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RE: It is now illegal to harvest food here but the orgonite making has begun!

I am very glad you are fully committed to living, as opposed to dying as legally required.

"where is the law which says we can't re-cycle our urine & grey water?"

Here, the sewerage laws prevented me from using greywater on our garden ~30 years ago when I had that discussion with the local officials. While the dairies can spray cow urine and feces directly on crops, I was barred from lawfully using my kitchen sink waste drain to water my garden. While it clearly makes no scientific or logical sense, these are the laws I was confronted with, when they shut down my operations.

However, today aquaponics make it possible to do as I please inside my home, using the vertical farming technologies you note are being promoted. I am sure they will say it is illegal for me to use the very methods commercial entities that bribe them use, but because it is inside they do not see it and therefore do not have the ability to so comment, or enforce.

I have long ago accepted that the law is the crime, the government are the criminals, and I have to live despite them legally requiring my death.

Live on, and prosper in a community you support and that supports you in turn.



these are the laws I was confronted with, when they shut down my operations

What country are we talking about? Sounds very extreme.

Good call on the indoor aquaponics.

Live on, and prosper in a community you support and that supports you in turn.

Nicely put my friend. Amen to that.

The Land of the Fee, and the Home of the Slave.