This is a great example of where we have to ourselves embody Law, and comprehend more fully what Natural Law means - especially in respect to 'govern' 'ment' created 'legalities'.
Legal fiction gets less and less truly potent in terms of having God and the Cosmos behind it, the further down the hierarchy it falls, and 'laws' or 'directives' like 'no-one should harvest food' are the lowest of possible 'regulations' that could ever be 'enforced' (and which thus require immense effort to enforce): they are the precise opposite of what Is our Divine Inalienable Right to Live by sustaining ourselves freely through Gaia Sophia's bounty.
The lower levels of 'law' work only ONLY through our being coerced and manipulated into complying ourselves to our own oppression/ suppression. It is us, privately and sovereignly, who choose (consciously or not) to disassociate from our Natural Rights and Power, and to run around pandering to forces that are feeding off us - again giving our energy away, instead of freely harvesting it for ourselves first, and then gifting it freely to appropriate areas which have the Right to our energy or attention.
If we stand in Natural Law under The Highest Law That Is, i.e. we simply use what is freely given to us by Nature, there is no force that can over-rule us.
It is however very possible to be situated in a physical/ geographical position in which a large collective human conscious has so fully consented to oppression that they'll be willing to use aggressive force to stand between another human and their Right to Live - because they've already embodied their own 'removal' of this harmonious interrelationship (which is of course inelienable, but we are caught in a loop of fantasy about it).
This happened a lot during the lockdown. But I am yet to experience in this lifetime, any truly oppressive force OUTSIDE OF MYSELF and my own participation in the drama/ dynamic, that can stop me from subsisting - and I don't even own my own land. I have positioned myself where it is physically very easy for me to access and work land, and relate to plants, without any other human coming between me and them. And I use natural systems thinking, which mean I don't really need to water - apart from in drought situations like your own...
Your temporary solutions are brilliant, though very resource-consuming,,, I wish I could portal you some water from here: we're experiencing quite excessive unseasonal rain... which of course will run-off, flood many places, wash away exposed topsoil, etc. because folks believe so much in scarcity that the abundance right in front of them is quite invisible.
I know very well that it's not easy taking back our riches, but Gaia Sophia and the Cosmos tend to turn up when there is aligned Will and Right Action, and the conventional forces are profoundly ineffective in the face of the Divine-Aligned.
I've struggled a lot standing alone under Natural Law in my super-patriarchal, effort-full agency false-authority, misogynous 'reality'... but I have done it - and am now reaping the multidimensional rewards of having done so. I yearn for the next phase in our evolution, where it is much easier to reach out psychic-ly and find others aligned with Solution - but I'm experiencing small moments in which this IS happening - always when I am sitting in peace, Knowing the Truth of the abundanec all around us, willing to share it, and actively thanking the Universe for our safe relationship with all things. It really is only us standing between ourselves and Paradise. I feel the strong urge to gather with others who Know this, and are Willing to stand fully in Natural Law too: we are a strength like the elements.
Much love to you, @samstonehill and all the others doing the Good Work!
Agreed. And I probably should have mentioned that if I did receive a fine I would certainly not have paid it. Rather I would have written back to them with a list of questions, which I suspect they will not be able to answer. And that will be that. Natural Law abounds. Everything else is just a fear driven illusion.
Thank you for your wonderful words here. All of them so rich with wisdom.
Beautiful :)
Hugs, dear @samstonehill - all strength to you - and yes yes yes to your standing in Truth! We are so powerful, sharing our stories and encouraging each other: potent pressure points on Gaia Sophia!! You are doing such beautiful work, and I cannot wait for us all to meet up in the physical one day: maybe a lot of folks like us will end up cocreating a community in some magical place! Much love!