I agree, our/society views about female and male attributes and "appropriate behavior" (for lack of better words) are totally messed up. The reasons are many, but a main one is that there are strong interests from some groups to have it that way.
People who don't know who and what they really are, are confused and more easily controllable.
A very good friend of mine (a highly skilled psychic and mentalist) told me that in truth, men are the ones who are more emotional, while women are the logical ones. To me, it feels natural indeed to look at things logically and analytically.
I'm also coming to the conclusion that the reason why both genders are so messed up is because we all are not taught to deal with feelings in a healthy way. Men especially are taught to suppress them, and consequentially when feelings arise, they have difficulties to cope with them appropriately.
It's a huge topic!
Selling biocircuits is an excellent idea! There are so many ways to design them (shape, material and connection types), that maybe you can do it similarly to Uvarov, who also has different types of wands for different purposes.
Though at this point I'm not entirely sure if or how much that makes sense (to make different circuits), since they all somehow are supposed to remove energy blocks and make the life energy flow freely in the body. But reading the book of Patten where she describes how copper and silk feel very different makes me guess that.
Silk circuits are excellent for travelling, that would be a USP. And having a partner who can do the sewing is all the better! Because you cannot just sew the pieces together, on needs to take into account the function. Silk essentially acts as a conductor (just like copper), and you need to insulate/connect the fabric and the silk thread accordingly. Explaining that to an "average" seamstress would be difficult, as you can imagine!
There are different types of silk, and they are processed differently, that would be another avenue of research. Plus the question of the color. Patten suggest that it's possible to have colored silk, while the basic one is white.
But how to accurately measure the results? Comparisons are easy enough with plants but humans are rather more complex.
Dowsing/using a pendulum is my suggestion. Or using a radionic device.
The next project I have in mind is a spiral garden.
Left-handed or right-handed spiral?? I would do both, and compare the result. Potentially different plants also thrive better in different spirals.
I should probably mention the first thing we tend to do here is an 'introduce yourself' type post.
Oh god, I loathe that. Like when you are in a group of people, and everyone is supposed to "introduce him/herself". Panic starts already ten people before it's your turn. Also, I don't want to make a "conventional" intro. I hope that's not expected (like name, age, profession, country of residence etc. pp.).
In any case, yes, whenever you have time, I would absolutely appreciate some pointers about best practices.