macron off his throne.
Super happy with the way the orgonite turned out and feel incredibly drawn to make more! It seems we still have a few weeks before the new cloudbuster materials arrive so this is a perfect opportunity to keep on producing orgonite... 🤍